Should Rep Joe Mitchell be forced to resign over his racially-charged emails?


  • kayman - 11 years ago


  • sam - 11 years ago

    This person has to be forced to publicly apologize, then resign. He's a filthy racist pig. If he were white and said this to a black constituent, he'd be gone within the hour. We are sick of racial double standards.

  • Blake - 11 years ago

    If Mr. Michell is not forced to resign, then Goat Hill and everyone on it it is a farce and a joke, and none of them should ever be taken seriously again.

  • Sue - 11 years ago

    It is disgraceful that a man of his position would write such. (Mr. Mitchell) His words and actions have shown that he is NOT a man of character or stature . As a citizen of Alabama I am embarrassed that he is named one of our leaders. With this type of attitude in office no wonder our state and country is in the such turmoil. Pitiful!

  • ALABAMIAN - 11 years ago

    This is NO way for a public official to represent OUR state!!

  • B Gardner - 11 years ago

    The sort of vitriolic, racial attitude Representative Mitchell obviously holds cannot possibly be helpful to his constituents of Mobile County. According to the U.S. 2011 Census for Mobile County, Rep. Mitchell's constituents are:
    White persons, percent, 2011 (a)60.8%
    Black persons, percent, 2011 (a)34.9%
    American Indian and Alaska Native persons, percent, 2011 (a)0.9%
    Asian persons, percent, 2011 (a)1.9%
    Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander persons, percent, 2011 (a)0.1%
    Persons reporting two or more races, percent, 20111.4%
    Persons of Hispanic or Latino Origin, percent, 2011 (b)2.5%

    He should do the honorable thing and step down so someone more representative of Mobile County can be elected. I would also suggest he seek counselling for his apparently deep seated hatred of those not of his epidermal pigmentation.

  • Felicia Lumpkin - 11 years ago

    HELL No how many times Can I vote...How many Remarks have we heard about President Obama and all they do is just give a lame apology not really sorry for the stupid stuff that come out of their mouth..Bama Girl For Life...

  • charles mcgee - 11 years ago

    Some fellow citizens can not handle the facts of American history. What Representative Mitchell said was a repeat of what many have said for centuries. The truth can be found in numerous history texts. Every scholar worldwide is aware of this social journey.

    What Alabama could do is begin a new chapter by holding a constitution convention and writing a constitution that is all-inclusive rather than exclusive. We are capable of doing that, if we have the will and so choose.

  • mike Hershewe - 11 years ago

    It seems to me that Rep. Joe Mitchell has no idea about History.
    the reality is the KKK was started by DEMOCRATS and they not only killed Blacks but also Republicans who supported them. in addition the NRA was formed to help blacks become Free men. how any Black man in this country could ever be a democrat is Beyond me.

  • Bruce J - 11 years ago

    To the “Honorable” Representative Joseph Mitchell

    Guess there are no white folks in your district, or maybe you forgot …..right. Who, exactly are you representing?

    The only easy day was yesterday. Guess they didn’t teach that to your generation of Marines. No one cares how tough you had it. You have more opportunity in Alabama than 95% of the earth’s population. Guess you didn’t notice how things were in all those third world countries you visited, or did you miss the opportunity?

    Your words well represent the permeating hate that still gushes forth from Albany, Ga. Civil rights…. you won, you won, but you never noticed and never rose above to claim the prize – the opportunity to compete. What’s left in Albany; easily half the youth here are resentful, ignorant thugs, mindlessly intent on self-destruction of their own black community. All you left them was hate, no drive to better themselves; unless you count how many “friends” show for their funerals. It’s pretty sad. You want to claim Albany as your own, maybe you need to come back to it and be part of the solution instead of hanging out on the sidelines in Alabama. Oh yeah, you are so Albany. Cry about how hard it was some more.

    You will never convince me that for all your education and your so-called “tough” experience, that you have a clue what it takes to be a leader. The only vision you exhibit is about on par with a gang leader in Albany. Sell a little crack, pick up some cash from a stop and rob. You probably rode the hate/race card into office, and in doing so, lock your constituents into the cycle of ignorance they can never escape.

  • Linda - 11 years ago

    Yes ...he should be FORCED to resign!!!!
    I am so tired of certain people being able to spew anything they want but other people are held accountable.
    NO ONE should hold public office that is racist and this "man" is a RACIST!!
    The blacks keep the whole race issue alive and well.......including obama..............
    We are PEOPLE...CITIZENS of the United States....all equal.
    The liberals keep this crap stirred up to get their way,,,,they are USERS!!!!!!!!!!

