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Power Ponies Poll #2 - Who had the Best Power? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 16,810

  • MuffenMan - 10 years ago

    It's all for fun, and I do believe Rarity deserves best power recognition, but after the way the costume poll turned out, such a sharp disconnect occurred for some people who gave top honors elsewhere that they couldn't help but grasp for answers. I count myself among them.
    Some, like me, would love some insight as to how people chose Rarity's costume over some others, and some took emotions to heart and went straight for the Rarity fans with a great deal of distrust towards the polls altogether.
    We all vent. We all build up over all the things going on in our lives, and then when the conditions are right the uglier we can make things the more satisfying it feels. This was Krysti's time to vent. I won't blame her because again we all do it, it's just the nature of the beast. What we do after we cage the beast is what matters most.

  • Violets9 - 10 years ago

    How come is Applejack last?

  • Saily - 10 years ago

    For me it's not the polls at all, they're just proof alone and not more. Me as an Applejack fan feels like I'm treated unfair. And everything bronies say as excuse to say offesive things about her is not true at all, then they go against me. I have one friend who feels the same, but she doesn't talk about it in public. Unlike me now she feels she doesn't want to comment when she's upset, despite me being upset I have a feeling she suffers more keeping it to herself all the time. Says she doesn't want to offend people like they offend her by their comments and behavior. I kind of admire her at that, but is keeping things to herself really that healthy?

    We were both upset how a popular character like Fluttershy turned bat yesterday. We both love it, but bothe think Applejack needed it more seeing how the fans reacts.

    I think Rarity deserves this win personally, after all she's my close second favorite and did have the best power (AJ had best outfit hovewer so the other poll was just sad). But in general the polls is just a very sad proof.

  • Obsidian Sky - 10 years ago

    Now im starting to get pissed. How are some fans treated unfair, by who are they ignored? Just because their favorite does not win these stupid polls? its the vote of the majority, its democracy! You are just angry because your favorite didn't win. People are just going to vote for the powers they liked the best, if you don't like it, how about you handle it like an adult und don't bother everyone else with your childish crying! Are you guys toddlers that did not get their candy or what? What do you want? That everyone only votes for the options YOU want them to take? YOU are the people who are spoiled, YOU are the people who are arrogant! " BUT I WANT THAT PONY X WINS THAT POLL, PONY Y IS STUPID! MY OPINION IS BETTER THEN THE ONES OF ALL THE OTHER GUYS! IM GOING TO HOLD MY BREATH UNTIL YOU MAKE THE VOTES GO AWAY, MOMMY!"..... Tzzzz... some people these days....

  • Lina - 10 years ago

    @TheHumanJ: It's people like you that made ME lose faith in the fandom. Some fans are treated unfair or ignored, but you're ignorant enough not to see it.

  • TheHumanJ - 10 years ago

    These comments are starting to make me lose a bit of faith in the fandom.. Nevertheless, I do think that Rarity deserved to win this one as well. Whether or not you think she is best pony is completely unrelated. She added her own touch in everything she did in this episode, which is what made her powers stand out. The worst powers in the episode would have to be Twilight's and Rainbow Dash's, in my personal opinion, because they can already do their powers in Equestria, for the most part. Although I don't very much like Applejack as a character, I really had higher hopes for her powers. Pinkie's power was humorous, as was Fluttershy's.

  • starlitalpha - 10 years ago

    Sorry Raributt fans, Pinkie Pie, AKA, Fili-second had best power. Being too fast to catch automatically makes her one of the most powerful characters in comics. The Flash. She could do circles around the others before they could even react and end up pied. Before you think that MAYBE they could POSSIBLY react quick enough to stop her, keep in mind that she was able to run 63 blocks to the bakery, grab a tray of cupcakes, and run the 63 blocks back in that brief moment when the others were pulled back through the portal.

    Also, Flutterhulk? really? it's not even reliable! they were going to be blasted and she still wasn't angry. Better hope the other villains are stupid enough to hurt an animal in front of her.

    No pun intended.

  • Rockpath5 - 10 years ago

    I voted for Spike. The poor guy deserves to win a poll after he finally got on one.

