Is ticketing parents of bullies fair?


  • Joyce - 11 years ago

    yes yes Parents are responsible for their children . People are always saying look how that child is acting they should be disciplined . Yes but you don't see that happening . All you see is NOW Johnny don't do that. Really Discipline the parents things in this world are completely out of hand . WE NEED ORDER
    and it starts with raising children . Oh and yes I have raised children I have two who both are responsible productive Citizens Thank You

  • Octavia - 11 years ago

    I think both the parent and the child should have consequences. The parent should get a ticket, maybe they can get their kids act together... and the child should have to do community service or something, depending on age... The bullying stuff has to stop, it ridiculous!

  • Bruce Senter - 11 years ago

    Parents are supposed to be responsible for their minor children. This "entitlement" attitude is in both parents and children. If the parents get fined and the child has to do community service on the weekends then maybe they'll think twice about being cruel to others.

  • ava - 11 years ago

    I believe that parents should be responsible. But ticket the kids! Or make them do some community service.they need to live and learn too! Maybe that would help with some of the bullying.

  • Lisa - 11 years ago

    I believe this would be good because most if the time parents say oh my child doesn't do that! I have been going through by child being bullied for 5 years and finally went to the police and they couldn't do anything other than talk to the child . His parents were defensive at that meeting at first. But I think that if there was money involved or alittle more threat to the bullies they might think twice well at least I hope so! We need to stand up for the children that are getting bullied I know my daughter has felt that no one was on her side in the school system and at the police station so we need to do something for them!!!

  • Lisa - 11 years ago

    I believe this would be good because most if the time parents say oh my child doesn't do that! I have been going through by child being bullied for 5 years and finally went to the police and they couldn't do anything other than talk to the child . His parents were defensive at that meeting at first. But I think that if there was money involved or alittle more threat to the bullies they might think twice well at least I hope so! We need to stand up for the children that are getting bullied I know my daughter has felt that no one was on her side in the school system and at the police station so we need to do something for them!!!

  • ruby - 11 years ago

    i believe that the parent is ultimately responsible for their childrens actions untill the age of 18 and should be ticketed/fined. also if parents would stop trying to be their childrens friends while they are growing up and be actually right role model for their children instead of condoning the things that they do that is not right to other human beings, things would be alright

  • Bridget - 11 years ago

    Parents should be responsible since the kids are minors. Some parents are scared of their children, so they need some reality check and let their kids whose is in charge.

  • Luis Rosario - 11 years ago

    I believe some parents should be held accountable because.many times bullying starts in the home of the bully's themselves.

  • Angela Thoen - 11 years ago

    I believe this is more than fair. Parents should be held responsible for their kids action especially if they condone it, or even if they have no idea whats going on. They will then become aware and can discipline their kid for being a bully and hurting others. A lot of the time, I do not believe parents know how their child is acting outside of the house. It's a shame too. When their kid gets blamed for an act of violence or is the reason someone hurts themselves and they don't believe it because they're not aware. This will help keep parents more involved in their child(s) lives, cities should've started doing this a long time ago.

  • Jennifer - 11 years ago

    Parents are accountable for their childs actions until they are 18. If you cant afford the ticket for them being a bully or whatever action they take during the course of the day unfortunately thats the price we as parents pay on top of money for being dumb enough to think any child ever stops needing our guidance and breathing down their necks until they move out and can responsponsible for their own affairs.

  • Lisa Vaughn - 11 years ago

    The kids learn from their parents actions. Now a days kids get no supervision..
    So Parents should be accountable.

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