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Should cities be allowed more control over pit bulls and other dogs with dangerous reputations? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 208

  • Coleen Johnston DVM - 11 years ago

    Are we humans so racist that because we are no longer allowed to discriminate against our fellow man based on race or sex that we have turned to our most faithful canine companions? Cities should be able to protect their citizens against dangerous dogs and the rules should be enforced, but don't make a blanket statement that all pit bulls or all German shepherds are dangerous dogs. That is exactly the same as saying something like all blond women are stupid or all Mexicans are drug dealers. It is blatant discrimination which is based on ignorance.
    Why don't we instead look at the people that are raising these dangerous dogs and how they are being housed and trained? In my career as a veterinarian I have seen hundreds of pit bulls and pit bull mixes owned by loving families that I would trust to play with my children. I have seen two that I wouldn't trust and both wore a chain collar, had numerous scars, and were parasite ridden. Those two gave off all the signals of being potentially aggressive (which they never did try to bite). I've also been aggressively attacked by a Golden Retriever and the fact he was on a leash was the only reason I wasn't injured. So maybe we should ban all golden retrievers because they are big enough and powerful enough to cause serious harm.
    Why don't we focus instead on all those backyard breeders who are producing hundreds of puppies with congenital problems, temperament issues, and overall poor health? Or why don't we focus on enforcing the laws we already have in existence such as the leash law?
    The reasons that bans seem to work in the places they have been enforced is because the people that are out there producing and raising all these poorly bred dogs no longer have a market for them. Maybe instead of banning these dogs from good loving homes, put in a spay/neuter law that is actually enforced (except for breeders that meet certain standards and not ones that just pay a fee). Don't worry in a few more years Brazilian Mastiffs or Akitas will become the next vicious dangerous dog as these unscrupulous breeders tap into a new market.
    Start making people take responsibility for the life they have taken into their care and provide proper socialization, training, diet, housing, and medical care. Stop blaming it on the 'breed' and start looking at the real culprit. It is considered highly amoral and unethical to accuse a person of something based on their appearance so why are we allowed to do so in canines?

  • Bettie Wallace - 11 years ago

    I fought aggressive dogs next door for 10 years. They were fined heavily and as far as I know none of the fines were paid but were turned over to a collection agency in San Diego. The owners of the multiple dogs were totally irresponsible, Animal Control knew it, restrictions were placed on the owners finally after I (78 years old)was chased by the two large dogs in my yard were taken to court. The restrictions were: the dogs could not be in the chain link fence at the back of their property without constant adult supervision, the dogs could not be on their front property without a leash and an adult at the other end of the leash, and they could have no more dogs. Guess what, all of the restrictions were broken. The dogs were picked up - and quickly replaced by the owner. These people have no respect for the law. I don't know who is at fault here, the State laws or the County laws, but yes, something needs to be done. Liens for the fines should be placed on the properties. The dogs and owners have unlimited "rights" or so it seems.

  • H Kolas - 11 years ago

    All dogs are protective of their territory and family--I had a rat terrier that attacked. Years ago I had a pure pit, sherpard, manchester terrier and 2 cats--all were males--all strays that lived happily together. Never was a fight-and dogs were good with my little toddlers. All pets should be leashed/contained--never loose-unless in an enlosed fenced yard. The "bad dog? changes through-out the years. Pits are good dogs and gentle. Only problem are the owners who leave their animals-dogs and cats, running free.

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