Could Testimony In The Bengazi Hearings Derail Hillary Clinton's Presidential Aspirations?


  • Carrie - 11 years ago

    If I were a family member of Mr. Stevens or of the other brave Americans that died I would make sure it stayed in the news every single day. Until Clinton , Obama & the rest took responsibility for the murders .
    Plain & simple....the rich & well known get away with murder....literally. Don't ever forget the comment she made....."What difference does it make now??????????????? IF it was one of her family members someone would pay big time. What a frekin shame.

  • John - 11 years ago

    The only issue I see with Patriot's very astute statement is for this to gain any legs the press and news media will need to be on board and run with it. The problem "lies" with the choice that they have made in following the approved narrative and investing themselves as parties to the cover up. I recall in the weeks following a news story reporting on "the reaction to the Youtube video"- that is it was reported as factual and without question that the protests were spontaneous and that the attacks grew from them.

    Among the issues with that rather insulting canard include the fact that it was a crumbling infrastructure that inspired the popular uprising that led to Gaddafi's overthrow so to me it's a considerable suspension of disbelief to accept that enough people actually could have seen the video to begin with... that leaves alone the notion that some of the weaponry employed, including RPGs would even be present in a supposedly spontaneous grassroots rebellion... as though the average Libyan carries grenades and other small incendiary devices as they go through their day to day activities.

    As good as the propagandists here have become at painting xenophobic caricatures we are collectively as good at allowing those unrealistic images to be impressed upon us as those who are choreographing how the public sees the outside world as a filter of our government's foreign policies..

  • PatriotInCT - 11 years ago

    John's comments below show the extent of Hillary's deception, greed, and lust for power.

    Frank; I was trying to point out the other people who were thrown under the bus by the media because they got in the way of the Clinton Machine. I am not sure whether or not the bimbos were raped by Bill. If they made such claims, and Bill denies it, I know who I trust more to be telling the truth. But, as I said, we don't have more than one stained blue dress to settle the issue. So, the Clintons escape once again.

    I am waiting for Hillary to be thrown under the bus by the Obama Administration to take the fall for Benghazi because she can then open up about Obama's involvement in Benghazi and the cover up. This will make Watergate look like a jaywalking violation.

  • John - 11 years ago

    Hillary was actually born in Chicago and spent her childhood in Illinois... went to Wellesley College in Massachusetts then to Yale where she met Bill Clinton. She interned for a California law firm in '71 and did some political campaigning in Texas... she only moved to Arkansas after failing the D.C. bar exam but passing the Arkansas bar. She married Bill a few years after that relocation.

  • frank - 11 years ago

    Just a little about my comment on Hillary being a carpet bagger. How in the heck does a woman that was born and raised in Arkansas get elected as a senator from New York? Where are her qualifications? But then a guy from Hawaii got elected in Chicago. I just don't get it!

  • frank - 11 years ago

    Hey there Patriot, I didn't forget about women in his life. I believe they were put through the ringer to make them look bad while somehow preserving Bubba's reputation, but they were not raped. I believe they were starstruck and perhaps taken advantage of, but they went in with their eye's open. In reality, almost all of our past Presidents have some skeletons in hiding as the press used to look the other way. What would they be saying about Franklin D's wife today ? Or Kennedy, or Jefferson etc. Hillary is just plain EVIL, and a carpet bagger to boot.

  • Jude - 11 years ago

    I voted no. Very possible that the powers that be will still rally around this unconscionable, power hungry woman. (include her hubby in the previous comment ) Then we are all doomed I fear.

  • PatriotInCT - 11 years ago

    Frank; you forgot to list the members of the Bimbo Eruption, including Jennifer Flowers, etc.

  • PatriotInCT - 11 years ago

    The facts revealed will be downplayed by the liberal media. So those facts won't derail her aspirations.

    However, she won't be able to win the 2016 election once a competent Republican nominee uses those facts and many more skeletons in her closet against her when EVERY voter is paying attention. Now, we have Jodi Arias and the Boston Marathon bombing getting all the attention, as directed and produced by the liberal media.

    So, the poll question and the responses may be ambiguous, depending on how you interpret them.

  • frank - 11 years ago

    The Clinton Dynasty will not be denied. Just ask Vince Foster

  • John - 11 years ago

    The testimony SHOULD derail her plans to be a free woman let alone her presidential aspirations.

  • den - 11 years ago

    Any one who goes against "the family" will end up sleeping with the fishes. Why is it that not one book telling the truth about the Clinton white house has ever been written? Little Rock and Chicago style politics keep whistleblowers from coming forward and being destroyed or dead.

    If Barry can be elected twice by the low info voters anything is possible, this poll is an example of the low info voters supporting clinton no matter how incompetant she has been.

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