A Large Percentage Of Americans No Longer Trust Government. Of The Following Two, Which Is Most Responsible?


  • Todd - 11 years ago

    Obama said to a televised national audience that " if you like your insurance plan you can keep it--nobody
    is going to take it away from you ". Hundred of thousands of people have lost their insurance due to Obama care. He lied to us and was caught in the act. How many other lies has he said???

  • frank - 11 years ago

    When I was growing up, my father always said one of the biggest things for any man to do in his life is keep his word. He would tell me, "say what you mean, and mean what you say". After listening to the president tell everyone about how inexpensive the ACA will be, and how everyone can keep the plans and doctors they currently have, how can anybody really trust him? Then add to that Bengazi, Fast and Furious, the Snowden screw up, the IRS scandle,etc,etc,etc.,the words trust and goverment just do not go together.

  • Todd - 11 years ago

    Obama Care is a nightmare---Get rid of it!!

  • Earl - 11 years ago

    People are losing their current insurance coverage because it does not meet Obamacare's criteria.
    So people are losing their insurance under Obamacare. These folks can not sign up for obamacare
    because it is so darn expensive. Now, the IRS will fine these people because they can not afford Obamacare.

  • John - 11 years ago

    There are so very many reasons to absolutely loathe the collection of criminals that comprise the US federal government...The manner in which the government chose to pursue the so-called "shutdown" made it obvious that it was not the product of economic necessity but a spiteful gesture intent on creating pain for the regular folks- ostensibly for not being sufficiently brainwashed into speaking out against the so-called "right" and its anti-Obamacare theatrics.

    Perhaps it's beginning to sink in that our government's policies reflect not only a general refusal to govern to the will of the voters but of the nullification of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.. the intent seems to be overtly to effect the transformation through exploiting crises and leveraging emotional support for measures that are not at all in our interests.

  • frank - 11 years ago

    The general feeling of mistrust has been building for a long time. The total white wash of the Fast and Furious program sealed it for me. What else is going on that hasn't been discovered, or exposed? And if it is made public, will it be erased away through executive orders from the new Dictator? What we have now is a far cry from the goverment, and country that I proudly wore the uniform for in the 70's. As far as the health care scam going on, this goverment can't even enforce a simple do not call program, how in the hell can anyone believe they can handle national health care?

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