  • Stacy - 11 years ago

    These comments just about cover it all, with the exception of Jessica. What will it take to end the racial divide? An apology from a white American President? Reparations? A lifetime celebration for a Beloved, Brave, American, Black Civic Leader, Mr. Martin Luther King? How about enough Respect and Hope from Americans to bestow the greatest honor an American can receive, A VOTE for Mr. President Barack Obama ?!
    Good and Evil exist! Blacks and Whites exist! Actions by a majority suggest forgiveness and harmony can coexist among us all. One has to let go of the hate and pain to feel the peace. At first it's for the individual then we can unite and share strength in peace. And then content and happiness together.
    We judge the Israelis and Palestinians for not shedding the animosity and their persistent turmoil to the point of ludicrous eternity. I believe we as Americans want peace for them both not a winner and a loser. We must move forward to peace so WE ALL WIN!
    I would like to Thank both Mr. Mithchell and Mr. Maxwell for their service to our Country. If I am to judge a man by the content of his character, I'd like to further Thank Mr. Maxwell for his continued service to our Constitution and his fellow Americans. I am saddened by the actions of Mr. Mitchell because I expect more from an Elected Official. Elected to serve ALL The people of Mobile, The Constitution, and maintain his own Integrity. He should be man enough to know what's Right for him and the people he represents. I hope and pray for the best outcome possible for all involved. God Bless!

  • James Helton - 11 years ago

    Mr. Mitchell should be reprimanded and forced to resign. He should be held to the same standards as we have held other politicians of whom have exhibited this behavior. The offensive language that he used, and the tone in which it was used, is inexcusable. This mindset is obviously deep-seated within him as this was not just a slip of the tongue. He thought about it, he typed it, then he had presence of mind to copy the other representatives as well. He is a disgrace to the position, as well as the people who elected him. With all of the work that is taking place to recruit new businesses and industries, this is just one more black eye for the state of Alabama.

  • Jessica - 11 years ago

    No he should not loose his job over this! this is his right to express his feelings on the subject! How many of you want to loose your job if you speak your mind on a subject that is so close to heart! People Get a life and stop trying to ruin someone else's. If you know the details of how to be a "PERFECT REPRESENTATIVE" then you go do the job and leave him alone.

  • Morgan - 11 years ago

    Not only does this idiot deserve to be fired from his job ( which he should hold a higher level of professionlism and intelligence) but I think he should be forced to make a public apology not only to Mr. Maxwell but all citizens of Alabama especially. He turned an email about gun laws into a totally racial situation. He disrespected his position, Mr. Maxwell and all citizens of our state.

  • Jay G. - 11 years ago

    Let him stay in and keep making a complete race-baiting jackass of himself. He's a fine example of what the Democratic party is composed of.

  • Bruce L. - 11 years ago

    Joseph Mitchell is obviously a bitter, angry racist. His rambling, disconnected diatribe shows that not only should he be forced out of office, he should enroll in a high school English class.

  • Rocky - 11 years ago

    It seems that Doc Mitchell is in the same boat as many of these so called preachers with the hip pocket sermons,he need not resign,but he need to sit down with the person that he sent the email to and have a non alcoholic beverage

  • Sam - 11 years ago

    According to his credentials, he's got a doctorate from our public education system. His grammar really makes me question if having a college degree really means anything any more.

  • paul m. - 11 years ago

    Sounds as though Mr. Mitchell was thoroughly drunk when he wrote his first response to Mr. Maxwell. But, even after he sobered up, he still couldn't spell or write a coherent sentence.
    I don't think he should be forced to resign. He's an excellent example of the awful people, mostly Democrats, but not all, who are being elected these days, and especially blacks. Hatefulness and ignorance -- dare I say stupidity? -- seem to be the most obvious features of those elected. No wonder our country is going to hell, led by such as Mr. Mitchell. He shouldn't resign. He fits in perfectly.

  • Steve M. - 11 years ago


    He is CLEARLY mentally unstable.

    It isn't just the racism and bad grammar; his email displays an unfit mind. He is threatening a Nat Turner type of fantasy. Legislators shouldn't be threatening constituents with armed violence, much less a race-based insurrection. The guy is nuts. Not only should he be forced to resign, involuntary institutionalization should be on the table, too.

