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Whose love is stronger? (Poll Closed)


  • SG - 11 years ago

    For KLAINE !

  • Rosé Caplette - 11 years ago

    I really like all of those songs that kurt and Blaine sing and I am so happy they are finally getting engarde and I am so happy those gay guys helped me come out of the closet I am now a fill time. Gay/lesbian so thank you kurt and Blaine.

  • Barb - 11 years ago

    Oh my god people, are you even listening to yourselves? Go outside and take a breather or something. Fresh air and all that.

  • Virginia - 11 years ago

    GO KLAINE GO!! With all the respect i found Dr Who really boring.. So GO KLAINE GO!!!!

  • Leah - 11 years ago

    I love Ten/Rose as a couple and I love Klaine. And as both a Gleek and Whovian, I have to say that the fact that all the Doctor Who fandom is doing right now is attacking Kurt and Blaine is so disappointing, I really expected better from you guys. Obviously Glee has issues with writing, continuity, etc. I don't think you will find a Glee fan who will dispute that. But Kurt/Blaine is still a couple who has positively impacted and given hope to a LOT of people, like it or not. So vote for who you want to vote for, that's totally fine. But can we all try to be mature and STOP putting down the couple you didn't choose? If you were so secure with your own couple, you wouldn't have to tear down other couples anyways.

  • Emily - 11 years ago

    I feel like these poll things have a bad effect on fandoms. It's like, as soon as a friendly poll comes up as to 'Who is the best TV couple' the entire internet goes apeshit on OTPism. I don't mind people arguing why they love their OTP, but when you start saying '___ is a stupid pairing omg why u losers vote for dese guyz' then it's just offensive.
    So I will vote for Klaine. I have nothing against Rose and 10, I think they are a magical couple and are clearly perfect together. But the whole '10 blew up a sun for Rose' arguement is invalid. You know why? Glee is a show about singing teenagers, Blaine can't fucking blow up a sun.

  • Becca - 11 years ago

    Yes, people that watch Glee are saying stuff like "klaine forever" and "their love is so strong". They were only some miles apart and they couldn't handle the relationship, The Doctor and Rose were universes apart and they didn't cheat. The Doctor could've been with someone else when Rose was away but he didn't, because Rose is his one true love (and vice versa). Rose spent her time in the parallel universe looking for a way to come back to her Doctor. Then Kurt and Blaine on the other hand, they lived in different cities and Blaine cheated on Kurt. Wow, so much for "great love". Also Rose was ready to sacrifice ever seeing her family again just so she could stay with her Doctor. They were always in love but the Doctor could never tell Rose that because she could die and he couldn't. The loved each other way more than Klaine and the "high school romance", That's why I think The Doctor and Rose deserve to win.

  • tenxrose - 11 years ago

    The Doctor/Rose's is the kind of love that's timeless, chaste, infinite; knowing no ends or limits to how they keep each other alive and fighting.
    "I've seen fake gods and bad gods and demigods and would-be gods; out of all that, out of that whole pantheon, if I believe in one thing... just one thing... I believe in her. " ♥

    Need I say more?

  • Ruby - 11 years ago
    That is all.

  • lol - 11 years ago

    @sophie: i guess you missed those comments where the whovians kept talking bout how ten burned up a sun for rose, how they traveled universes, etc etc etc. the thing is, both fandoms are pretty much behaving in the same way - but again, i'm not surprised. this always happens regardless of WHAT FANDOM in popularity polls.

  • Anon - 11 years ago

    Glee is a horrible show

  • Stop the wank - 11 years ago

    At the end of the day, this doesn't matter. Both couples are great in their own ways. Everyone has their preferences. This poll is just teasing them out. It doesn't actually say anything about which is better. It just says which fandom is larger and more motivated to vote in a popularity contest. Stop fighting, guys. It really doesn't matter. Good lord.

  • Rose - 11 years ago


  • God - 11 years ago

    Go Klaine
    Leviticus 2: 06

  • on occasion - 11 years ago


  • Sophie - 11 years ago

    Wow. I don't know what I was expecting hitting "comments" but this wasn't it. I don't make a habit of trolling, but I can't help it; you "Klaine" people are losers. These Who fans are weird, but they are at least sticking to one sentence. You guys are writing paragraphs explaining why a FAKE couple isn't together anymore. Go out, leave your house, get laid. I promise you, real sex is better than what you imagine happening between these two.

  • kris - 11 years ago

    J. puts it very nicely. Kurt and Blaine's relationship is going through changes as they grow and sometimes those changes include mistakes and poor decisions; however, that doesn't erase love. In fact, I would be quick to say that it shows whether that love is strong enough to go through those good and bad changes. They aren't together right now, but you still see the love they have for one another and they're in two separate states, doing totally different things. If you disagree and want to say all that's invalid, here's my second point: Burt Hummel. Kurt's father is one of the best characters on the show because of how he's had to learn and grow with Kurt. Only having heard of him, Blaine goes to Burt and tells him that his son is so moral and loving. Burt sees the love that the two have and he fosters it because, through the infidelity and bad Glee writing, his son's happiness is heightened when Blaine is there, i.e. bringing Blaine to NYC over Christmas and watching the two skating on the ice together, he saw love. His FATHER. I don't know any parent who wouldn't encourage love unless they saw it. Age doesn't define love. When we love, we love, even if we later look back and laugh because we were head over heels. Even without being a couple, they share love. They had that spark the moment they laid eyes on each other even if it wasn't clearly defined. In closing I will say this: I'm disappointed that they are not up against Lucy and Desi who have shown humor, support, sweet moments and simple love throughout so many decades. Points made. Bring it.

