Do You Approve Of Exemptions For Congress And Congressional Employees From "Obamacare"?


  • John - 11 years ago

    All legitimate non violent recourse requires congressional cooperation- which our oh-so-esteemed body has shown its refusal to do thus far. For example, they aren't going to repeal Obamacare unless they deem their own safety to be contingent on them doing so. The best we'll get is a bunch of speeches and scripted pantomime "votes" that will predictably fall short as the likes of Boehner dutifully play their roles as the pretend voice against the trend- and in doing so they abet the advancing of the leftists agenda by placating into silence those who might otherwise be making a noise- communicating in plain language what's afoot and undoing the brainwashing that the media has been so diligent at.

  • Nathan - 11 years ago

    Can we add a "Repeal Obamacare" option? It's just a ridiculous law!

  • larry mcberry - 11 years ago

    Repeal this law, the American people doesn't want this! People need to sign this online petition to repeal this terrible healthcare law.

    The American people don't want this, the unions don't want it and they are not going for it. Small business, and large business will be hurting. There will be no growth, all the money will be spent on the healthcare law. It needs to be repealed NOW. REPEAL THE HEALTHCARE LAW NOW..

  • den - 11 years ago

    All of us should tune in Friday night to Sean Hannity and listen to what Mark Levin is proposing. If we can get this to happen we can take control of our lives again and regain our lost freedom.

  • frank - 11 years ago

    Over the past weekend I took the time to re read our nations Declaration of Independence. I can say without reservation that the gentlemen who who penned and signed that great document are rolling over in their graves! What our elected officials are now doing is in no way keeping the spirit of what this great country founded for. We were supposed to be a nation of free people, able to make our own way without goverment interference, able to enjoy the fruits of our labor. I am sad.

  • PatriotInCT - 11 years ago

    The Congresspersons who voted for ObamaCare are not all current Congresspersons. The Dems controlled the House and Senate, but now only control the Senate. So 'voting everyone out', the typical irate rant we all see on the internet, is akin to throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Every irate person who suggest this solution has not mentioned how to avoid electing NEW Congresspersons who would do similar selfish things wit their power. So, the only thing to do is reduce their power by reducing their numbers. That requires educated voters and candidates who are not reliant upon a Congressional career. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Socialist programs require equality and equity for all participants, and for nearly all to participate. We are seeing daily an increasing number of exempt companies and more exemptions for those in power. Ultimately, it is a Socialist program that is evolving before our eyes into a .... Capitalist program. Shudder!
    The Medical Industrial Complex marches on! (apologies to Eisenhower).

  • John - 11 years ago

    It is indeed an outrage and it's very much a tell- that the government knows that the law is an unmitigated load of costly crap that even those charged with its implementation want no part of. Those who voted for it voted for an unethical expansion of the bureaucracy. Those who may have voted against it but did not create noise about the shady tactic of ramming it through without reading it are just as complicit in what could very well be a crime committed against the taxpayer.

    Allowing ourselves to be diverted by the demagogues who cloak themselves with disingenuous compassion makes us as much a party to our own deception as the pseudo-Republicans who pantomime a conservative voice for no apparent purpose beyond keeping grassroots conservatism sitting on its hands, placated by the false premise that they have a voice.

  • Greg - 11 years ago

    Congress should not be able to pass any law that they exempt themselves from. They are not our rulers. They are abusing the power given to them by the people.

  • Dr. A. - 11 years ago

    This is an outrage! They "can't afford ObamaCare" with $75k-$174k salaries and now we are supposed to pick up the tab???

    There should be a public hanging for each and every person who voted for this!!! These immoral representatives have acted WORST then the majority of incarcerated people in America's prisons! Yet, these lying cheats walk free and live privileged lives!!! I am outraged!

  • John - 11 years ago

    Click "rayman 1080" at the top right of this page and there's newer poll that has yet to be posted on CBS that seems very ripe for discussion... it's sort of a cynical contest.

  • Steve - 11 years ago

    The Supreme Court ruling June 28, 2012 is probably the biggest ruling in our lifetime. It defined what is required for Congress to enact a law on Citizens in the United States.
    Some programs are 60 years old or older and we finally know because of the ruling what we are paying a "Tax" to cover the programs. Social Security, Medicare, and now the Affordable Care Act are all "Taxes" collected.
    The Government has been taxing 100% of SS and Medicare our entire life. How do they Tax a "Tax"?
    When the Government has to stop taxing these programs and make them 100% a tax deduction from your earnings you will hear earthquakes in Washington.
    It is the Law now!
    One other question we might all consider: How does a private Heathcare Insurance Company set your TAX rate and then Collect your TAXES?
    Obamacare needs to quitely go away today and the Government needs to start working on fixing American's current taxes they are being charged!
    Another "Look over there" by Washington.

