Are You In Favor Of Extending Unemployment Benefits?


  • frank - 10 years ago

    1st of all, for those truly unable to find re-employment, something should be done for them. 2nd, something I am not seeing here is an acknowlegment of what has really happened in this country as far as jobs go. Back in the early 80's, major industries started to crumble and nothing was done to stem that tide. Taxes stayed too obscene, and the big unions refused to budge on their demands. In effect we had a perfect storm. Large companies like Bethlehem Steel no longer exist. In Baltimore Md. there used to be a thriving ship building industry. Connecticut was the world leader in brass. Something NEEDS to be done to bring those type of jobs back. Those were the jobs that provided enough income to raise a family. They have either simply gone out of business, or moved across the border into Mexico like Freightliner did after the NAFTA agreement was signed. These are the things that really have to be addressed, not more benefits to keep people idle and wanting of things they cannot get on Govt. programs.

  • Give me Liberty, I Trust in God - 10 years ago

    The intent of this and other Administrations is to render the People of this Nation Helpless! By means and all means of keeping you and all citizens in a malaise of No Work....and Over Burden of Mortgage Payments, Taxes, and using credit cards and Food Stamps to be beholding along with Interest when compounded. In reality,the gulteny of this Nation...has long been shown, Greed, Over Spending and on the Consumer end....Material things that seem to be the driver for the Manufacturers and Clandestine
    Corporate Greed. Too, people don't speak to each other any more in their communities...taking back their rights...they seem to depend on always thinking Some One Else can do it....either I am too busy, or too darn lazy to get out there and voice my opinion and Rally Around THEIR RIGHTS.
    It is Long been said...A Nation of People who Depend on It's self serving Electorates...are going to get the Government...that they Deserve..or rather Never Really Wanted....As Power Corrupts and Complete Power Corrupts Completely. Its a sad epitaph to this Nation when we are so dependent for a Crust of Bread from Bread Lines.....or SNAPS...and Hand outs...what Happened to GOOD OLE" HARD WORK.
    We are so dam dependent for a Elitist Banker to Loan us funds to do anything....It is the "HOOK" that has us now pretty much on our Knees! And Further, Don't Let Any One Tell YOU....That We ARE NOT A CHRISTIAN NATION. Obama told our Enemies this....Hence, He Believes this and so do our Enemies.
    When you show your weakness.....YOU will loose your your enemies gather against you.
    Its a Free for All....trying to topple the Nation that was In Trusted with ...IN GOD WE TRUST....that is not a Motto...That is OUR PLEDGE....TO ONE ANOTHER FOR FAITH IN GOD....WE TRUST IN GOD.....and So, the Atheist and deviates...and immmoral generation....have never Known or Have not Learned We as a People Did not come to OUR STANCE in this World by Weakness...But By OUR BELIEVE and FAITH and by WORKING UPHOLD WHAT IS RIGHT AND DECENT. If We Are In DECAY...Take a LOOK AROUND....SEE ANYTHING ??? That Might Resemble Decadence...and Immorality....TV, Movies, Hollywood,
    Government leadership, Drugs, Alcoholism, Sex on magazines....What more improper behavior Do you NEED TO SEE.....Men kissing Men...Women Kissing Women and the worst way.

    ITs a short road to destruction....but an UP HILL BATTLE to BRING BACK THE MORALS WE TOSSED ASIDE.
    Given I will be attack here for Saying all Reply is ,,,,The Lessons Learned will be from Regret.
    Good Luck....YOU Ask for ...and you got the Government you deserve...or DID YOU Know what you were getting when Looking the other way when you should have spoken out... against immorality and tyranny?

