Are you looking forward to "The Switch Up" this season?


  • Jackie D. - 10 years ago

    I don't agree with the switching of partners. The pros can handle it for the most part. But I think it is really going to throw off the stars; especially the ones without dance experience. Couples get a rhythm going and I think that will just throw everyone off. As far as switching Brooke, it wasn't that you replaced her; it was how it was done.... totally unprofessional, completely classless. Erin needs to be more tactful; sometimes she is pretty harsh with her opinions. I love the Olympians, they are all amazing!!!!! I am glad to see Maks back!!!

  • Lorraine Davis - 10 years ago

    What is wrong with the powers of being? If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it by upsetting, not only your dancers, but you're viewing audience also. If the dancers are not happy, is your attitude " well, they can leave? " Well, that can also be your viewing audience as well. How do you pay the bill if the viewers don't purchase the products that are advertised. Wrong move on your part, think about it please.

  • Phyllis Magness - 10 years ago

    There was 1 season I did not watch DWTS and that was when Bristol Palin was on. This season I maybe will watch the first few episodes but I think the switching of the partners in the middle is not a good idea. Also getting rid of the band is not a good idea. That was what gave DWTS its class is the live band. I don' care that you got rid of Brooke Burke. I never was a fan of hers. Also when choosing the celebrities, make sure they are not reality show people. I do not consider them stars but just trashy people doing anything to make a name for themselves.

  • carol matney - 10 years ago

    I agree with all of the comments above. I do not plan to watch it this year. Harold Wheeler and the singers was what I most enjoyed about the whole thing. AND I think Brooke was great at it and I can't imaging Erin doing very well. DON'T MESS WITH SUCCESS. Just ask the suits at Coca Cola.

  • iiammoon - 10 years ago

    I've watched DWTS from its beginning being a fan if ballriim dancing. I've watched with dismay the last few seasin as it list the very essence if what made the show immensely popular & preserved its longevity.

    Simething became noticeably amiss the season you had Bristol Palin as a contender. My thoughts are NOT Palin herself, it IS about that season that marked the decline. It was so obvious that Stevie Winder, Ray Charles, Andre Bicelli, Jise Feluciani & the 5 Blind Boys of Alabama could see.

    Now with Wheeler & the orchestra exit & the unceremonious dumping of Brooke (for the record, I was not a fan of) DWTS now is now careening from tacky to sleazy.

    Whoever it is making decisions behind the scene need to be replaced perhaps with the same lack of ceremony as given Brooke. I understand business & ratings as it is 90% business/10% show, but seriously, you're shooting yourself in the foot.

    The world will not fall apart if DWTS went off the air, but I for one would be regretful as it was truly, at one stage a stellar show. I was never a fan if "faux-ality" shows, but loved danc, the movement, lyricism, the physicality. Love ballroom. I knew this show was not to convert ones to ballroom competitions, but the back stories coupled with the dance made it an engaging escape for brief hours twice a week.

    Now that ship has sailed.

  • iiammoon - 10 years ago

    I've watched DWTS from its beginning being a fan if ballriim dancing. I've watched with dismay the last few seasin as it list the very essence if what made the show immensely popular & preserved its longevity.

    Simething became amiss

  • Barbara Baldwin - 10 years ago

    This change is so stupid!!!!!!!!!!! I hate that Brook Burke was let go along with the band, what is wrong with a good thing going. I will not be watching this year just because of your new host. She does not know when to stop talking. When the show first started it was wonderful, now it is going down the drain. This changing partners half way through is a joke, like I said, I will NOT be watching this year. Get Harold Wheeler back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Shari - 10 years ago

    Did you ever hear the term "jumping the shark"? Think that may be happening here. Also, has become the Derek Hough Show anyway. Not surprised the switcheroo idea came from him.

  • NGC - 10 years ago

    What is wrong with the existing audience that DWTS has been steadily alienating with cheapo changes? The orchestra and singers gave the show class. I'm not impressed with Brooke' s interviewing skills...she's repetitive and vapid. The partner switch up, if just for one dance, might be interesting but would be stressful for all the dancers and be a point throw away round. How would it demonstrate improvement? I'll watch to start but may have to kiss what was a fun uplifting experience good bye. Thanks ABC for screwing it up.

  • Matt Laine - 10 years ago

    Well, another show off my list because of radical changes. Brooke was gorgeous, well spoken and will be missed. The band being let go was one of the biggest mistakes next to changing partners. You are. kW off my list of favorite shows along with American Idol. Absolutely no talent on that show this year. In fact, it is a joke. The Voice has risen above and hopefully will remember to do so. Pretty soon there will be nothing to watch other than these ridiculous reality shows. And to have a program about swarms! give me a break!

  • Jerry Feezel - 10 years ago

    I understand the band going and not upset about Brooke for Erin change, but changing partners idea is utterly bizarre. More importantly, if they don't change the scoring method from last year, I may be gone anyway. Ok, so you have one night--combine the judges scores from LAST week with the votes on LAST week. Combining votes on last week with judging TONIGHT makes no sense;have the producers ever heard of "an apples and pears comparison"?

  • APARTMENT 401 - 10 years ago

    We, fans of the show (me for sure) don't like change. We get comfortable with the format and then someone gets the idea to change things up BTW: I am not sorry to see Brooke go.

  • Ana - 10 years ago

    Comments: firing the bad is stupid....firing Brooke was stupid...changing partners after they get used to each other...that's the stupidest idea of all. You have already eliminated all the viewers over the age of 25 by changing the music to adolescent level and only having guests that appeal to the teenager....the network must really be desperate because the show has gone down you know where. How much worse can they get....what a waste of air time it has become!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  • Jean - 10 years ago

    Since some of the suits think it's a good idea to fire the band. I'm here to state that, even though I have watched the show for years, I will no longer watch it. Also, the switching partners is really stupid, but I really don't care since I'm done with it.

  • Vicky - 10 years ago

    I definitely will NOT be watching DWTS this year. I do not like all the changes. The reason given for all the changes was to attract a younger audience. Good luck with that.

  • Teejay - 10 years ago

    I have been a faithful follower of DWTS ,but was heartbroken when Harold Wheeler and his wonderful orchestra was let go. Then came the injustice of letting Brook go. Iwas doubly delighted that Max was returning and might possibly have a fighting chance with Merle Davis. THEN comes the asinine idea of changing partners. I will most surely watch the first show,but iffy after that.

  • Shirley Yarnall - 10 years ago

    I'm very sorry the great band is gone. I think switching partners in the middle of the season is a
    terrible idea and very unfair to the celebrities and professionals. You're messing up something
    that was fun to watch. I will watch the first show and who knows after that.

  • Shirley Welch - 10 years ago

    If you're trying to sabotage the show well you're getting it done. This is the most ridiculous idea I've ever heard of. You must have a bunch of IDIOTS!! Working for you now. You are going to loose a lot of fans. Maybe the show should go off the air then you IDIOTS can rest.

  • Rosie Wheeler - 10 years ago

    I have become uninterested in DWTS already, all these crazy and unneeded changes only means that I probably will not watch at all. It's all about the ratings, not the people.

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