  • kris - 11 years ago

    J. puts it very nicely. Kurt and Blaine's relationship is going through changes as they grow and sometimes those changes include mistakes and poor decisions; however, that doesn't erase love. In fact, I would be quick to say that it shows whether that love is strong enough to go through those good and bad changes. They aren't together right now, but you still see the love they have for one another and they're in two separate states, doing totally different things. If you disagree and want to say all that's invalid, here's my second point: Burt Hummel. Kurt's father is one of the best characters on the show because of how he's had to learn and grow with Kurt. Only having heard of him, Blaine goes to Burt and tells him that his son is so moral and loving. Burt sees the love that the two have and he fosters it because, through the infidelity and bad Glee writing, his son's happiness is heightened when Blaine is there, i.e. bringing Blaine to NYC over Christmas and watching the two skating on the ice together, he saw love. His FATHER. I don't know any parent who wouldn't encourage love unless they saw it. Age doesn't define love. When we love, we love, even if we later look back and laugh because we were head over heels. Even without being a couple, they share love. They had that spark the moment they laid eyes on each other even if it wasn't clearly defined. In closing I will say this: I'm disappointed that they are not up against Lucy and Desi who have shown humor, support, sweet moments and simple love throughout so many decades. Points made. Bring it.

  • Kat - 11 years ago

    Okay, so let's just imagine, for a moment, that the Doctor isn't an alien and that he and Rose couldn't do all the amazing, epic things that they did for each other (consuming the time vortex, burning up a sun, crossing countless parallel universes, literally dying and being reborn again, etc.). Let's pretend that they're just a "normal" human couple to make things a bit more even footed.

    If you take out all the science fiction stuff, you're left with a broken man who lost everyone he has ever loved to a war he was forced to participate in. His family is dead. His friends are dead. His home has been completely destroyed. He is now an ex-soldier suffering from PTSD and a serious case of survivors guilt, and the only thing keeping him going is the unconditional love, trust, and compassion of a young woman he met after hitting rock bottom.

    Now Rose Tyler is a study in contradictions. She's both selfish and selfless; adventurous and judicious; uneducated and intelligent; adaptable and stubborn as hell. In short, she's exactly what the Doctor needs to heal, and he's exactly what she needs to reach her full potential and escape her dead end life.

    He's not a knight in shining armor -- he's too damaged for that -- and neither is she, and yet, despite their myriad individual flaws, they still manage to give each other all the love, strength, and support that the other needs to save themselves, and to make each other happy and healthy and whole again.

    And that, I think, is what makes their relationship truly special. It's not the fact that the Doctor literally died for Rose, or that he sacrificed his own happiness for hers by giving her his other, mortal self. It's not the fact that Rose spent years overcoming impossible odds to get back to her Doctor, or that she consumed time itself to save him. It's the fact that, together, they are so much better than they ever could be apart.

    They make each other better, and that's why they're getting my vote.

  • Baylle - 11 years ago

    It's not like the Doctor and Rose traveled over parallel universes to see each other.

  • j. - 11 years ago

    Okay that's it I'm tired of people downing my ship, especially people who barely watch the damn show. Unless you have watched all all the seasons of Glee (thus far) and followed the characters you don't truly understand their story. I find it very poor logic to assume that because Kurt and Blaine are young that somehow invalidates what they have. I do think life experience is important but i also think there is that one person out there for everyone. Just happened that they met in high school. People think that Kurt only chose Blaine because he was the only other gay boy in his sight. If you knew Kurts character at all you'd know thats not who he is. He's one of the most loving and mature characters on the show. I could never see him being with someone unless he genuinly loved him. People are also always quick to point out that Blaine cheated and those who cheat aren't really in love. While I do think cheating is deplorable, I do know this we are flawed human creatures and we f*ck up. If you know the show you'd know that both boys have made mistakes as does everyone at times in relationships. I think one of the things that make Kurt & Blaine so worthy of this poll is anyone who has been in love can relate to them no matter the age, gender, or sexuality. They have made mistakes, they are young, and still need to grow up a lot but the love and support they still have for each other even broken up is inspiring. It's something I think everyone wants.

  • N - 11 years ago

    Kurt went for the first gay guy he met? Excuse you. did you actually watced Glee? He chose Blaine because he inspired him and he was there whenever he needed him even when they just met so shut your fucking mouth and think before you talk shit. Yes they made mistakes but they are young

  • Loren - 11 years ago

    yurp, hi me again. just look at this picture of tenrose
    and tell me that is not love. they are in parallel universes. rose was prepared to stay with the doctor, although her family was on the other side. then she got sucked in. it was torture for everyone. THIS is love. staying faithful. people in love don't cheat on each other. they could have, i mean they were separated like klaine, the doctor had many companions in his 10th regeneration, which he could have, but he didn't. BLAINE did.

  • just stop - 11 years ago

    Omg you guys seriously have some issues. How the fuck can you underestimate Kurt and Blaine s love just because they are young I mean seriously you cannot even write their name right. I like dr who fandom but seriously get you shit together insulting them and their love wont make you win it just makes you look pathetic.

  • Loren - 11 years ago

    ok, i watched glee until season 4. glee is just terrible now. klaine broke up, they obviously haven't had a stronger relationship AS A 900 YEAR OLD ALIEN AND A HUMAN, like rose was in how many seasons? like, 3 or 4? and they are different species, he has met SO many other girls, THAT is a strong relationship. not one where one goes off and cheats on the other. it is obvious. doctor who SO wins. i watch both shows so don't give me crap that i don't understand glee.

