Which Internet bigcos have impressed you the most over the first half of 2008? (multiple choice)


  • Aaron Pollet - 5 years ago

    I really like Vox as well!

  • Jacqueline Smith - 16 years ago

    Web Strategy by Jeremiah [jeremiah_owyang@yahoo.com]
    this is VERY informative and full of the most current issues

  • MarillaAnne - 16 years ago

    Linden Lab's Second Life. Yes, ok maybe not BIGco but still ... if you're not paying attention this is going to bite you. It's not web 2.0 .... It's another animal and it takes time to adjust, time to create, time to understand how to interact, and time to understand how you can actually provide value. Is it worth it? Absolutely. Can you have impact? Totally. But beware ... the audience is not made up of easily impressed sheep. Nope ... it's an audience of meat-eaters. If you don't bring the meat, you'll be the meat.
    Then the rest of the time ... as much as I tried to resist ... I'm finding myself in Google apps.

  • Davy - 16 years ago

    Netlog, the largest European Social network.


  • Matt - 16 years ago

    Ugh... no line breaks... Add "Polldaddy" to my list of "UGH". :-) lol. j/k. but yeah.. no line breaks in my uber-long comment = FAIL.

  • Matt - 16 years ago

    Wo0t W0ot:

    AOL = (*gasp* i know, right???) but smart acquisitions (bebo) and timely feature upgrades to main portal sections (like finance) have given the once-thought-dead AOL a breath of new life.

    Mozilla = What can you say... a few short years ago Mozilla was only known among the inner-sanctum of us web geeks, now "FireFox" is a mainstream name and is steadily and impressively eating away at IE's market share. The brilliant marketing of FF3 and their continued development of useful tools (like Weave and Prism) has given Mozilla my #1 vote.

    Yahoo = in spite of the sharpened fangs of Microsoft bearing down on them and a brandrain of epic proportions, Yahoo has steadily tried new things (Mash, Buzz, Live, etc.) and is still hands down the leading homepage destination of the mainstream. So they lost the search war, but everyone forgets they are creaming everyone in the traffic war. Yahoo, as a company, has continued to impress me and will probably always do so... and it's not the executives, it's the hard work of their really dedicated team of nameless, faceless engineers and designers who just know how to make a quality experience and build a reliable service.

    Write In Vote (other): MySQL. Pffft. This crew needs no blurb... they rock. nuff said.

    UGH (the groaners, OR the crowd favorites who don't get my vote):

    Google = conflicts of interest practically define this company. Are they a applications provider, a web services (API) provider, a search/advertising company... what's it going to be fellas? Pick one, eh? And leave some crumbs for the rest of us. Jerks.

    Microsoft = WTF?! Let's blow through our entire cash reserve just to settle a decade old score. Hey, MS... Spend $40BB on your operating system for change. I'm tired of helping my mom and her email group with Windows problems.

    Apple = do i even need to explain? Apple has spent too much time apologizing in 2008 and that's not very impressive. Their global launch of the iPhone has generated more anger and disappointment than I've seen around a product release since the original iMac mouse (who remembers the hockey puck??). Also... no native video?? Boo. Apple needs some competition to spur them back on track... their god status has led to complacency and cost them my vote.

    Adobe = Are you kidding? AS 3.0 is a nightmare (to code with)... they have abandoned their base (the people who made flash popular because it was a simple IDE and fun to use) by trying to evolve too rapidly into something way more complex than they need to be, and for no apparent benefit other than to soothe the ego's of the Computer Science MS's at the helm. Combine that with years of useless and expensive software iterations on their ENTIRE library of software and you have a company that no longer cares about it's customers... and in such a niche game as Adobe is playing, that is a grave mistake. There is no online future for Adobe, they need to wrangle their software back into the corral and remember who they are fighting for. (Hint: the cream of the web development crop could care less about Adobe, Flash, AS3, Flex, or any of that shit. We want to use dynamic server parsed languages for heavy lifting, not a ball hogging browser plugin. Get over yourselves or "AJAX" and CSS Transitions are going to burn your ass. (aka, stick to video and other multimedia... the days of the 500x500 square of animated gradients and unreadable fonts "because we can" is long gone... time to live in the now. hehehe) (p.s. and as far as server languages go, I did not mean Cold Fusion... nice try though.. but next time try addressing a *consumer* NEED instead of a *company* WISH. You bought Macromedia and have kept CF alive, so you WILL take the criticism for their errors. period.)

    That will be all for today. :-D

  • Trevor - 16 years ago


  • Mike - 16 years ago


  • Master - 16 years ago


  • angelo mds - 16 years ago


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