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Do you think members of Congress should be paid during a government shutdown? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 433

  • jim - 11 years ago

    they should all have their pants pulled down and given an old fashioned spanking. my children behave better than those sio called adults.

  • Richelle - 11 years ago

    For those who have medical insurance and complain about the cost of doctor's visits, hospital stays, ambulance service, prescription drugs and medical testing, what is the person without insurance supposed to do? Insurance, whether it is auto, homeowner's, flood, or medical is supposed to spread the risk to all so when an individual needs it it will be there. It is something people hope they never have to use, but look at all of those affected by hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, wild fires, earthquakes and so on. Individually they can not survive. It takes a team. So it is with our healthcare crisis.

    Those people who don't want a National Catastrophe Insurance Plan are probably the same who do not want this healthcare plan. It either can't happen here or we don't care about the guy without insurance.

    If subsidized insurance were removed from legislators, if legislators were in the Social Security System or if legislators are personally affected by a natural catastrophe, things would change quickly because they would have a personal stake. It is time for the legislators and American people to think not just of themselves, but of their fellow Americans.

    We are a civilized country, but have no national healthcare program. If the Tea Party doesn't like the Obamacare plan which is now law, they should be bringing positive suggestions for change to the table for discussion rather than trying to gut the whole thing. Obamacare is the current law and should be upheld with proper funding. Remember, the Boston Tea Party resulted in a war and we do not need another war military or financial within our country.

  • dfetterman - 11 years ago

    Why just the congress? The person that initiated all this is none other than the POTUS with his my way or the highway mentality. Polls constantly show Americans reject this gubment health care trash law, yet the dems are still out there selling it like nothing is wrong. They know the low information voters are buying into it, yet 90% of jobs created this year are part time due solely this stupid law. Good luck with your kids ever finding good, full time and benefit paying jobs. Quit blaming both parties. Both parties are not in control - fact is the dems have been running the place since 2007. Like what you see - keep voting for dems.

  • joni B - 11 years ago

    I am ashamed of this country. We go all over the world and tell everyone else how to run their countries and set the worst example with our own affairs. The blame is not only on our little kids in congress acting like little children! My husband and myself work at the voting polls and when we only get an 18% of the voters to turn out to vote we have no one to blame but ourselves!!! Wake up people!!!!!!!!!!!!! Election day is Nov.5th. Get out and VOTE. Your vote does count!!!!!!!!!! When I hear people complain, my first question is DID YOU VOTE???!!! Let our congress know how we feel. Every vote does count so....GET OUT AND VOTE!!!!!! We will never get rid of these little children if you don't.

  • Anne - 11 years ago

    They should not be paid however their pay is guaranteed by a consitutional amendment. So no matter how much the American people and the furloughed Fed workers suffer - they don't care. As Americans let's start voicing our displeasure with this "do nothing" legislative branch and vote the lot of them out in the next election. Let's stop the derision between Dem vs. Rep. and right vs. left and unite as AMERICANS to fight for our right to be REPRESENTED by our congresspeople and senators. They are supposed to work for our benefit and not behave like spoiled children.

  • Doris Faust - 11 years ago

    The taxpayers is struggling, loosing their jobs, because of Obamocare and they(the democrats) do not
    care. The nation is deep in debt. People are deep in debt. The Democrats do not care. They would put
    us deeper in debt and take away our rights as citizens. Their aim is to defy the Constitution and have
    a nation of evil and lost freedoms and be under a dictatorship.

  • Bryce Hart - 11 years ago

    Throughout the course of history, dictators have chosen rules that apply to themselves, and then created rules to apply to everyone else. I find it distressing that our elected officials would think even for a minute that their constituents would shutdown the government for FINANCIAL ideals! Frankly, I have had it up to here with the party system. Doe it even apply anymore, other than to serve those inside the Beltway? It's time they stop thinking like Democrats, Republicans, Teaparty,etc., and start thinking as AMERICANS! Congress...GET A GRIP on what AMERICANS are thinking and forget about what serves YOU in the short term!

  • Charles Beitinger - 11 years ago

    They are all rich people anyway, so cut off their govt. welfare (pay check) and let them tap into their own wealth, once they start to lose their amassed wealth they will change their mind. They are a disgrace to this nation and have not led from the start, never heard a darn thing about and sacrifices they have made for the good of this nation or its people. Our govt. is in serious need of an overhaul, the two party system must go, the mentality is "What is best for the Party" not the people.

  • Michelle - 11 years ago

    Does anyone else besides me think this is just the DUMBEST question ever posed?? Is there really any other answer other than a big, fat HELL NO!!!???? Congress clearly can't get their (insert not so nice word) together so why in THE HELL should they be paid a dime??? They certainly haven't earned it!!!

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