Should Cary Williams have been penalized for shoving a ref?


  • Bruce - 12 years ago

    Seems like more sour grapes from niners fans who lost a super bowl for the first time. Suck on it for a whilr you cry baby losers.

  • troy - 12 years ago

    Yes he and the raven sixty something.....who held a ref in the white hat while the scuffle was going on...also only a 5 yd penalty on ruffing was definatly a refs game

  • mays - 12 years ago

    He should have got a.flag but ofcourse when you losze is the only time flags are questioned. No one is looking into the the terrible calls against the ravens. So good call or bad it dosent matter the 49ers lost that game with or without the flags or surge.

  • jeepman - 12 years ago

    Appears the refs are told not to throw flags in this BIG game which favors teams like the Ravens...In fact, take a look closely at the creative safety at the end of the game ! may not have mattered but clearly the Raven TE is "holding onto the 49 player as he tries to tackle the punter...he has his arms draped all around him and still...."no call"

    Ravens played excuse but I think the officiating in this BIG game needs to cant call things all season and suddenly..."suspend " the rules of engagement

  • BrettB - 12 years ago

    Super - I am not sure if they were instructed not to call or not, the crew has a history of not making calls. I think I read they make on average 5 fewer penalty calls per game than the NFL average. Also, it was one of the most inexperience crews to call a superbowl in recent memory and one of the first ones that got the nod for the SB w/o first calling a conference championship game. That being said, I don't think it was a massive conspiracy, I just think the refs were scared of making a big call that would have affected the game and it showed in those final few moments.

  • Super Ripoff - 12 years ago

    Refs were obviously given directions to call little to nothing in the SuperBrawl. The intention of the player in the above situation is not relevant and the rule is clear. Ya touch a ref, ya get ejected. This player not only hit the ref, he want after him and had to be restrained. Why wasn't he ejected? It is not only clear, it is crystal clear that the refs were given directions to call nothing. Further evidence is the obvious holding in the end zone in the fourth quarter. That would have been called every time during the regular season. The SB is not a game, it is a marketing event with one purpose, to make money. The true football games are played in the regular season.

  • Pierce - 12 years ago

    Obviously I meant to say "won" not "one".

  • Pierce - 12 years ago

    I'm a Ravens fan so I'm glad they one, but there is NO excuse for pushing, hitting, etc... a referee. Players need to keep their emotions in check.

    No. 29 should have been thrown out of the game.

  • Ravens win - 12 years ago

    I am glad we won but yes it was very tainted. First you can never touch a ref regardless of the reason. He should have been removed. Second bad calling all game makes this win leve a bad taste in my mouth

  • C Stoll - 12 years ago

    If it was a "heat of the moment thing" why did he continue to get in t Ref''s face?

  • Gary w - 12 years ago

    1 of the worst refreed games I haved watched and was supposed to b the best refs n the game looked as if it was fixed from the start to the last no call

  • BrettB - 12 years ago

    It doesn't matter if he knows he shoved a ref or not. The rule book is very clear that if a players touches a referee in any way, it is a 15yard unsportmanlike penalty and automatic ejection. Just another in a string of penalties that the refs did not call last night

  • John Gorman - 12 years ago

    What was the CBS announcer talking about during the final drive? "You can't expect penalties during the final minutes of the game? ". I hate to sound like a sore loser, but there was an obvious hold during that final play. It would have most likely been a winning touchdown for the 49ers. But I think the NFL made sure that Ray Lewis went out a winner. Oh well, it was an exciting game nonetheless, and it isn't life and death, just football (right?)

  • BenR - 12 years ago

    Cory's helmet had been kicked off and he was kicked in the head, so he came up swinging. He didn't know he shoved a referee.

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