Are the video and song too sexy for a 12-year-old?


  • Max Cook - 11 years ago

    I thank it is to young of that music video

  • daneen - 11 years ago

    A summer fling doesn't necessarily mean she was having sex! Everyone is so quick to jump to that conclusion. When I was thirteen I went away on vacation and met a boy and all we did was hold hands and have one single kiss. Then I left for him and never saw him again. And from the video shown hers was just that!

  • The Truth - 11 years ago

    I was expecting to view a video a lot worst the way it's captioned! It's fine to me, she's not only a singer she is an actor an she has to make good videos to sell records an make money! Now, how many people including your self act for FREE every day? Pretending to be someone your not or like someone you don't? I don't see nothing wrong with her video to promote her song for sales to get money... Their is people robbing, killing, prostituting, an all kinds of stuff to get money at all ages!!! Put shame on them, leave that girl alone an let her continue to make more money then you do at age 12!!!!!!

  • Chares Hines - 11 years ago

    I don't think its bad but y say things about her age an brooke sheilds. Was making sex movies when she was how old don't matter she was a kid blue lagoone let her make her money

  • Chares Hines - 11 years ago

    I don't think its bad but y say things about her age an brooke sheilds. Was making sex movies when she was how old don't matter she was a kid blue lagoone let her make her money

  • Courtney - 11 years ago

    It's acting in a video not her real life. We are not her parents so have no idea what her real life is.. The video is acting and showed nothing revealing. I am a mother of a 14 year old daughter who is still to young for "summer flings" but clearly this video is not her real life. Crazy that we judge. It's simple to me if you don't like it,don't listen to it or watch it. Stop judging others.

  • Marie - 11 years ago

    Notice how everyone else in that video are older. Which tells me that she is pretending to be older in the video. 12 year Olds don't have summer flings at midnight. This is way to old for a 12 year old ( I have A 12 year old and no way is her life anything like that video). So i guess i wonder if the actor ask have to be older, they must know that this done is not a tween song, so why have one sing it ??I feel bad that these celebrity kids are made to act older and really loose their innocence really young..sad. Hopefully we won't be reading bad news about her

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