  • Need Help - 10 years ago

    Poor underappreciated Applejack. I need help! I have to change my favorite pony, but whatever I'm doing wont work. What should I do?

  • Marshmallow - 10 years ago

    Oh wow, Spike is actually getting votes this time. The poor guy usually comes in last.

    The only other pony I see him getting past on this poll is Rainbow, though. The others have way too many votes.

  • Rania - 10 years ago

    Bullshit. Some pony else deserve it way more.

  • Hakirayleigh - 10 years ago

    Rarity even deserves to win this poll than the last one. Sorry Rarity haters. X3

  • Frith - 10 years ago

    Rarity won this poll when she pranced down the steps out of the cage before the final battle. Pinkie had a good handle on her speed but spent most of it running off and fetching cupcakes.

  • SummerStar - 10 years ago

    It's not their appearance in the show that makes a pony overrated, it's the fanbase. Just look at Luna and Trixie! They're extremely overrated and has barely shown up. And Cadance too, but I don't get why she's so popular because she's a kind of character that's normally hated. So Rarity IS overrated! Because the fanbase makes her seem more special than she actually is, especially in this episode and a couple of others. And fans are so ignorant when it comes to Rarity because they often say things that's not true at all, forgetting about what's actually true.

  • Tara - 10 years ago

    Rarity isn't best pony. They're all best in their own way, other than that there's no such thing as best pony.

  • Iso - 10 years ago

    I'm disappointed AJ is not a Batman or a Catwoman type of superhero, and is totally overshadowed by Rarity.

  • MuffenMan - 10 years ago

    Rarity deserves this one. I'm still at a loss as to how she won the costume poll though.

  • SpeedBoost - 10 years ago

    I don't know why people say rarity is overrated, I mean, I've seen a lot of rainbow dash through this season so many times......

  • Kicks_McGee - 10 years ago

    So a lasso is a "whip" now? You heard it here first, folks.

    Rarity's obviously going to win this one. She not only had the best power, but she also made the best use of it.

  • . - 10 years ago

    Rarity is best pony. There is no need to be upset.

  • Nightmare_Shinigami - 10 years ago

    Rarity had the best Power and Pinkie had the second best. Unfortunaly the worst Power was Fluttershy's. I apologise if there is any Hulk and/or Fluttershy Fan reading this, but turning into a Monster who is just strong isn't that great

  • WTF? - 10 years ago

    Stop being spoiled then.

  • STFU ITS JUST A POLL - 10 years ago


  • NotAgain - 10 years ago

    Rarity doesn't deserve to win. I wish there was a way to hack these polls so I could take them down. :(

  • silvadel - 10 years ago

    Not only did Rarity have the best power, but she had a style all her own and quite good competency in using it.

  • Krysti - 10 years ago

    *love all the ponies I mean.

  • James Rye - 10 years ago

    I have an other question: Where's the poll post in EQD who informs us about the other poll results and tells us about this one?

  • James Rye - 10 years ago


    Beeecaaaauseee having an "OP" power and being a "Mary Sue" are two entirely different things. Read "Onepunch-Man" and you will get what I mean:

  • Krysti - 10 years ago

    Malion is the perfect example why I did what I did (read some of the first comments if you don't know what I'm talking about). I keep getting attacked because they say offensive about my favorite. Yes, I admit it now. Applejack is my favorite. I didn't want to tell because I keep getting attacked and have a feeling I will this time too. Fans like that made me lie so I could offend back as payback, but Obsidian Sky talked me out of it. I thought if people knew the feeling they'd stop. I've never felt like I'm a part of this fanbase, I never felt welcome because they all go basically with the "Everything you're favorite can do mine can do better" thing and is against me with absolutely everything I love. To be honest I love them all, but these people made me lose it and get mad at them. I actually do love Rarity, people just ruin things for me. I'm just tired of this and it made me leave deviant art and many other sites. The only one I talk to is a fellow Applejack fan who feels the same via emails, she's the most understanding brony I've met and now probably Obsidian Sky too.

  • Merina - 10 years ago

    You can't say they're being silly, they probably have their reason. Mine is that she's an overpowered mary-sue in that episode, it's like she and Twilight switched roles. This is why I don't get why Rarity was so popular in this episode, the same reason why I don't get why Twilight is so popular in general. This doesn't make sense in the first place. Why do people always complain about mary-sues they're praised in this show?

