Should Restaurants Eliminate Tipping


  • Teresa - 11 years ago

    No! If you take away tips then food costs are going to go up and so will your beverages and anything else you buy there. Yes servers chose that position but they chose it because of the TIPS and they could make more money with the service they give then minimum wage! A hairdresser gets tips because they do not get the full amount of what you pay for your beauty needs.

  • Rachel - 11 years ago

    Absolutely not! I am a server and make a VERY good living at it. I graduated college in 2005 and can't find a job making anywhere near what I make as a server. It would be nice to have a higher wage to go along with the tips we make, but only so that it would cover the taxes that are taken out of our checks. As it stands in Georgia, we make the standard $2.13/ hour. At the end of every year, I still owe the state nearly $500 and am penalized for not having enough taken out. When there isn't enough there, that's when there is a problem. Taking away tipped employees will not only make the cost of the visit astronomically expensive, but will make the service quality go down. Servers work very hard and tips are not required, but are appreciated. Also, if you don't want to tip the person who is bringing your food and making sure you have enough to drink, then you should also not tip your hair dresser, valet, barber, etc... because they DO make a decent hourly wage. Think about that!

  • Liberty - 11 years ago

    No I Don't Think They Should. Yes Sometimes You Get Poor Waitress But Sometimes You Don't. If They Are Bad At Their Job Or Have An Attitude Problem Just Don't Tip Them.. If They Do A Good Job Then Tip Them.. It's As Simple As That..

  • Michelle - 11 years ago

    No they should not take away tips. Those servers work hard to make good money. Have you gone somewhere like mcdonalds where you dont tip, and got cruddy service from the person behind the counter just because they are there to collect their paycheck. Yes servers chose that job but maybe its because they like serving others!

  • Alvin - 11 years ago

    Yes, they should take away tipping as part of the server's wage and make the employer pay a decent wage. It would still be ok to tip if you desire. EVERYBODY should be working hard for their wages. I know I do, and I don't get any tips for it!!

  • Melanie Archer - 11 years ago

    Just remember...if tipping is eliminated you will be paying much more for your food. Restaurant owners have to make enough to pay their employees a higher wage.. Makes sense.

  • MARLENE HAMBRICK - 11 years ago


  • Barb - 11 years ago

    do not stop tipping. also the restaurants should have to pay min wage like every one else! they make enough money-I know we spend enough at them!!

  • Barb - 11 years ago

    don't stop the tipping and raise the wage to at least min! Restaurants should have to pay min wage like every one else-they make enough money-I know we spend enough at them!!

  • tina - 11 years ago

    Todd read this on the air! Omg! delivery drivers need tips! what about car expenses, potholes, gas money! pizza shops do not, I repeat, do not give the delivery fee to the driver and some give them only a percentage!

  • Jen - 11 years ago

    When I used to be a server, I made better money with tips than if I were to get paid more an hour with no tips! It was great to have cash each shift instead of waiting for a check! If I was still a server I would rather have the tips. Plus would customers still get good service if the servers weren't trying to get a good tip?

  • Patricia Metz - 11 years ago

    I think tipping should be extra for the severs, cause the costumer isn't there to pay the wages, and a lot of people don't tip. A tip is extra for going beyond the expectations of the customer. The employer should be reasonable for the wages.

  • Rachel - 11 years ago

    Restaurants should not eliminate tipping. What if you have a bad server that doesn't deserve the tip figured into the price?

  • bob - 11 years ago

    for those that don't want to tip then they should stay home and serve them selfs waitress put up a lot of bs an get paid crap I pay 20percent or more they deserve it im for u waitress keep up the great work

  • Max - 11 years ago

    Absolutely! It is the responsibility of the employer to pay their employees! Admittedly, I have always gone above twenty percent when leaving a tip because I "felt sorry" for the waiter/waitress who had to work so hard. But then I took another look recently, and thought, they chose this position, and I am NOT responsible for their income! Again, across the country, employers are forced to pay minimum wage and above, according to job, capabilities and education...not the recipient who worked hard to be able to afford the time out to eat away from home. It's common sense!

  • Brian - 11 years ago

    NO they should not take away tips ... Being a server has to be one of the worst jobs in this country . My family is in the restaurant business and paying servers min wage would be a slap in the face for how hard they work . If this would happen there would be a lot of restaurants that will not be able to keep there servers . Then to all you people out there that enjoy dinner being served to you . With out quality servers you will go out to eat with teenagers serving your meals ... You know those kids that like to lick taco shells then serve them oh yea then who will serve the booze ??? Remember folks there are a ton of single moms out there that raise there family on tips ... A good server will make 2 to 3 times min wage but they work there ass off for it ... If you want to be that cheap then you keep your ass at home and crank up your microwave !!!!

  • eva Buhite - 11 years ago

    If they would actually make a decent wage, maybe. I leave a very generous tip wherever I eat. But when I have to ask for a second cup of coffee, their tip goes down.

  • Shelly - 11 years ago

    I believe tipping should stop! I work in a restaurant and the sever complain if they don't get a tip and also complain when they do, you are there to work and do your job! If any body should get a tip it should be the cooks, cuz with out them the severs would get anything.

  • Leslie - 11 years ago

    No I dont think taking away tipping is right cause that how they make their means met n thats their living it already hard out. Want they worry bout take government bonus away n fixing wants more important.

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