  • Mackenzie - 11 years ago

    This is not about gay verse straight. I'm gay, but I support Rose/10 because they had a healthy, loyal, honest relationship that remains pure now. Klaine is broken up because they couldn't stay committed and the relationship was destructive.

  • Christine - 11 years ago

    The thing about Kurt and Blaine.... well Kurt went for the first gay guy he met. Not all that great and powerful. When you're living in a small town with so little choices, how can you say that their love is the greatest ever? They're still teenagers and there's still a lot to experience. The Doctor on the other hand... well he's over 900 years old. He's definitely been around, and for him to have so much love for someone after all that time. It's a big deal. Additionally, they were forced apart by parallel universes. Kurt and Blaine couldn't even make their relationship last over a few hundred miles. You're calling that a great love? He CHEATED on Kurt. People in love don't do that.

  • Mackenzie - 11 years ago

    Rose and the Doctor have a way stronger love than Kurt and Blain. Even after years of separation, new companions and war, they still love each other. They love stretched over two universes and millions of years in time, and that couldn't separate them. Their love was true fate.

  • j. - 11 years ago

    kurt & blaine: soulmates for the win

  • Megan - 11 years ago


  • Charlotte - 11 years ago

    For those who can't choose, I wrote a small blog post. I have decided to refuse to par take in this poll as it is too damn PAINFUL!!

  • Wow - 11 years ago

    Jesus. I swear if I see one more person try to undermine the validity of Kurt and Blaine's love for each other JUST because they're young, high-school-aged teenagers, I am going to flip a table so hard it flies out the window and smacks all of you across the head.

    Just because people are young does not mean they are any less human or any less capable of feeling true, deep emotion, including passionate true love for and with another person. Everyone on this earth is so damn quick to invalidate all teenagers' feelings in every circumstance just because they're teenagers. It's hurtful, destructive stereotyping, flat out rude, and it pisses me off.

    And newsflash: When you insult my ship, you just make me want my boys to win even more than I already do.

  • C - 11 years ago

    I just wonder if some people even know that we're talking about FICTIONAL CHARACTERS. You need to relax!
    Oh and I go for Blaine+Kurt!

  • Izzy - 11 years ago

    I agree with the people saying you can't compare two loves. But you can compare relationships.
    Kurt and Blaine's relationship is a bit of a fail. They are separated by choice and yet they can't keep it together and be loyal. That my dears is no good love nor relationship.
    Rose and 10 are loyal and they are universes apart. And in reality they never had a true relationship they were just friends. And they were more loyal to each other having a friendship and hidden feelings of love then a couple who were open about there relationship. And Were separate by choice.

  • Hank - 11 years ago

    Please don't stand behind this poll when Kurt and Blaine eventually win. It will be an incredibly sad day when Entertainment Weekly has to pretend as though a couple from "Glee" is the greatest on-screen couple of all time.

    This bracket was a fun idea, but the internet killed it...the internet killed it.

  • Alice - 11 years ago

    You. Have. Got. To. Be. KIDDING. ME.
    How the hell do you work out that some high school romance is stronger than a relationship that disregards even time and space? Look, Kurt and Blaine might think they're in love, but it's quite hard to tell at such a young age. They simply don't have enough experiences behind them (not to mention fully developed brains) to understand what love actually is. And this is Glee we're talking about here, people! Do you think that Glee is going to be remembered for generations, mourned over when it's canceled, brought back for a revival series? I doubt it!
    I haven't even gotten to the Doctor and Rose's relationship yet. We see the Doctor start out as a bitter alien who had to witness the destruction of his entire species. It looks like there's no hope for him...until he meets Rose! She makes him better in so many ways, showing him that he's not a monster, he does help people, and that he's worth fighting for. And not only does she improve the Doctor, he, in turn, improves her. She used to be so sick of her life (work, eat, sleep, repeat), so stuck in an rut, so bored of the mundane. But then he runs into her and whisks her off her feet--he shows her the stars, gives her the experience of a lifetime! And they both want it to continue forever. So when she gets sealed off in a parallel universe, she doesn't just sit around and mope--she gets right back up and builds a freaking interdimensional cannon to get her back to the love of her life! There's no way that that's not love.

  • S - 11 years ago

    "I dont even know what this Doctor and Rose crap is but they have nowhere near a stronger Love." Can I just say, how would you know if their love isn't anywhere near a stronger love if you don't know who they are?...
    Anyway, I'm voting for the Doctor and Rose. Especially because they lost to Klaine in the Hypable BattleShips Final. It'd be kinda lame if this ended the same way. Multiverses and singing aside, I find Rose and the Doctor's love so completely real and worth the wait. You could tell even before Doomsday that they were in love and that they were the best of friends. Hell, the Doctor wouldn't even say he loved her because he knew they wouldn't be together forever. That's why Tentoo says it to her instead (according to word of god); because they can spend forever together. Their love is so sweet and inspiring to me. Not that Klaine isn't inspiring either, but ever since their breakup it's just gone downhill. Fast. I admire Klaine for how influential they are, but I can't bring myself to ship them anymore. I try so hard not to let fandoms ruin things for me, but honestly...yes, the fandom was a huge reason for my not shipping it. I don't know where the nice, non-obsessive Klainers are hiding, but I wish I found them. Every fandom has their insane shippers and all, but I find the Ten/Rose fandom or just the Doctor/Rose fandom in general much more inviting.
    And it's not even like the Doctor and Rose have ended. They're returning to Doctor Who for the 50th Anniversary episode! They're still ongoing, and they're wonderful.
    That said, Doctor/Rose forever and until the end of time. (You Whovians know what I'm saying!)

