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Should Barry Beach be let out of prison? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 559

  • Peg Bisard - 10 years ago

    The man is innocent! Can't you all SEE that??? He has spent most of his life a's time to set him free...ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!

  • Debbie Ansley - 10 years ago

    PLEASE!!!! It is time to let Barry be free to live the rest of his life as a free man. He is innocent!! I don't understand how the people on this board could wake up everyday knowing that they have an innocent man in prison and do nothing. Do the right thing and FREE HIM!!!! What if this was one of there loved ones in prison convicted of something that they did not do. This breaks my heart knowing that Barry has to be in that awful place when he did nothing. PLEASE!!!!!!! FREE Barry NOW!!!!

  • Jeanie Wheeler - 10 years ago

    People have a tendency to say or think that no one would confess to a crime they didn't commit but statistics show otherwise. This happens a lot more than you'd think. it's usually a culmination of hours upon hours of stressful interrogation. Instead of cops really wanting to get to the truth of what happened, they tend to care more of making sure SOMEONE, ANYONE goes to jail for the crime. The fact that Barry also confessed to another crime in Louisiana as did other suspects and then all were exonerated when it was learned someone else entirely committed the murders in question should be enough to take a second look at his confession of Kim's murder. He was being threatened and was a scared young man thinking this was his only way out of being fried in the electric chair. As an impressionable young man he believed the threats being made against him and when up against a wall by seasoned interrogators hell bent on him being the killer and suffering from tunnel vision evidently. To this day the real killer(s) have lived their lives free and clear knowing someone else has been paying for their crime which to me adds to their guilt and I really don't see how they have lived with themselves like nothing ever happened. How have they been able to sleep at night? Ok, off the soapbox now.

  • Tracy A. Clingings - 10 years ago

    There is not one shred of evidence that ties Barry A. Beach as being the perpetrator in this case. This man is innocent and has spent 30 years as a convict. The injustice is beyond my comprehension and Kim Nees and her family deserve to know the truth and see "real/true" justice!

  • Elizabeth Schroader - 10 years ago

    Barry has many supporters that believe he is innocent and should be set free. He needs to be just let out of prison or given a new trial because there is much evidence that was not presented at his original trial. People from all over the world are supporting him and as I have said before, think about if you had a son, a brother, a nephew, or friend that was in the same situation, you would be glad there was so many people supporting this cause. It is like the old saying, treat people like you would want them to treat you. Give him a fair shake.

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