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Should the model of the Twin Towers in Beijing's World Park be taken down? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 605

  • dan - 16 years ago

    by the way, just for the record, a small mistake:

    the photos above on the Gothamist blog here are NOT from the Beijing World Park, but from the TOBU theme park in Japan. Just goes to show how confusing this issue is. The photo of the Beijing theme park is on the Reuters wire from earlier this week and can also be seen at the top of the post about this issue there.

    PS: CNN is now investigating this story, as our several senior print journalists. You will see who they are soon.

  • dan - 16 years ago

    But imagine if Disneyland had a theme park exhibit that showed the lone tank man in Tiananmen Square in 1989? China would be very angry, no? Just food for thought. There are TWO sides to this issue, and hopefully everyone can see both the way, the same exhibit of the Twin Towers is still standing at the Tobu Theme Park in Japan, too. So there!

  • gina - 16 years ago

    To take this down would be more of an insult than to keep it up. Would you prefer they take it down the way the terrorists took the real ones down in NYC??? c'mon people... its a tribute not an insult... nyc is known for the twin towers the empire state building the chrysler building etc. why destroy something that we can no longer enjoy but can cherish in memory?????????

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