Choose your answer from the list below. What is the probability of your choice being correct?


  • Debbie Watson - 10 years ago

    This was a real teaser and open for interpretation, and it has certainly caused discussion between my husband and I. We have the same answer but for different reasons. I chose 50%. My thought process there is no question to answer except "What is the probability of your choice being correct?" As there are 4 options, each option has 25% likelihood of being correct. However there is NO question to answer, so immediately I wanted to say 0%, but of course that would make me 100% correct, which is not an option, So therefore I am concluding that there is a 50% likelihood of my being correct, as the only question is: What is the probability of your choice being correct? I basically could be 100% correct and 0% wrong; or 0% correct and 100% wrong, So there is a 50/50 choice. I shall submit it now as I have confused myself again!! LOL! Happy New Year!

  • mehtamatics - 10 years ago


    From the information provided in the question, there is no reason to assume that the answers listed the poll are the only correct ones. The poll could refer to "Guess the number of sweets in the jar". The probability - when you don't even know where the jar is, is pretty close to 0%.

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