Has The "Affordable Heathcare Act" Made The Delivery Of Healthcare Better Or Worse?


  • John - 11 years ago

    Was it ever really intended to make anything better for us? I think not... but the almost complete lack of outcry back when Pelosi famously declared that they needed to pass the bill so that we could find out what was in it suggests that as a whole we're getting exactly what we deserve. Our collective failure to press our congress critters into pressing for details or to vote against it says that it's indeed our chickens come home to roost. The rule of law is being flaunted by this administration and the media does nothing; congress does nothing; we do nothing...

    The details of Obamacare reveal its likely true intent on undermining one-sixth of the economy and further eroding the middle class- creating more dependence on government programs while taxing productivity and ensuring as few gainful full time jobs as possible get created... yet amidst all this the willfully duped keep believing the pretty words of the chief executive liar Treasodent of the United States.

  • Earl - 11 years ago

    The only way that I can afford to pay for Obamacare is to hit the lottery!!!

  • frank - 11 years ago

    I thought of a plan for the democrats that I can't believe they didn't come up with. Everyone knows that one of the biggest money grabs for the Dems. are the state lottery's, so why not a health care scratch off? For a $3.00 ticket, you can win a single plan for life, and a $5.00 ticket can get you health care for your whole family for life. The winner's would be enrolled into the health care plans that state workers get. We all know that plan is the best one available. And if the state uses it, it must be the most "affordable",right? Hell, I'd even play that game.

  • frank - 11 years ago

    My premiums rose this past August from 550.00 to 885.00 per month. Aetna has now told me to expext another 25% increase when and if I renew next year, plus the extra taxes that I will now pay due to the loss of pre-tax deduction I had. Exactly when does this S#@% become affordable?

  • Cathy Zbuska - 11 years ago

    I haven't heard anyone mention this yet. For any of those still lucky enough to have some kind of employer sponsored health plan even though the cost they pay has gone up with much higher deductibles, are they aware that the premium will now be considered part of their income and they will have to pay income taxes on that premium? Also the cost of any other employer provided benefit such as life insurance, disability etc will also now be considered income upon which taxes must be paid.

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