Should "Obamacare" Be Delayed Until Problems Are Worked Out?


  • frank - 11 years ago

    Don, In case you weren't aware of it, the exemptions go way beyond the politicians and their staffers. Pretty much all of the major labor unions that supported it in the beginning when they buying votes have gotten the same exemptions. It's all in who who you know!! And pay!!!!!!

  • Don Derflinger - 11 years ago

    The damn law is Unconstitutional. It boggles my mind how that can be confusing to supposedly intelligent human beings (that includes our esteemed Supreme Court). The doling out of waivers to administration cohorts and various exemptions to some provisions of the ACA for Congress, their staffs and members of the Administration makes it abundantly clear how ridiculous the implementation of this law was and it's UNCONSTITUTIONALITY.

  • ChristopherTruthaloumbus - 11 years ago

    Its here...and as a blue color worker making around 40K a year with a current employer health plan that already has gone up in cost a ton in the last 10 years....If they drop our coverage. It will increase our costs by 125-150 a month...for the cheapest HUGE deductible plans on the ACA. Once again the working class will be asked to pull the wagon harder. I like helping people who need it...I am disgusted by helping lazy worthless people who won't work.

  • John - 11 years ago

    Civilian federal employees get sent home while congress and the treasodent still get paid for what... doing their jobs? they aren't. Government isn't being shut down at all- regular folks are deliberately being hurt by demagogues who are promoting the notion that our only choice is to go bankrupt- both political parties are playing in the game- with the GOP offering only words and precisely pulled punches in the form of coming up just short of stopping the unconstitutional policies like The "Affordable" (hah!) Care Act. Unless the Constitution has been nullified they entire lot needs to be criminally charged for violating it.

  • frank - 11 years ago

    Well, here it is, the shut down has arrived. 800,000 non-essential employees have been told to stay home. Here's my question, what private sector company has any non-essential workers, much less the number they say have been laid off? Think of the money being saved by not having these people collecting non-essential pay checks. That in itself is probably enough to pay for Obamacare. What a simple solution, just get rid of the dead weight and the Dems. can finally balance the whole budget. Wow.

  • Feed Up - 11 years ago

    Impeach these criminals in DC

  • Nick - 11 years ago

    The WTIC poll shows that the majority of Ct. residents want to abolish Obamacare.
    Connecticut is a blue state that elected Obama. Obama does not even have support
    for his plan from the people who voted for him!! Sorry for errors with my space bar,
    I need a new keyboard but can't afford one.

  • Nick - 11 years ago

    Obamacare is a terrible law! There are many people who can only get part time work
    and can not afford to pay for Obamacare. The deductibles are very high, in the thousands of
    dollars!! This makes the plans useless. Connecticut also has the 4th highest Obamacare
    premiums in the country. People who are barely able to make ends meet can not afford
    to pay the Obamacare months premiums. A very bad law!!

  • John - 11 years ago

    So- our elected criminals are ramming through another spending bill against the will of the governed- are refusing to enact any budget but exploiting its absence to further a decidedly Socialist agenda.

    It isn't just Obama that needs to be removed from office and made to face charges- the entire cast of characters needs to be forcibly expunged from their seats of power. Unfortunately that isn't going to happen- welcome to America's precipitous decline... hope you all enjoy the ride.

  • PatriotInCT - 11 years ago

    The Affordable Care Act is another program or issue with which a significant majority of the US population is opposed, but our elected officials are pushing forward with, despite hearing the objections. It is far past the time to scrap ObamaCare, and Obama, entirely, but the lawful process that law-abiding citizens must follow is to wait until January, 2017 to make needed changes... to take back our guns, health care coverage, rights to choice on medical issues, earned wages that have been taxed away from us, etc., ...and our Country. The first step occurs in November, 2014, to remove Harry Reid from his Senate leadership role, and Malloy from his Supremacy role.

  • judy - 11 years ago

    I stand by the kettles every year but here in Newfoundland Canada we do not ring bells we just stand and thank the people who so generously give to help the poor. I have never heard of bell ringing. And while we are on the subject I wish they would cut out music blasting in stores .We cant even hear what the clerk is saying when we ask a simple question. thanks. Hope this reply will help a much needed cause to be continued. Thank you..Guess we all have our pet peeves.Life is to short to dwell on it .

  • John - 11 years ago

    Credit is due to Ray for responding to comments in his previous poll by adding the option of scrapping the unconstitutional law entirely in this poll.

  • frank - 11 years ago

    Personally I am against the plan as I understand it. From where I stand, the whole "affordable" part of this thing is a load of you know what. My own health insurance premiums have risen this year by 32%. Maybe passage of this monster is the only way people are going to understand that it is not what they have been led to believe. If you're a regular working person and your finances are tight now, hold on to wallets, it's about to get a lot worse. Perhaps the saintly image of Obama will finally go down in the flames of hell.

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