  • Malion - 10 years ago

    lol say what you want about rarity but how is being able to summon ANYTHING not the best power?
    You're just being silly to say otherwise... if she wanted she could make a rope and emulate every facet of Applejack's power as well.

  • Sci-Pi - 10 years ago

    I think we can agree, Green Lanturn, and by extension Rarity, is just too OP

  • Mojo - 10 years ago

    @EpicPixel sounds like you just aren't reading good GL stories, but if your main interest is in elaborate and crazy constructs I suggest reading some Kyle Rayner GL, he's an artist and is pretty much always portrayed as the most imaginative GL

    Also Rarity is so great for those who ask because she's the only character on this show who basically shatters her archetype, shes "the fashionista" but she subverts a ton of that archetypes typical traits.

  • PTK - 10 years ago

    Disagreed. She's not the best.

  • Dave O - 10 years ago

    Let me tell you why Radiance is best Power Pony. She's the perfect blend of new and old.

    Back before we had Justice League and the whole DC Animated Universe, we old kids had what was called "Super Friends". Oh my God it was crap. In particular, we had a Green Lantern who was a cornball. He could make AnYtHiNg!!1 come out of his green power ring. And it was usually played for laughs. Like (otherwise decent guy) Charles Nelson Reilly on Match Game, he was an artifact of 70's television.

    You whippersnappers got yerselves a Green Lantern Corps with much more dramatic powers. Instead of AnYtHiNg!!1, your Green Lanterns cast energy bolts in the shapes of Platonic solids n'at. You can admire heroes who use their powers judiciously.

    Back to Radiance, with her functional accessory. Her attack vectors, or whatever Spike called them, strike a perfect balance between modern-day drama and old-school schmaltz. Powerful, and yet totally in Rarity's character.

  • Phia - 10 years ago

    Rarity doesn't deserve to win these.

  • SnowSavage - 10 years ago

    Go Rarity!!! Love her ability and costume. I'm really glad she won this one. Second would be Mistress Mare-Velous and that Psychic Whip which essentially turns AJ into a unicorn but without the horn. Pinkie would leave Flash in the dust. (Reasoning: Four legs are faster than two) It sucks that Twi and Dash got such generic abilities but at least they looked good. Spike and Flutters got the short end of the stick when it comes to costume design but there abilities make up for it. (Good old reliable Spike to the rescue)

  • Stephen - 10 years ago

    What I want to know is why they keep spelling it "fili"-second. Isn't it a pun on "filly" and "millisecond"? Shouldn't it be Fillisecond?

  • Cranberry - 10 years ago

    If Luna were on this poll as JOKE, she'd still win. That's the definition of an overrated piece of shit. I'm going to give Rarity the benefit of the doubt for now.

  • NonExistantVictories - 10 years ago

    Just WHY is Rarity winning this too? This is just annoying, she wasn't that great. Your polls always sucks.

  • EpicPixel - 10 years ago

    This is an obvious Rarity victory. What I hated most about green lantern's use of his power is the fact that he had the imagination of a potato, Rarity on the other hand, can create anything, and does so with imagination!
    However, it saddens me that Spike isn't on the second place!

  • Theresa - 10 years ago

    *sighs* I-I don't... hmm, no! Tell me what's so special with Rarity please. I just don't get it! Her oufit was a mess, her power is... *sighs*

  • MM - 10 years ago

    OK, not that I hate rarity or something like that, but c'mon guys how can she win best power I mean her idea of stopping a hurricane is by having a tea party.

  • MM - 10 years ago

    Whoever thought of fluttershy's power is the real maniac, it sucks.

  • sandal - 10 years ago

    i really loved pinkie
    but my deep adoration for the green lantern makes me pick rarity for this one

  • Starlights - 10 years ago

    Overrated Rarity is overrated.

  • Starlights - 10 years ago

    Overrated Rarity is overrated.

  • Starlights - 10 years ago

    Overrated Rarity is overrated.

  • Starlights - 10 years ago

    Overrated Rarity is overrated.

  • Starlights - 10 years ago

    Overrated Rarity is overrated.