  • Jesse Schoeder - 11 years ago

    Time for joe to go.
    You people that want him reprimanded can't hide behind soft racists any longer.

    You stand beside this man. He is a hard racist.
    There is no where for you to hide.

  • Mady Grace - 11 years ago

    Mr. Mitchell does not deserve the privilege of holding public office. He should be removed immediately. If a white person had made comments along these lines to a black person, there would not have been a discussion, he/she would just be gone. As an aside, Mr. Mitchell does not seem to be educated enough to be in a position of making decisions for anyone else. After reading his emails, I was appalled that someone with such poor writing and thinking skills could be in an elected position on the state level. Black or white, a candidate should be able to demonstrate, at the very least, minimal skills.

  • Bobby - 11 years ago

    The big problem with the poll is that it requires at least a 5th grade reading ability to respond. That may pose a problem for the part of Alabama's population that supports Mitchell...

  • Newcomer - 11 years ago

    I come from another state and have lived here for eight years now. I was raised to take each person as they come and not look at outward appearance (race, age, weight, looks) in making my opinion of the people I come in contact with on a daily basis. I am appalled that someone is representing the city of Mobile with such a clear and viscous attitude against some of the citizens of this state. How can you hold yourself up as a lawmaker and/or law abiding person if you have no respect for the law but are only interested in getting even with an entire race? How can we ever move forward together as a nation if people continue to cling to their hatred? This situation makes me very sad.

  • Sarah Cochran - 11 years ago

    Has anyone started a petition requesting that Mr. Mitchell resign, if so i'd like to sign it.

  • Chris Thomas - 11 years ago

    Another Al Sharp ton school of ethics race baiter.... A true disgrace to the great state of Alabama. Fire him now!

  • Ernest Smith - 11 years ago

    Joe Mitchell may think he is standing for his race, but he is a primary reason there is still separation in this country, and it is destroying our nation.
    As he mimics the likes of Jesse Jackson and the other race baiters, he is keeping his own race in chains. It is so sad to see what these charlatans have done over the years to their own, all in the name of money & power.
    The best thing that could happen to the population of Alabama; black and white for folks like Mitchell to be removed from office.

  • Stuart Cheyette - 11 years ago

    Not everything is racially motivated. The 2nd Ammedment right to keep and bear arms is given to all Americans regardless of race. For someone in his position to answer this issue without addressing the concern and turning it into a race related issue is unforgivable and belittles both problems.

  • Shirley Weston - 11 years ago

    I am appalled at the racist remarks by a person who holds any kind of office of this magnitude and I am totally embarrassed for our fine city of Mobile that he "supposedly" represents. This is a very dangerous & angry, man w/ such a chip on his shoulder that his entire purpose is clearly "to get revenge" not to uphold the law or to make decisions that benefit all Americans. We live in 2013 and had no control or say in what anyone's forefathers did back then. This man needs to be removed immediately!!! It is a privilege to represent our that he clearly DOES NOT DESERVE. Had it been a white man that made that remark...Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, NAACP & the liberal media would be all over this and have his job!!! Seen it done over lesser words. What a total embarrassment???

  • Ojay - 11 years ago

    As soon as government accepts the fact that we are all Americans. The cacuses still divide us as races.

  • Susan Thompson - 11 years ago

    He should definitely be removed from office. He does not deserve to represent anyone with his hatred and profane remarks. He is an embarrassment to the state of Alabama.

  • Janet Mann - 11 years ago

    That was pure hatred he spouted back to Mr. Maxwell......and certainly not the mentality of anyone we want in public office. I've never heard of anything so dispicable coming from a seated member of Congress. He should be publicly reprimanded and discharged.

  • stockton - 11 years ago

    If it would have been a white state representativet set something racist about a black person all hell broke out.

  • anthony wheeler - 11 years ago

    I wonder how many NEW racists this black trash has created. He is another Al Sharpton looking to use race as a crutch. He is just one of the reasons Abe lincoln was killed too soon.

  • Eddie Pennington - 11 years ago

    This man is the racists he should be kicked out of office now

  • Marcy Harris - 11 years ago

    These remarks were unbecoming an office holder in the US Congress and he should immediately be called up on ethics charges--and discharged. I am finding more and more the real racists in America today are the blacks who won't let it go and try to be good neighbors and citizens. We have black families in my neighborhood who are just nice normal people like the rest of my neighbors--but there is this actually pretty large group that ride their racism like some badge of honor.

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