  • Beth - 11 years ago

    Even if I didn't watch Doctor Who and loved Rose and the Doctor together, I would vote for them because I really don't see the appeal in Klaine. I never liked their relationship and I'm sorry but Blaine cheated on Kurt, there's no way that should beat ANY other pairing that has been faithful.

  • Tatum - 11 years ago

    Rose and The Doctor. Forever. Not even just the 10th Doctor. she fell in love with 9. Even though his face has changed, he is still The Doctor. HER Doctor. He always will be. It is such a strong love. He burned a star for her, sure, but it was more than that. It is SO MUCH more than that. That is why I will always vote for Rose/Doctor.

  • Jeremy - 11 years ago

    I deeply admire the passion of the fans of both couples. But I know that I am always going to throw my hat in with Kurt and Blaine. Maybe it's because even though they got to live the gay fairytale now they have to tough it out like everyone else. I for one am not going to stop rooting for them because of some small hiccups in their story.

  • Kate - 11 years ago

    If we're going by context don't even okay. Yes, the Doctor burned a star for her. Yes, Rose absorbed the time vortex to save him and others. Yes, it's great how much they obviously love each other but you can't compare one love to another. Kurt and Blaine may be in high school but that doesn't just automatically push them off. Their love can't be like the Doctor's and Rose's love and vice versa. They are two separate loves and you can't say one is better than the other because that's not how it works.

  • Julia - 11 years ago

    I don't know who some of you think you are but you are sick to think that any romance on TV could ever be stronger than Kurt and Blaine's!! NO ONES LOVE CAN COMPARE!!! I dont even know what this Doctor and Rose crap is but they have nowhere near a stronger Love. Ever since Kurt saw Blaine on the staircase at Dolton they were endgame. Their love is so strong and amazing. Klaines love is the strongest romance on TV and i dont care what any poll says. KLAINE FOREVER!! I dont care about that Dr. and Rose crap.

  • Cara - 11 years ago

    LEAVE THE FREAKING HIGH SCHOOL SWEETHEARTS OUT!!! It's not like every high school couple breaks up! KLAINE IS FREAKING ENDGAME!!!

  • Karla - 11 years ago

    I just... How am I supposed to choose?
    Klaine are my babies, I've been there since the beginning. Ten and Rose are just so good together but Klaine.

  • Ciel - 11 years ago

    oh COME ON PEOPLE. the love between jack harkness and Ianto is like TEN TIMES more deep then kurt and blane!! Go watch tourchwood, Gleeks. and of COURSE ROSE AND TEN IS MUCH DEEPER. HE BURNT A FREAKING STAR TO SAY GOOD BYE TO HER AND DIDNT EVEN GET THE CHANCE TO SAY HE LOVED HER!! I dont remember kurt or blane burning a star! Honestly, Blain and kurt are just highschool sweetheart junk- rose and ten are forever and ever!! Even after his regeneration he still thinks of her and it shows once in a while!! it isnt fair that doctor Who is so hard to find on tv right now- whilst glee is freaking everywhere! im sure most gleeks didnt even read the description of the couple and just went "OH kurt and blain- nobody is better". GEEZ.

  • Meredith - 11 years ago

    Guys, the Kline/Kurt relationship whatever is just a high school romance. TEN AND ROSE, oh god, I think I might be crying, he *sniff* burned up and entire *sniff* sun just to say goodbye. And she gave up *sniff* her family to be with him. They gave up everything. Oh god I'm crying

  • Norms - 11 years ago

    Can people vote for whom they like the most without hateful comments towards another? Please. And Love can not be measured. Either intergalact oh highshoolers. They both great for their own merits. They both great and deserve to be here.

  • Guest - 11 years ago

    People do realize that leaving long paragraphs about why your ship is better or more deserving won't change anyone's mind, yes? We all ship what we ship and long comments coming from shippers of the other ship won't make people vote for the other pairing all of a sudden...

  • Aaron - 11 years ago

    I just... I just can't believe that Klaine has so many votes. Their relationship doesn't even exist anymore! The Doctor and Rose will be together forever! The Doctor gave up spending his life with Rose, so she could spend her life with HIM, HER MOTHER, AND HER FATHER!!! You can't just claim that a HIGH SCHOOL ROMANCE is more powerful than TenRose just because they sang or that they are homosexuals. It wasn't that hard for them because they were open with it! Sure it hurt whenever Kurt was called names. But I don't hear anyone claiming that a couple that is made up of two overweight people is the strongest. Why do we care so much if someone is gay or not! I judge relationships based on how they work together like a Swiss watch! Not what type of people the two involved are! I apologize if my rant offended you.

