Should Illegal Aliens Be Allowed To Obtain A Driver's License?


  • marky mark - 11 years ago

    and I'm sure they'll all have insurance right? why not more acts to protect the legal responsible drivers have to put up with people with no insurance hitting us? How about thsoe people, but no you don't care about the people who actual pull the f'n wagon do you?

  • dennis - 11 years ago

    I am going to surmise that the 10% that are in favor are Kool Aid Drinkers and Low Info voters and The State Legislators that actually took the time to read the survey question.

  • Tommy - 11 years ago

    Well just another click on the social correctness cog. This is just a small part of a bigger social picture, a valid state issued ID allows for the illegal to VOTE, this in turn empowers these legislators to keep moving us farther and farther to the left and less will be available to pay for their extensive, Legislators, benefits and programs. I wouldn't blame any and all of he companies in CT to move out of the BLUE NE. Please shut off the light after the last one leaves so the bill won't be as high.....

  • typical idiots - 11 years ago

    This is typical.....lets make some law to protect illegal aliens. How about all of us who get into accidents with uninsured illegal aliens? Will you make sure they have insurance before you give them a license....some of us are sick and tired of having to be worried about 1,000' of $'s to fix our cars after uninsured motorists hit us.

  • trawlerowner - 11 years ago

    Horrible idea! Driver's licenses can be used as ID for ANYTHING ! So , if an illegal gets one then they can do things that legals can do & not be questioned.

  • Blee - 11 years ago

    All I can say is WHAT?!?!?! What makes you think that an illegal alien is going to be able to afford a car, insurance, car taxes, gas, etc.... Just the cost of getting the license and keeping it is financially beyond most law abiding citizens, etc... If they are here illegally and IF they have a job - that employer has hired them illegally and they are making no money doing whatever some unworthy employer has agreed to pay them under the table. So your whole idea of getting them a license so they can register a car and have insurance is a bunch of bunk! It's just not going to happen. And do you think some dealership is going to give them a loan for a new/used car? Who was that guy on the radio! What turnip truck did you fall off! They don't care about our laws or they would have become legal in the first place so having a car and insurance legally is poo. Get legal first - then you can enjoy the benefits of being an American. Not before!

  • John - 11 years ago

    Well patriot, a story on this very website entitled "Big Turnout To Discuss Immigrants And Drivers Licenses"... here is a verbatim paragraph from the piece:

    "Most of the crowd at the hearing before the legislature’s Transportation Committee on Monday night supported the proposal. Backers of the bill say it would make the roads safer by requiring law-abiding immigrants to pass a road test and get insurance, like all license applicants have to do."

    If the immigrants are law abiding as attributed to what "most" attending felt then they wouldn't be illegal immigrants. the proposal suggests licensing illegals who by their very status are not law abiding immigrants. As has already been pointed out here, they are ILLEGAL but it should be abundantly clear that our legislature has absolutely zero interest in what we actually think and the cooperative propaganda press and media is lending itself as a tool to tell us what we think and ram down our throats laws and policies that we do not want.

  • PatriotInCT - 11 years ago

    I did the math of the vote count by reviewing the results before and after I voted NO. Using the difference in the percentage of the vote for NO, before and after my vote, I estimated that about 900 people voted, and almost 95% voted NO, i.e. about 855 NO, 45 Yes.

    This tells us two things:

    The poll is a reliable measure of public sentiment, if there is no bias due to viewer demographics.
    CT politicians proposing such legislation are NOT REPRESENTING their constituents.

    There are some interesting points I recently heard or realized; insurance premiums CT drivers pay now include charges for hit and run accidents caused by ILLEGAL ALIENS, on uninsured motorist coverage. The newly licensed drivers who may be added to the insured motorists pool will be partially or wholly unable to read some highway signs. More Illegals will drive if they can get a license. So, the bottom line is that our insurance premiums will go up as a result of this legislation.

    Martin is a Looney!

  • John - 11 years ago

    It appears that the propagandists have their work cut out for them if I read into the poll results as well as Frank's and LJ's comments correctly The problem seems to be that there are too many free thinkers out there for something like this to be slipped through cleanly- though it's pretty clear that licensing illegals to use the roads that we all pay taxes to maintain *chuckle* is going to happen regardless of what our collective opinion is on the issue.

    There is much at work in this current political climate that just doesn't smell right and while it seems to be so-called liberal democrats spearheading a neo-socialist movement marked by a supposedly unbiased media carrying selective news and commentary to promote crises that justify the progressive confiscation of our rights and freedoms, the republicans are playing along by offering the illusion that there is an alternative in order to fool the high misinformation voter into believing that his or her voice is actually going to be heard- but in truth it is only those voices and opinions that fall into line with the current agenda that will be heard, and the convenient sound bytes they furnish will be used to tell the rest of us that what us unfolding is something that we all demanded. I doubt much will stop what's unfolding but a type of vigilance that says that we know what they're up to may well slow them down enough that- if we take advantage of the next election cycle to usher in a group of legislators willing to return the government back to something that is of, by, and for the people, then there's a chance- albeit a small one- that we'll get off this dangerous and destructive path.

    Legitimizing illegals is just a small piece of a much larger puzzle and it's quite possible that the purpose of the illegals is to ensure that people who prize the principle on which the US Constitution was founded are outnumbered and are not heard.

  • frank - 11 years ago

    I had to check my dictionary before I responded here. The defination of illegal has not changed. What part of illegal is it that some legislator does not understand? How can this even be an issue that is even being considered? They don't need cars, they can just hop on board the "Magic Bus" to the local entitlement office.

  • LJ - 11 years ago

    Absolutely not! They are ILLEGALS!! What a slap in the face to immigrants that come to this country the right way and to residents born here. If they want a driver's license then apply for citizenship or get the hell out!

  • Eric Hauch - 11 years ago

    The idea has a fair amount of merit, but the concept is all wrong. A drivers license is the defacto identification card. Giving a drivers license to an ILLEGAL immigrant is just back door amnesty.

    Get out or get to the back of the line.

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