What Was Your Favorite Season Two Moment?


  • sammie - 11 years ago

    Angela needed to be fired, she didn't want to be there in the first place. She didn't take her job seriously and she was very disrespectful. Please remember this was like her third strike anyway. It was time for her to go and that's just that. And as far as China goes she may have wet the wig...lol but she respect Kim and her salon. Who leaves there job for a week and NOT tells their boss, I mean come on people get real. That's a week of no call no show, even if they know where she was she didn't take the right steps. And then she left her clients who had booked appointments hanging like really. Let people know. Very unprofessional and young....OH WELL YOU LIVE AND YOU LEARN. besides it was TIME for her TO GO.

  • Nikki - 11 years ago

    Why would kim fire Angela? She made the show entertaining to watch! China should be fired! She is bad for business kim r u drunk did yoy see what she did to Vivica Fox!! A celebrity client!! Give me a break!

  • Johnniqty - 11 years ago

    Hate her young goofy ass why do child with an A on the first assignment think they can out do the teacher her mouth is horrid

  • Blahh - 11 years ago

    Why would Angela being fired be an option as a favorite moment? Haterssssssss.

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