Should President Obama Have Scheduled His Visit Earlier To Avoid Disrupting Rush-Hour Traffic?


  • John - 11 years ago

    More exploitation of the politically expedient commodity that is the pain from the Newtown massacre they are ensuring will linger. Funny how they want to bury the pain of Pat Smith, whose son Sean was killed in Benghazi- how they would not fund her attendance of an award dinner being held in her son's honor yet the families of Newtown victims are given red carpet treatment because they're such great propaganda that is convenient to the administration's anti gun and anti Constitution agenda

  • frank - 11 years ago

    Its time for our Commode in Chief to stay in D.C. and face the music on our national debt! And if he is truly concerned about our young people dying, he should look at the statistics being used on a recent TV ad claiming that 11 teens die every day due to texting and driving. Those numbers equal out to approx. 3 Newtowns per week! He needs to stop trying to save us from ourselves and concentrate on the job of governing the country, not legislating our behavior.

  • PatriotInCT - 11 years ago

    Perhaps Obama can comment on the home invasion in New Hartford and the car-jacking at gunpoint in Waterbury, both of which are in the news today in Connecticut? Criminals will not register their guns or submit to background checks. But now, citizens will be less protected in their homes, cars, and in other public places. Is there anywhere safe? Yes, being a politician entitles you to armed guards, whose gun magazines are not likely limited in size.

  • John - 11 years ago

    Why should he pretend to be concerned about matters related to the daily lives of the bourgeois? If anything it would offer him a window into how many businesses that have yet to be critically undermined by health care mandates and increased tax burdens - judged by the number of people driving home from work- that of course assumes that he's paying attention.

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