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Have you driven past a stopped school bus? (Poll Closed)


  • Sally - 11 years ago

    My problem is what about the bus driver that waves you around? Are these going to be on camera also? I live in a rural area and some drives "park" or pull to the side and will wait five minutes for there pick up. I don't think this is an issue of just people but bus drivers. I can understand why someone would pass a bus who has sat for 15 minutes. This did happen to me once, I was opposite of a bus who had a kindergartner on board and the mother was at neighbors and "forgot" the time. I was then in turn late to pick up my own children, they went to a different school. I called the local public school transportation and was told what had happened and the drivers aren't allowed to leave until child in adult care. I get this but making me sit there across from him for 15 minutes was ridiculous. He should have taken the child back to the school with him. So I can see why in some instances someone might pass a bus, even though I wouldn't.

  • Tony - 11 years ago

    I'm with Steve. There needs to be safer locations for students to be picked up by bus drivers. When the school bus stops every four feet and you can't get around them because its a one lane road its infuriating. I end up driving further out of my way to attempt to get around the school bus.

  • Steve - 11 years ago

    Public roads are a death trap as it is, and the public school busses make the situation even worse. Take 183, for example. 183 is already an agonizing drive, and then busses stopping every 10 feet (and around blind corners no less) makes it rage inducing. Instead of picking each kid up at an unsafe location, why can't they simply meet at a common location to be picked up? God forbid people's precious children have to walk a block to their bus stop. It's bad enough I'm forced to subsidize the terrible public education system when I don't even have any children myself. Let's not twist the knife already in my back by holding me up even more during my daily commute. "Hey guys, let's add more laws and regulations to an already overregulated mess!" Stay classy, PA.

  • Confused - 11 years ago

    What constitutes a school bus?

    Are vans marked "school students" buses? They don't have the extra lights or stop signs and swing arms. There is one that pulls off on the shoulder of rt. 12 about 1 mile south of rt. 73 every morning. It usually has its 4-ways on, and some mornings (like this morning) it had its left wheels in the road about a foot.

  • Rebecca - 11 years ago

    Yes, just yesterday. It was stopped, but with no lights, yellow or red, flashing and no stop sign out. My bad. But why doesnt the driver just use the flashing lights and stop arm?

  • Dab - 11 years ago

    I have never seen this happen and the frequency must be very low because I drive a lot.

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