  • ARC - 11 years ago

    I dislike the amount of people referring to Rose/Doc as a "typical straight couple" or anything similar, I'm paraphrasing , but they simply aren't "typical", it's literally cross-species which I think should come across as a pretty big deal, just because he looks human doesn't man he is. Also, his heterosexuality can be called into question a lot, the sexuality of the Doctor since the 2005 revival has been very sporadic, it can be said he is obviously sort of demisexual & even then he feels love but still not real sexual attraction to anyone. I'd say it's harder to pull of demisexuality on television than homosexuality. I don't see the hype in homosexual couples on television anymore, it is a typical thing nowadays, if people need a TV show to make them see a gay couple as a "normal" couple then that's pretty sad. I know a lot of sexually ambiguous people & when they get into what are considered by society to not be typical I see it as a couple, not as a "gay couple" or "lesbian couple" or any anything else coupe for that matter. I don't think that sexuality matters, the portrayal definitely matters & as a person who has seen the way Glee portrays homosexuality and has openly criticised it for its use of many stereotypes & who had previously been a fan of Doctor Who since the revival to see this after seeing the portrayal of The Doctor or Captain Jack or many other sexually ambiguous characters prefers the DW way still. Further on the subject of love, no matter what people say, high school relationships often don't last, relationships started in the early 20s are much more likely to, I'm referring at that to Rose & not the Doctor obviously. Furthermore the attitude of some of the people I have seen on here is quite, what I would call morally ambiguous give that some attitude is purely, Klaine because they're gay & you don't see that often, which sounds to me like a way to prop yourself up to be some amazing LGBT activist when implying homosexuality is an incredibly small minority when many of my good friends from ll over the world are homosexual, bisexual, etc. In other words, just because you don't see much homosexuality doesn't make it small & it certainly isn't a valid reason to pretend to be some amazingly fantastic imbecile who doesn't even know the truth behind what they think they're supporting. That all turned into a rant. Oh well.

  • Cassie - 11 years ago

    Doctor and Rose all the way. I've seen a bit of glee and this is one of the couples i like besides Tina and Mike but they come no where near the level of Rose and the Doctor. How close the two are and how much they trust each other is phenomenal. Probably one of the best couples in TV history besides Gomez and Morticia Addams. Sorry but it is the Doctor and Rose hands down. They are the stuff of legends after all ;)

  • Anna - 11 years ago

    [Quietly approaches and whispers /Stop saying it's Klaine vs. Ten/Rose when in fact it's Klaine vs. the Doctor/Rose which includes Nine and Tentoo as well. (Also Eleven, and all the other regenerations of the Doctor. What can I say? It's my OTP.) The thing that makes their relationship is so beautiful is that it did last through regenerations and if you're only shipping the Tenth Doctor and Rose (or just Nine and Rose, for that matter), you're totally missing out on a good chunk of their relationship and kind of just missing the point entirely. Shame on you./

    Fades back into the night, not to be seen again until my ship next needs me.]

  • George - 11 years ago

    None of your comments mean a thing if you can't even spell things right. You're on a computer for crying out loud! You just come across as an idiot. All you high school children need to get off the computer and go read a book or something, maybe then you'll have a better understanding of what real love is. Doctor and Rose all the way.

  • Laura - 11 years ago

    I watch both of these shows, and sure as a gay couple on TV these days Blaine and Kurt are a big deal. But they're still just a couple of hormonal teenagers who think they have found the love of their life in high school. And they couldn't even handle Kurt moving a few hundred miles away. Blaine cheated. Whereas the Doctor and Rose.... They didn't want to be apart. And she fought to find her way back to him even after he said it was impossible. And she almost succeeded. She absorbed the entire space time vortex to save him! That goes way beyond anything two high school children could ever understand. Doctor and Rose all they way, forever.

  • GamerDarling - 11 years ago

    Funny to see the people voting for Klaine in the comments are all either voting for them because they're gay or because the person is in high school and has no idea what love is yet.

    But mostly this: Kurt sang, Blaine cheated. Rose absorbed the time vortex, the Doctor burned up a sun to see her... Ummmm, I think Rose and the Doctor get this round.

  • Jyoti - 11 years ago

    Kurt and Blaine just moved on and their fans are holding on to a teenage relationship that won't go anywhere. The Doctor and Rose have something deeper. The Doctor gave Rose "himself" (the 2nd doctor), even though that meant he could never actually be with her. It that's not love, Idk what it.

  • meru - 11 years ago

    Klaine isn't really a groundbreaking couple. You want groundbreaking? Willow and Tara, from Buffy. THAT was groundbreaking.

    The Doctor and Rose are all of space and time- Klaine is a highschool romance.

  • Molli - 11 years ago


  • Savy - 11 years ago

    I love both of these couples and watch both shows. But seriously? Rose and the Doctor would be together if there wasn't the whole time-would-rip-apart-due-to-different-dimensions-converging. Klaine got upset and broke up. And then pined after one another. I love Klaine. I really do. but the Doctor and Rose just have something so much deeper and more meaningful.

  • Wen - 11 years ago

    Is glee a terrible show? Hell yeah and sometimes I wonder why I still bother with it- then the answer just comes to me: Klaine. I watch the show for them. They saved my life, they made me become a better person and helped me in so many ways. So I'm casting my vote for them.

  • Carol - 11 years ago

    Sure, Glee is terrible, but Kurt and Blaine are groundbreaking as a couple on network tv. The Doctor and Rose are just another doomed straight couple who beat out the far more epic Lucy/Ricky because they have sci-fi fandom behind them and are more current. Feh. I'll go with the pair that means something on a social consciousness level than just has a big and crazy fanbase behind them.

  • Sarah - 11 years ago

    I don't watch Glee much, so I can't really comment on that couple...And I understand that the crazy and amazing things that The Doctor and Rose did for each other wouldn't even be possible on Glee, but just thinking about the power of their relationship that made those things possible in Doctor Who makes me think they are above and beyond pretty close to any other TV relationship. Yeah, The Doctor burned up a star and had a meta crisis clone to stay with Rose. Yeah, Rose sucked up the entire time vortex to save The Doctor (not Ten, but still The Doctor...). But it's less important WHAT they did than WHY they did it. And sure, the Glee couple probably has a powerful relationship, too...But the things that The Doctor and Rose went through together that made their relationship that rock solid, just pushes them above and beyond for me. Also, there's too much teenage/college drama in Glee for me to really take that show and its relationships seriously, but that's more of a show genre preference than anything else...