  • Nyarmar Cutie - 10 years ago

    Rarity wins AGAIN? Well, that sucks. What's so special about hers anyway?

  • Fluffy Clouds - 10 years ago

    Applejack never wins. Why do I even bother voting? OK, no more voting a poll then. What does my vote help for anyway?

  • Krysti - 10 years ago

    I'll try. Thanks.

  • Obsidian Sky - 10 years ago

    It's okay. I had meltdowns too because of this fandom. Im am too trying to not let hurtful things get too close to me, im too still learning that. Some people just get really under your skin, i understand that. I know its hard, but try to ignore the assholes and stick to the nice people. And we have some really nice people in the Pony fandom! And surely there are many people that have the same favorite pony as you do, you should maybe seek them out!

  • Krysti - 10 years ago

    Sorry, I'll stop then. It's just that it went too far I couldn't take it anymore.

  • Obsidian Sky - 10 years ago

    See RandomThought for an exellent example of scum.

  • Krysti - 10 years ago

    No. I think I even like Rarity better than her. Fluttershy fans hasn't attacked me, I just don't find her character that interesting.

  • Obsidian Sky - 10 years ago

    Then these people are just assholes, but that has nothing to do with them being fans of Rarity, there are more then enough douches in every part of ponydom. But you do understand that if you come here and throw all fans of one pony in one pot, and start to bash them and their favorite, you are not better then the people who were rude to you? And im not going to make fun of you because of your favorite, i promise, and i doubt many people in the fandom would. These who do are just sad little trolls, you should just ignore them like the scum they are.

  • RandomThought - 10 years ago

    @Krysti, I bet you're a flutterfag.

  • Krysti - 10 years ago

    They didn't say overrated piece of shit, but that's most likely because mine's not overrated. But they said stupid piece of shit. And they ARE selfish and ignorant! They claim something, but has forgotten one thing that's even worse. And I don't want to say who it is anymore, telling my favorite cause me to get attacked by these people more. Oh and they're everywhere, but usually note me on deviant art and tell me to go kill myself "because lame people doesn't have reasons to live". Sorry, you might not be like them and I know there's good people out there. I'm just so sick of it. And I have no idea why about 80% of them is Rarity fans.

  • Obsidian Sky - 10 years ago

    @CrimsonSky: Its clearly, like, because Rarity and Spike are like totally overrated! Those hosers! Like, totally, omg! *hipsterglasses*

  • Obsidian Sky - 10 years ago

    *Rolleyes* So, show me Krysti, which evil Rarity fan attacked you? Did they call your favorite an overrated piece of shit? Oh... no... that was you.... Did they call the fans of you favorite pony selfish and ignorant? Ooops.... that was you again... Just out of interest: What is your favorite pony and where are those naughty Rarity fans that are bashing her?

  • Krysti - 10 years ago

    @SOCOM95: Wanted what? I'm just expressing myself. I'm sick of having to keep my opinion to myself about others' favorite ponies when they express hatred over mine all the time. Enough is enough! And Rarity IS overrated, her fans are ignorant and selfish and attack me for no reason. So showing my opinion = payback time!

  • CrimsonSky - 10 years ago

    Why that mark after Rarity and Spike's ability, but not the others? WTF?

  • SOCOM95 - 10 years ago

    @ Krysti
    Whelp... after reading your comment, and after careful though to of my love for my head canon version of Rarity I'ma do the correct gentlemanly thing to do when your on the internet and you see something you do agree with.
    *clears throat* jdlksjflksjvlkjsad screw you man!!!! TOO MANY CAPS! RAGE! RARITY IS best pony! jflkasjdiousdf
    *insert random rage comic for good messure*
    I assume that is what you wanted?

  • GlitterBloom - 10 years ago

    I thought it was lame that RD and TS seemed to get downgraded in abilities if anything. Nice to see the Earth ponies get a taste of super powers though. Poor Spike.

  • Krysti - 10 years ago

    I hate Rarity now, she's an overrated piece of shit. She's not that great! Her outfit was ugly, the gems looked randomly placed, too many and really stupid. Her powers is overrated too, she had the most boring ones. I mean, she only made stuff appear. And she's such a mary sue too.

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