Should casinos be allowed to take your picture if you win money?


  • Amber - 11 years ago

    Honestly they don't need to they take your ID so that's enough to know you. Also you don't want other people seeing you won that and being all rich and having people want to rob you

  • Amber - 11 years ago

    Honestly they don't need to they take your ID so that's enough to know you. Also you don't want other people seeing you won that and being all rich and having people want to rob you

  • Laura - 11 years ago

    Politicans are out of control, what next? How about taking care of what is important, jobs!

  • Tori - 11 years ago

    Well it is a little invading they all ready photo copy your drivers license. It dont make since to do both.. Theres cameras and all that..right

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