  • C - 11 years ago

    It's funny how people don't understand that the difference between genres doesn't make one couple better than another. No, Kurt and Blaine have not travelled across space an time to be together... probably because they're on a musical high school dramedy. It doesn't mean they're any less of a great couple. And yeah, Glee sucks, so it actually says a lot about Klaine and the impact they have had that so many people continue to watch just for them.

  • Whovian's Alive - 11 years ago

    Honestly, who cried in Doomsday.... who hated Martha because she wasn't..... who cried when 10 regenerated..... does this answer the questions asked here today.

  • shhdontlook - 11 years ago

    Rose Tyler, I... am sorry but I'm voting for Klaine.

  • Marie - 11 years ago

    I like Kurt and blaine they are in love I known they love is stronger .Then any couple on tv show

  • MamaLover - 11 years ago

    "Kurt, there is a moment where you say to yourself – 'Oh, there you are. I've been looking for you forever.' Watching you do 'Blackbird' this week, that was a moment for me - about you. You move me, Kurt, and this duet would just be an excuse to spend more time with you " Blaine Anderson

    Klaine FOREVER !!!!!!!

  • Britten - 11 years ago


  • Hannah - 11 years ago

    Personally, I don't watch Glee, so I can't comment on Klaine. But I certainly did watch the Doctor and Rose from day one and out of every other programme I've seen, no love has been stronger than what I've felt from these two. It's love that's lasted time and space itself and whilst Rose was gone, the Doctor didn't stop loving and will never ever forgot her. They're a timeless couple and for a human to cross universes and for a time lord to be prepared to settle down to be with one another shows a pretty damn strong love to me.

  • lacee - 11 years ago

    i'm voting for kurt and blaine because there love is strong even when they broke up they still loved each other and for that they got back together so they deserve any vote.

  • MJ Rose - 11 years ago

    Doctor and Rose. Forever.

  • Dani - 11 years ago

    Nope. I'm telling everyone I know to vote for ten and Rose. Because not even parallel dimensions could keep them apart in the end, I mean, seriously guys? Klaine is cool, but TenRose needs to, will, and deserves to win this poll.

  • Emre - 11 years ago

    No love better than Ten&Rose. Becca explained very good. You guys just vote your couple not "Real Love". I'm not against gay couples. Kurt and Blaine's story is also good but never enough to beat Ten&Rose's love. Maybe Kurt and Blaine won this poll because of Glee is more popular than Doctor Who. But if someone look objectively, he/she will be vote for Ten&Rose

  • DON - 11 years ago

    Kurt and Blaine must need to win... They perform nicely and they act it more real couple..

  • becca - 11 years ago

    obviously everyone wants their ship to win, and everyone is passionate about their ship or why would they be here? It's kind of a fun poll. It's not fun to read some of these comments. No one is cheating. for every vote that "just because they hate klaine" there are an equal number of votes from people who hate Rose. human-human and human-timelord relationships are filled with ups and downs and emotions and hurt, but isn't that why we watch them?
    My vote has to go for Doctor/Rose because it is one of my favorite stories. A battlescarred TimeLord who had just committed genocide found this average ordinary, poor shopgirl. He promises her danger and excitement and the first thing he does is show her loss and pain, and takes her to watch her planet be destroyed. Instead of running she grabs his hand and promises him forever. And then she heals his hearts. And when he changed his face, she got to learn to love him all over again, the same man and yet entirely different. Rose never expected anything from him, not even a declaration of love, because she knew it was something he couldn't give (remember her conversation with Jackie in Army of Ghosts). He gave her up twice to save her life. He had 2 minutes with which he could say goodbye to her forever, and never got the chance to finish his sentence. She did the impossible and found him again. But it could never last because she would age, she would wither and die. Instead he gave her himself in human form, so that they would grow old together. The Doctor and Rose together in Pete's Universe, as it should be.

    And they're coming back!

  • doctor and rose should win - 11 years ago


  • doctor and rose should win - 11 years ago


  • Jate - 11 years ago

    I absolutely adore both of these pairings and they both have undeniable love. However, people saying "Kurt and Blaine are nothing compared to 10 and Rose because 10 and Rose went through UNIVERSES to get to eachother". Lets just hold up and look at the circumstances. 10 and Rose are in a world where that is actually POSSIBLE to cross time and space. In the real life based show of Glee - there isn't an option of that. So that is an unfair example - besides, I am sure (as are many Klainers probably) that even though Blaine and Kurt can't always see it, everyone around them knows that their love would break through the entity of Space and Time if it was necessary.

    Oppositely, people saying "Kurt and Blaine is stronger because they are gay and they have to survive that"- Whilst this is true there is also the fact that we don't know if 10 and Rose would be different if they weren't a heterosexual couple.

    So I guess my thing is that we aren't talking about gestures of love - we are meant to be talking about the feeling itself. Look at the raw emotions to determine the love. Rose and 10 - everyone felt the heart break in Doomsday and in Journey's End. Similarly, everyone felt the joy of seeing the first Klaine kiss and the tragedy of 'Don't Speak' or 'The Scientist'.

    Just please, vote on the levels of raw love and not on the unfair circumstances.

