Should The State Of The Union Address Be Eliminated?


  • Tom - 10 years ago

    Just because one imposter abuses a tradition, this does not mean that the tradition should be removed, only the imposter.

  • Frank - 10 years ago

    The SOTU was established to be an executive progress report to Congress and the nation. King Oloser Hussein uses it to campaign for his failed agenda. Typical democrat.

  • bob - 10 years ago

    he can't run for a third term so how it is a campaign stop?

  • frank - 10 years ago

    Paul, the constitution does not require a state of the union address. The state of the union was traditionally a written report from the president and given to congress as an assessment. It is only due to the advent of electronic media,1st with radio, then television, that it has become a mass media event for the blowhard in charge. Personally, I would rather see the address given from the oval office without all the applause and BS that one has to endure. At least that way it wouldn't seem so much like a campaign speech.

  • Paul - 10 years ago

    In the age when there was only Radio, or less than 5 channels on your TV, then the SOTU gave the President face-time with the nation. No longer needed. They can get on TV anytime they want by walking out the door of the WH. However, the Constitution requires it, and I would hate to have someone say since we no longer need the SOTU we might as well get rid of the 1st and 2nd Amendments.

  • frank - 10 years ago

    The state of the union address seems like nothing more that a clap-fest for those still in love with the president. Just once I'd like to hear it given without stopping every two minutes for a love in for the boss. Like Kathy says, it's nothing more than a continuing campaign speech for a political agenda, not a true statement as to where we are as a nation.

  • Kathy - 10 years ago

    The state of the union address has become more of a campaign stop than a straightforward accounting of where we, as a nation, stand in any meaningful area.

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