Should college athletes be paid to play?


  • Sue - 11 years ago

    Most of them are already getting 4 yr free rides. So IMHOP they are already being paid. As for being unfair for student athletes not being able to share in the riches being made off of their names and talent. That is very illegal. There was very recently a story in the news of a big 10 school that got into serious trouble for this sort of thing. I have forgotten which school it was. The student athletes involved lost their scholarships and got kicked out of school over the financial kick backs they received. The school had to forfeit their entire football season. Coaching staff heads rolled.

  • Justin - 11 years ago

    These kids are getting full ride scholarships to very expensive schools. They dont need to be paid money because they are getting the most important thing in this world for free, and thats education. plus im sure most of them are making money on endoresment deals

  • J. Tewell - 11 years ago

    These colleges and retail businesses are making wads of cash off of items with these kids names on them. Also items that would otherwise not be sold if they were not associated with these athletes. It is unfair that these kids are not able to share in the millions of dollars others are making off their name and tallent. If they don't get something than no one should....They are essentialy being pimped out for their name and tallent....

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