  • grayce - 11 years ago

    I love Kurt and Blaine, I love Rose and Ten. To compare them is so hard because they're so different and dynamic. But my vote is going to Klaine, because I love them so much, they overcame everything against them to be together, and yes, there are bumps in the road. But it doesn't change their love for each other. What makes me mad is seeing other people commenting saying "Glee isn't even good" and "Blaine doesn't even love Kurt.." Why bring such hateful things into a website poll that ultimately means nothing? This isn't serious, this is just /a poll/ okay? And people attacking the fandom saying that we're all 13/14, well, no, I'm 16 and personally I know lots of people in the fandom that are older. Anyway, that isn't even the point, the point is that /some/ people feel the need to post nasty comments for no reason and judge other people based on what they ship. And to be honest, you're making fun of other fandoms, when it really just goes against yours, think about what you post because you just look silly and immature.

    Ok, bye.


  • Nicole - 11 years ago

    I am both a Gleek and a Whovian so this is such a difficult choice for me. I imagine its like asking a parent to pick which child is their favorite. I love both couples so much and cannot figure out which to pick that's why I have not voted yet. According to my friend I should pick the Doctor and Rose because it says pick the best couple of all time and the Doctor is a time lord so that should be my choice. And its true that the Doctor and Rose did travel trough all time and there love was built through all time but I still love Blaine and Kurt as a couple. They are so great together and there love seems so real. Yes I know they had some issues and are not currently a couple but I think they will end up together again. I think what would make me most happy is to have this poll end in a tie and have them both declared the best couples of all time.

  • sonicscrewed - 11 years ago

    I was a Klaine shipper from day one. I'm still voting Doctor/Rose. I honestly think their love is stronger. Sorry.

    About the major fight topics -
    1. "People are voting for Doctor/Rose because they hate Klaine." Yeah, probably. But also, some people are voting for Klaine because they hate Rose. Really.
    2. "Oh, Blaine cheated!" rah rah rah. Hey Whovians - have you forgotten Reinette? I mean, sure, the Doctor and Rose were never official, but that thing with Reinette - pretty screwed up.

    And that's all I got right now. I have a fic to write. Good luck to EVERYONE's ship. Hate on a poll about love is ridiculous.

  • elisa - 11 years ago

    I love Klaine they should totally win!

  • LJ - 11 years ago

    I'm just not all that impressed with Glee as a show at this point, and since no one knows whether or not Blaine & Kurt as a couple are part of the "endgame" or if one actor or the other will leave the show, I do not see their relationship as an epic romance. I think you have mostly two factions voting for Klaine...the "oh, it's a gay couple so let's make a statement by supporting them" and the Gleek faction. Given the fact that Doctor Who has had far less media exposure over the years, and likely less viewership even now, it's amazing that The Doctor and Rose are holding their own.

  • S - 11 years ago

    10+R travelled through universes to be together. That might be true. But Kurt and Blaine are in a universe were that is sort of impossible. If we switch places. If 10+R met in high school, and got together, staying through thick and thin, until one of them makes an incredibly stupid mistake while Klaine would burn up suns and so forth, would your vote change? Would it be the same?
    Please don't talk about the setting, or when they met. Think about why they love each other, which of their qualities compliment the others, and just in general whos love is greater!

  • Sarah Kay - 11 years ago

    I don't really watch glee, and I don't have anything against gays, but Rose walked through a whole universe just to get back to the Doctor and the Doctor had to give her up and give her to a human version of himself, because he is a timelord and he can live forever but Rose can't, so he gave her the life he can't have. - If this isn't the strongest love and doesn't win this. then (That picture of the stick man flipping his desk over)

  • L - 11 years ago

    I'm sick of people saying that Blaine & Kurt or Rose & Ten are not in love. It's clear enough that both couples are not just in love, but "head over heels" in love.
    Blaine cheating on Kurt doesn't mean that he's not in love with him. It means Blaine was lonely and abandon and hurt. And yes, he made a wrong, horrible choice, but he's a HUMAN. Both Kurt and Blaine (mostly Blaine, though) Blew up thier relationship this year, but not their love. Their love is just as strong, if not even stronger, and you can tell that they'll get back together eventually.
    Rose and the Doctor have an epic story that is really hard to compete with. They've been through so many things together and completely changed each other for the better. And yes, he burned up a SUN to see her. I'm not crazy about them and I don't have a tumblr dedicate to them, but I ship them, and I know that I'll remember them in 10 or 20 years.
    But my vote goes for Kurt and Blaine. They literally changed my life and I owe them so much for that. Glee may be shitty sometimes, but when it comes to Kurt and Blaine everything is good. these two boys tought me so much about love, about acceptance, about caring, about true friendship and so much more. I hope I'll be lucky enough and get to take a part and a relationship as supporting and loving as theirs.

    So good luck everyone (klainers and Whovians) and may the best couple win. (by more than 21 votes this times, I hope ;))

  • John - 11 years ago

    Clearly in terms of the best TV couple, it's got to go to Rose and The Doctor! Admittedly, Klaine suffers from bad writers but at the end of the day, Klaine comes across as boring while Rose10 was filled with adventure, romance, heartbreak and unrequited love! Before the Klaine fans say anything, Blaine may still love Kurt and his love may be unrequited as well but Blaine brought it on himself when he cheated. Rose and The Doctor never cheated on each other...

  • Eddy - 11 years ago

    If people do what they always do - vote for the couple which isn't Klaine even if they don't ship it just because they hate Klaine - then I will throw a table in their faces. I don't see why these guys get so much hate. I don't ship the Doctor and Rose but I get why people do and don't shit all over everything.

