Which four hosts would you bring together for a morning show dream team?


  • jules - 11 years ago

    natalie morales, ann curry - are boring as crap. Get some exciting people in there! Now that Matt Lauer is gone, the today show is ONE BIG SNORE.

  • mike - 11 years ago

    Get rid of all the morning host/hostess.
    Their time is up. Lets have new people.
    Consider the native born Latinos from Texas
    And the Southwest area of the United States.

  • Summer Gee - 11 years ago

    Matt Lauer is gold. Clearly NBC has had some HUGE problems since being bought by Comcast. Remember the Leno/ Conan fiasco?! What the heck was that? The network has horrible judgement and they seem to be the ones at the heart of all of these rumors, if you read between the lines. They need to wipe out the top exec and start over from the top. Don't mess with proven talent! Viva Lauer! Oh, and I think Kelly Rippa or Michelle Kosinski would be great next to Matt. Sorry Savanna, I'm just not feeling it.

  • Rhonda - 11 years ago

    I used to like Matt Lauer but as he has gotten older it seems he has gotten colder, more judgmental, and haughty. Perhaps I was originally taken by his good looks but no more. Maybe I am wrong and I probably am not qualified to give an opinion since I work days and don't really get to watch much. Also, while Ryan is good at what he does I do not seem him as a news anchor at all!

  • Jane - 11 years ago

    Matt is professional, classy, intelligent..... Please don't get wrapped up in gossip and foolishness... Ann curry is adorable and sweet but let's face it was not a good fit! She is perfect with her one on one interviews! This is a business remember and we are after all interested in the news! Savanna and Natalie are undeniably fabulous. They compliment Matt and do a great job! Al is Al nice guy but more of an annoying comedian than a weather man..... Not sure his loyalty is in the right place!!!!
    All seemed to fall apart after Merideth left.... Such a tough act to follow. Definately her chemistry with Matt was like no other! But come on let's move forward..... Matt is great.... I can't imagine not hearing his voice every AM at 7:00 Things are just not quite right when he has a day off. We don't have to be best friends with these people..... They deliver our morning news and some great entertainment as well! Keep up the good work!

  • today show fan - 11 years ago

    I've been a fan of the Today Show for years. It is unfortunately time for Matt to move on. Get rid of Matt and Savannah and move up Natalie to co anchor with possibly Anderson or Ryan. Leave Al with weather. He does a great job!

  • SherryDAmore - 11 years ago

    Seriously? I am so sick of the screaming silliness that has become the morning shows. I have turned to CBS, and really enjoy Charlie and Gayle. I want to have some peace and be informed - not entertained. Today and GMA are both junk. And I can't STAND Ryan Seacrest. I used to watch Imus after the last Today Show dustup with Jane Pauley and Deborah Norville. But he was lynched, and lost Charles McCord, went to Fox, and lost his credibilitly. I can't stomach Joe Scarborough either, and he got Imus' show without Imus. So, really, except for CBS, it's all junk.

  • Diane - 11 years ago

    Why is Ryan on this list? Are they checking to see what people think about him being on a morning show? Hmmm. I'm conflicted myself. He is an EVENT host and a spectacular one at that. Geez, doesn't he already have enough to do? He is, in my mind, Dick Clark's successor - (RIP man). Having said that...I pick Ryan, Natalie, Anderson and Savannah. George, Al, Gayle and Charlie. Matt should have gone with Ann IMHO. I have nothing against either I'm just tired of looking at him/them. That leaves Robin. Hmmm. I'm sorry to say it but I was a bit annoyed with the big media splash surrounding her personal life. I am extremely sad she had to go through it all but would have preferred she had done it in private. It's a time and place thing for me. Beyond that I would probably throw her in with the youngsters in my first picks and have her "take the 5th" = srnar+ Yeah, that looks SMART to me :)

  • Becky - 11 years ago

    The reason GMA is rated higher than Today is that the people on GMA are actually NICE and less rushed to get thru segments. Don't care for either Matt or Ann. He seems very aloof and Curry was a TERRIBLE interviewer......... her questions took most of the time, allowing very little time for the answer. Do like Savannah as she's actually pleasant. Natalie M. comes across as another less than nice person with some pretty mean questions. Don't know who the new guy on the set is for the 3rd hour, but he's also NOT the answer. Maybe they could all be a little nicer if they were less rushed.......

  • chico - 11 years ago

    I agree, I think Michelle Kosinski would be a great person to add to the show. Lets get rid of the drama and its time to start a whole new show with new faces and change the format, but Keep AL Roker, he is the weather man and they are hard to find.

  • Danielle - 11 years ago

    Matt L is a narcissistic arrogant jerk. I'd rather watch Ann Curry for 24/7 than a half hour of his pious mug. Dump him!

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