  • John - 10 years ago

    Nick- the thing is the people who have worked and are currently being frustrated trying to find work are probably not going to double down on the Obama policies so there's no payoff from simply extending benefits outside of the political theater that might cause a few to feel beholding to his administration for its "largess"... those permanently on the dole tend to already see their gravy train as being dependent on the election of progressives to keep it up. Homeless shelters are at 120% capacity in part because so many people cannot find work and have run out of money. If we want a lasting cure to the problem we need to go another direction politically and not just throw more money at the symptom of the disease being willful;ly nursed along by the criminals in charge.

  • Capt Obvious - 10 years ago

    The ideal situation would be to not have to extend unemployment benefits for anyone in the USA except Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and few others in their party who are most responsible for the economic malaise over the past several years. If they were out of work back then and remained so to this day, most workers in the USA would still have their jobs.

  • Ron CROCKER - 10 years ago

    With the vote like this, the administration will absolutely want to extend these benefits.

  • Nick - 10 years ago

    I am in favor of extending the benefits. These people have worked. There are many people out there ( Obama's people ) who have not worked and are receiving State and Federal benefits--Welfare people. Obama is a great president for people on welfare, but if you work--you are out of luck!! Get rid of Democrats in the next election!!! Democrats empower Obama!!

  • Summer G Lovee - 10 years ago

    When unemployment ended after my husband (medical professional) lost his job and could not find work (though diligently submitting resumes and making cold calls to all local facilities) still after 3 years, my family ended up homeless. We had lost everything, car, home, my medical care and prescriptions, and the worst of all my wheelchair because we could not afford to replace the 10 year old batteries, leaving me to have to crawl (really to slither since I have no leg strength) to the bathroom, there were just no jobs. I am bedridden so I could hardly go and get a job to help the family. Definitely a case where an extension would have helped us save our home and not have to live homeless for the 7 months we did. I could not get medical care, we had no way to get it and my condition deteriorated to the point where I will now, never get better or at least back to the health I had.

    Though finally back to work, 5 years later, all I can do is pray I do not wake up again tomorrow. I will never recover from this, our family will never get back to what we had, we are much too old to be starting over with nothing but deep in the hole. By my calculations, with all we owe from losing everything, my husband cannot consider retirement before he is 168 years old. After paying all those years on our home, we have nothing. Over thirty five years of work history and now we are set back further than when we began and not having a clean slate, we owe a hundred thousand on someone else's property, we will never be able to recover even a portion. Too bad there were not any more options.

  • John - 10 years ago

    Michael- my hope is that you will be able to land a job soon- and that you will successfully find a means of providing for your and your family's needs until that point. I am not opposed to supporting people who are diligently trying to secure employment- something I know firsthand to be very difficult having spanned my own period between jobs a couple years ago. It's unfortunate that those who would be in a position to address the core issues preventing job creation choose instead to ensure through taxes and employer mandates that minimum job creation happens while focusing on relief programs that have been taxed beyond their limits and exploiting the crisis for political gain by demonizing those who dare approach the problem holistically with an eye on reducing the need for unemployment.

  • michael bria - 10 years ago

    i think it is absolutely imperative that benefits be extended for at least 6 months to a year /for me personally i have left my resumes in many places and i have not had a positive response since i lost my job in june of 2013 ( i job i had for 17 years ) i think more time is needed/i need to get back to the work force but if an extension does not happen i most likely will find myself homeless in 3-4 months/help!!!

  • John - 10 years ago

    I'm in favor of avoiding the demagogue's questions and pursuing policies that foster job growth and decreasing the need for unemployment insurance and government handouts. The current progressive political installation, which has demonstrated that it is the enemy of the people, is writing laws and policies that are purposefully eroding the labor participation rate (the true and honest employment measure), then hanging out to dry anyone who dares target safety net programs for cuts- labeling them as being without compassion DESPITE the fact that it doesn't hold a candle to the profound heartlessness of a group of leaders who are doing all they can to ensure that as many people as possible are in need of some type of assistance. It's Cloward Piven strategy to a tee and the purpose of that is to destroy the economy and middle class. This government is the enemy of its citizens and is absolutely evil.

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