After George Zimmerman's Acquittal, Will The Department Of Justice File A Civil Rights Suit Against Him?


  • den - 11 years ago

    @patriotct good point. I will write to them with my comments. They are not conservative leaning on any of their newscasts and have Liberal news people doing the announcing.

  • curmudgeoninchief - 11 years ago

    This has never been about whether there are sufficient grounds to bring a civil rights action against George. It has always been about whether Obama is willing to take the inevitable flack from all thinking beings who are not left-wing idealogues or racial apologists if he does so. Misusing the Justice Department is something this mistake of a president has mastered. Why stop at the fact that there is simply no justification for filing a civil rights action against George?

  • John - 11 years ago

    I question the assumption that this is a Conservative leaning station when I see stories and photos of the justice for Treyvon bei9ng featured by the website of that very same supposedly Conservative leaning station. Methinks the Conservative label is akin tho the RINOs who have co-opted the Republican party- where it is the illusion of a voice and balance that keeps a potentially activist voting block from actually effecting any meaningful transformation in the polls and otherwise from being heard as what we THINK might be a sympathetic forum is using that presumption to forestall any counter to the subversion campaign presently at work

  • PatriotInCT - 11 years ago

    @ Frank, John, Den, etc. Complaining about the bias in the Liberal Media on a conservative slanted radio station message board will do no good. If you want to use your knowledge to accomplish something, write to the key advertisers on those liberal media outlets and tell them what you think about the biased news reporting they are supporting. Suggest to them that you will 'vote on their decision with your consumer dollars' in the future. I may not do this on a day to day basis, but I certainly do not support Hollyweird in any way, shape or form, nor have I or will I ever belong to a union.

  • John - 11 years ago

    Frank- if you consider the possibility that they in fact WANT for the tensions to erupt then this whole misinformation campaign begins to make some sense... remember Hillary's famous (to me) quote: "Never waste a good crisis". I'm thinking that they're not above creating one. The facts do not fit into the narrative so we'll keep seeing an older photo of an innocent looking preteen Trayvon and the whole theme of "injustice" will be pursued until something gives- demonstrating our unfitness to own guns and our need for martial law to restore order.

  • den - 11 years ago

    You are absolutely correct Frank. I was listening today to the morning news at 8 o'clock and they had a story on the protest yesterday and they chose to put on a woman who was so misinformed I don't know how WTIC could have let this interview air. She said George Zimmerman was a grown man and he chased down that "little boy Trayvon" and killed that "poor little boy Trayvon". That Little Boy almost killed George Zimmerman and broke his nose with 1 punch. This is why Connecticut will never get it right, low information people do not ever get their facts right.

    Way to go TIC, advance that racist agenda and keep drinking the Kool Aid.

  • frank - 11 years ago

    It has been reported that Trayvon was the physical aggressor in the incident that lead to his death. Now, on the morning program yesterday I heard it being said that he had liver damage from ingesting a "gangsta style" cocktail made from skittles, cough syrup, and Arizona Watermelon juice. This "kid" was no angel. Why don't the larger news outlets report these findings and perhaps help to diffuse the increasing tensions that are continuing brew in the African American Community? I am truley baffled by their lack of understanding about the dangers that are lying just below the surface about to erupt. Why don't they report all of the facts, not just the ones they feel like?

  • John - 11 years ago

    The "progressives" don't like or respect anyone in the general population regardless of race. These "Justice for Trayvon" rallies being held are part of a campaign to incite. They are effectively seeking to idolize a delinquent street punk who was heavily into the hip hop "gangsta" thing who got shot because he was pounding mercilessly on Zimmerman's head and slamming it into the pavement- vowing to kill him. Yet the criminal media purposefully showed photos of Martin as a smiling preteen in its campaign to railroad Zimmerman and fan racial unrest with the rest of us. Meanwhile scandals like Benghazi, Fast and Furious, IRS conservative targeted audits (including sharing private info with other agencies), NSA domestic spying all get swept under the rug as the Fourth Estate in showing its criminal complicity makes obvious that the Constitution and Bill of Rights have been illegally nullified. The only part of the whole thing that has any value to them is the fifth amendment protection against self incrimination. Treyvon's civil rights would be nothing more than a convenient prop to incite unrest.

  • white man - 11 years ago

    libs are absolute racist haters. they despise the white man!

  • frank - 11 years ago

    Once again our esteemed leader weighs in on how he could have been Trayvon 35 years ago. What a load of $*&#!!! Will he soon come out saying that the victem of the other white hispanic shooter, Arron Hernandez, could have been him too? In his "hometown" of Chicago there are almost 10 black victems of gunshots every day. Does he resemble them too?
    Martin Luther King said something about being judged be the content of our character, not the color of our skin. Obama, Jesse, and good ol' Rev. Al should re-read some of his writings and then act accordingly!

  • John - 11 years ago

    This administration seems to be doing its best to incite from the purposefully divided herd justification for instituting martial law. They are race baiting as has already been pointed out. Those big mouthed reverends are just helping the administration in trying to rouse the population into rioting. The leadership of the United States is a disgrace- and reflects poorly on us voters who put them there..

  • Paul Bartomioli - 11 years ago

    The racists in the DoJ will do all they can to file this suit. There is no legal basis for it, but that will not stop holder and his lord & master, obama. Both racists will do all in their power to press this divisive issue.

  • carrie - 11 years ago

    Mr. Zimmerman is innocent. Some people will use this to riot & steal from stores, fight, etc. Tell me how stealing a flat screen TV will justify anything. Theses thugs will find any excuse to take what's not theirs.
    Move on & get over it. Want to go after someone? Go after Casey Anthony who killed her own daughter then walked free. As far as Jackson & Sharpton are concerned they are the worse trouble makers ever.

  • frank - 11 years ago

    It's time for EVERYONE to leave the Martin, and Zimmerman familys alone. Don't those big mouthed Reverands have a Church to go back to? Aren't there some pressing cases for the too many lawyers to take care of? How about filing a Civil Rights lawsuit on behalf of the people that died in Benghazi, or the border agent that died as a result of the Fast and Furious "non-incident"? How about an investigation into the abuse of power by the Obama Administration? Where's the main stream liberal media on those issues?

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