  • Alexandra - 11 years ago

    Kurt sang, Blaine cheated. Rose absorbed the time vortex, the Doctor burned uo a sun to see her... Ummmm, I think Rose and the Doctor get this round. Even if gleeks unite and somehow manage to beat whovians we all know a 10+R are sooooo much more in love than Klaine, I mean, Blaine felt left behind and cheated because his boyfriend changed coast. The Doctor and Rose travelled through universes, UNIVERSES people, to be together... Nuff said

  • Lulu - 11 years ago

    I love both ships and I had a horrible time deciding which one to stick to. Blaine and Kurt are in love, no doubt about that, but their love is young and the 'High School Sweetheart' type. I feel that the Doctor and Rose's is a deeper to the core love.
    So all this fight in the comments is unjudst because although I think that the Doctor and Rose win this, both couples love is great.

  • Chloe - 11 years ago

    Sorry but this one of the hardest decisions ever... not fair.

  • Victoria - 11 years ago

    Comparing the two ships does nothing but make all of us angry and frustrated. You cannot compare two relationships that take place on entirely different shows inside universes and settings with entirely different rules from one another. Just vote for whichever couple you like the best and stop trying to justify why one is "better" or "worse" than another. It's ridiculous and does nothing but encourage negativity.

  • Ash - 11 years ago

    All things being equal (forgetting the genre-trappings, the soulful singing into each other's eyes on Glee, the sun-burning on Doctor Who), and just looking at the couples themselves, I'd choose Doctor/Rose. I love both couples. Glee revolutionized what a teen romance could look like. It really added something important to our society. And it did so in an entertaining, beautiful way. There is nothing that can be said to take that way, but for me, the downsides to the relationship include the cheating, the occassional preachiness (the feeling that we're watching archetypes, not characters), and the high-schooliness of it. But they're certainly one of the greatest TV couples of all time. But the Doctor and Rose made the show watchable, even during the incredibly uneven first season. They were adorable and entertaining, they were a team from the get-go, and they were just a beautiful, slow build of a relationship, with a perfect, bittersweet ending. In the end, I'd rather watch them, I'd rather my kids model their relationships on that one, and I remember more of their moments than almost any other on-screen team.

  • Guest - 11 years ago

    "Blaine cheated on Kurt.. that's obviously showing that Blaine REALLY loves Kurt" um, he cheated because he thought Kurt left him behind, it was a stupid rash decision that he hated himself for, on a show where people cheat to get back at each other (and still have ~epic~ love after that) he's the only person to truly regret it and hate and punish himself for it afterwards. It's Glee, the writing isn't spectacular, but you have to take what they give you when you ship something on this show. So much of the media even said, unbiased, that Blaine cheating was out of left field, OOC, and clearly only happened for shock value. Nothing about that character says he'd cheat - he hated cheating, turned down an offer for secret casual sex with a guy he was clearly attracted to, switched schools just to be near Kurt - in fact, the only way to make sense of it is to say Blaine couldn't deal with the separation and had a HUGE lapse in judgement, since he'd previously shown fear over Kurt leaving him behind. So Kurt goes all OOC and rejects his calls and ignores him on Skype and only talks about himself, when Kurt is usually so unselfish and would always notice when Blaine was acting differently. Blaine didn't cheat because he doesn't love Kurt, he says it himself, he felt horrible because he "cheated on the person I love most in the whole world". Kurt and Blaine love each other, stupid plot twists aside. That's what counts.

  • anonyomous - 11 years ago

    come own gleeks we need klaine to win.

  • John Barrowman - 11 years ago

    Glee is awful. I've seen the show, and I've seen the two of them interact and it looks forced and unnatural as far as acting goes. As characters, they have no chemistry. My vote goes to the Doctor and Rose because they have everything that Blaine and Kurt don't.

  • Annie - 11 years ago

    I'm sorry but The Doctor burnt up a sun to say goodbye to Rose.. if that's not love then what is? and plus, Blaine cheated on Kurt.. that's obviously showing that Blaine REALLY loves Kurt.. and also, 'bad-wolf-reborn' will ''flip some s**t'' if Rose and Ten don't win and we don't want that.

  • Ash - 11 years ago

    I hate klaine (blaine I love kurt) that being said I like Doctor who but I am voting for klaine because even though I hate Blaine they changed a lot of peoples minds and inspired many I feel like it is rare for a TV couple to do something like that

  • ana - 11 years ago

    Listen, WE GOT IT. Ten burned up the sun to say goodbye to Rose. Awesome. Great. Wanna know why Blaine or Kurt didn't do the same? Because glee is about show choir, not traveling in time or space. Want to know what both couples have in common? Love. And this is what we should base our vote on. Not what has one made explode, not what has the other sang and most especially not act like children in the kindergarten and voting for one couple, just because you hate the other.

  • Mina - 11 years ago

    I watch both shows, so I know that this is going to be a little unfair. Glee is just more popular and can be viewed by more people. And though Doctor Who is now getting a lot more viewers, many of them weren't there for the Rose and The Doctor. From a non-biased perspective I know that Rose and The Doctor beat out Blaine and Kurt when it comes to love.
    Let's face it, when things got a little rough for Blaine and Kurt, Blaine cheated, and even now they aren't truly back together. On the other hand, Rose and The Doctor were ripped apart by cruel circumstances and the Doctor 'blew up a star just to say goodbye'. He also sacrificed his happiness to ensure hers.
    Though both of the couples are undoubtedly in love, I just don't think there's a comparison. Rose and The Doctor win.

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