  • Jodi - 11 years ago

    Btw, those who voted yes were probably the politician. :)

  • Jodi - 11 years ago

    John, I think they should have to work 1 year (shoot, a month without being able to touch any outside monies) on minimum wage salaries, move into a minimum wage house driving, if he/she is lucky, a minimum wage earner's car, and deal with health insurance as a minimum wage employee having to pay for those who are sitting on their butts getting money that we, the taxpayer, are paying them. I have nothing against people on welfare. I, myself, am on disability but the difference is, I PAID for mine through hard work for over 20 years b4 becoming disabled. So I AM entitled to my "entitlement" money. I'm talking about these 2nd, 3rd, and even 4th generation welfare recipients who get all their food paid for, get their housing paid for, get a vehicle paid for if they are "actively" looking for work which means they go to businesses where they know they aren't going to get hired due to their looks (tats, piercings, ect) so they can say they're looking for work.

    THEN we'll see how fast minimum wage comes up, how affordable health coverage becomes and all that. Only problem is these people will know that after their "year of service" as a minimum wage earner, their lives go back to normal. And I think if they "cheat" and have family sneak money to them, then they have to extend the time by another year and each time they're caught another year and another until they get it through their thick skulls that regular, hard working people do not have wealthy relatives ready to hand out money just so you can get your perfect latte at Starbucks where most low income families seldom, if ever go.

    Just my 2 cents worth

  • Osamas Pajamas - 11 years ago


    OhBummer is a pathological b00b and a fool for attacking the American Tea Partiers.

    Heck, he thought that he had all of us hoodwinked, hornswoggled, and bamboozled.

    He’s annoyed that the Tea Partiers are not grateful to him for hijacking the American healthcare system --- and hacking it into a Thrid World mess --- the greatest act of vandalism perpetrated upon the American people since a gang of jihadi frootloops and loonytoons hijacked some planes and crashed them into the World Trade Center towers --- and the Pentagon, and made a failed attempt to crash into the White House --- and instead drilled a hole in a Pennsylvania farm thanks to some very courageous American passengers.

    And --- now widely seen for what he is --- the president presents a problem for the Democrat-captured media. They pump out his propaganda for him --- and, like the opinion monitors in Ayn Rand’s novel, “Atlas Shrugged” --- they are dodging brickbats and rotten vegetables.

    He’s pompous, pampered, and pretentious --- a pseudo-intellectual fop. He’s a glorified, smooth-lyin’ dandy, and slicker than Sick Willie Clinton. He’s a dictator-on-the-make, a bloodsxcking, predatory humanitarian thug, and a low-down skunk.

    He’s a fraud and a swindler. He lies when he inhales and he lies when he exhales; his oxygen is the falsification of reality. He lies, placidly and laconically, as if deception were a soporific drug.

    Lies, after all, are the heart and soul and the sword and shield of the Democrat party.

    He’s a friend of the poor and the downtrodden --- indeed, you can hear the milk of human kindness sloshing around inside of him when he walks.

    He declares himself the post-racial leader --- “Let me be clear!” he intones --- and he hides behind his race, daring his critics to put their reputation for fairness at risk.

    He pauses to ponder the portent of his propaganda --- and it is fakery; he smiles and his mendacity comes shining through.

    Shake hands with Barak Hushpuppy OhBummer --- “The Mistake of ‘08” --- the illegal alien squatter in the White House until his “papers” have been lab-tested for age and chemicals, etc --- the community agitator for the OhBummer Wrecking Crew --- the fascist Fleabagger-in-Chief --- the closet Muslim with the mix-and-match morality --- the King of The Republic of Lies --- and America’s first and last Arab president.

    Now count your fingers.






  • John - 11 years ago

    How is even a question? The plan was sold on the promise that those in government would be using the exact same system as those being governed but after actually finding out what's in the bill they voted on sight unseen they are getting themselves excluded from something that they are telling us is so wonderful. As far as I'm concerned the bill is a gigantic fraud that has been perpetrated on the people and is unconstitutional. Of course I think the government itself has become a big fraud as well. Its members need to be thrown from their elite seats of power into prison. They'll get the health care they deserve there.

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