Should schools ban religious music from holiday concerts?


  • Rob Engstrom - 11 years ago

    oh and By the Way, Mary Christmas, not happy holidays!!!!!

  • Rob Engstrom - 11 years ago

    I think the whole thing is ridiculous, 90% of the time you take a close look at people were complaining about God in schools are usually the people who don't believe, or don't believe in our God. I remember issues similar to this when I was in school in Dearborn Michigan, the Moslem families always complained during the Christmas season about everything related to Christ being put on the walls and celebrating Christmas in school, but nobody ever complained when the Muslims put up their holiday decorations, that was perfectly okay and we weren't allowed to complain about it. The same thing is going on in the situation, there's no reason you shouldn't be allowed to practice or celebrate your religion in school. If people actually paid attention to history then they would see this country has a strong lineage of Christian beliefs, as well as freedom of religion. But yet once again some uptight anal wart has decided that they don't want to offend somebody sublets bend over backwards to make them happy, I say if you don't my country or its beliefs get out, it was here before you and who the hell are you to try to change it.PS no offense to the Muslim community or any other religion you have the right to your beliefs you have the right to express your beliefs, anyone who does not share the beliefs of another has the right to do so, and they also have the right to keep their damn opinions to yourself.

  • Mike - 11 years ago

    I think the people in this country better take a long look at who they have as elected officials. You may not destroy this country right now but taking religious beliefs out of Christmas or Easter with the children is the first step in their generation. The Communist Party said long ago ... (Nakita Kruschev) ..."We will Destroy you from Within" We were taught that in our schools.... The seven warning signs of Communism ..Americans better wake up !

  • Juanita - 11 years ago

    Whatever your belief are that's fine but for 100's of years Christmas songs has been song in school. If you remember when we had the pledge of allegiance and God in school it was less killings and bullies. People who went against having God in the school ask yourself how is your kids acting? Do your kids respect you as a parent and not go against you cause you don't believe in discipline. Because of Antichrist we have so much corruption and this is what you may want all this killing, crime and kids who just don't care because they see what there parents.

  • stacie marie - 11 years ago

    I am not a religious person whatsoever but why would they take out the religious songs, if that's the case then take out the silly Xmas songs as well. I mean HELLO PEOPLE that's Jesus' birthday that's what Christmas is about so why in the hell would that be a good idea. STUPID PEOPLE!!! Channel 8, you guys have a great day!

  • Lou - 11 years ago

    What a country we have become. Ban the Pledge of Allegiance in school, ban religious songs - what's next. This country was founded on Christian beliefs. Now it's not the will of the majority but the minority rule. Sooner or later it's all going tol catch up with us and then we'll be in big trouble.

  • Brian - 11 years ago

    Religion is the whole point of the holiday. For those who don't believe shouldn't Be made to participate but don't take Christ out of Christmas. This country has forgotten GOD and we wonder why he is taking so much from this once great Country. Keep Christ alive he will be back soon to pass judgement

  • Molly - 11 years ago

    Apparently no one has heard of Separation of Church and State, and that religion should not be a public school.

  • Raymal - 11 years ago

    Why would you even have a Christmas concert if you can't sing religious songs. That's like half of most choirs repertoire. I was in two advanced choirs when i was in high school, and we sang sang religious songs in other languages. They help expand your dialect. I think this is the stupidest thing they could have ever done. So they can't even sing Silent Night or Joy to the world or any Christmas song if they want to be technical, because most of them have religious meanings. Just have them sing rap songs. See how they feel about that.

  • Connie - 11 years ago

    As the article has one parent complain. Why are Christian not speaking up to make sure we are showing are kids that Jesus is important and He is the reason for the holiday. Are we letting the word tolerant change our convictions. Is our kids and country better because we took out pray in school, the pledge to the American Flag and any Christian song that made us a Christian nation? I think we are in trouble for our children's future.

  • Wendy - 11 years ago

    First you take away the pledge of allegiance and then you can not speak about God in schools and now they want to take away the reason for the season. I tell you this world is really going down the tubes.

  • Tami - 11 years ago

    That is the REASON FOR THE SEASON! It's sad what the world is coming to!

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