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My enthusiasm for Google Glass is... (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 220
1 Comment

  • B.J. Murphy - 11 years ago

    As people are voting their viewpoints regarding Google Glass, I'd highly recommend reviewing all the data and personal experiences cataloged via Google Glass and Facebook by the developers and tech journalists who were able to get their hands on the pre-market prototypes.

    A list of names coming off the top of my head are Robert Scoble, Eva Smith, David Carns, Tim Stevens, Gregor Rothfuss, Stephanie Robesky, Tejas Lagvankar, Chris Foote, etc. etc. etc. There's many, many more, but I can't think of all their names. They all agree on one thing though - Google Glass is amazing! And that it'll have a huge impact on society.

    I believe this can be easily pointed out by a recent news headline from the Times of India, which noted:

    "When the surgeon's scalpel drew a red line on the patient's abdomen, two blocks away a group of medical students leaned toward their screens.

    "The procedure was a simple hernia repair, but the surgical team was unusually upbeat as they turned to look at the latest gadget in the operation theatre - the Google Glass worn by their chief.

    "As the medical fraternity in the west debates the usefulness of the newest device produced by software giant Google Inc, doctors in India have joined the chorus with bouquets and brickbats, even as a surgeon in the city became the first in the country to live-stream a surgery using the Google Glass."

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