Do you think gender is playing a role in the attacks on Alison Redford?


  • Calgary Observer - 10 years ago

    Stephen Harper does the same darned thing and he gets away with it. I would like to see him pay back the $1.2MILLION that he used to ship his vehicles to India last year. The Indian Government made it CRYSTAL CLEAR that they would provide security vehicles for him and his entourage whilst on their photo-op... oops... government mission. Frankly, while we're at it, I would like that Economic Genius to also let us know what happened to the $3.2 BILLION that Stephen Harper's Government "misplaced". Oh..... but that's the difference between the Conservatives and the Reformers, isn't it?? Red Tory vs Blue Tory.... Seems the media is fierce to support the Reformers and quick to dump the Conservatives. You can all thank Peter MacKay for that one.

  • Frank - 10 years ago

    She is a lying, thieving, bitch. If she was a man I would say, lying, thieving, asshole. Gender has nothing to do with this.

  • Bruce Smid - 10 years ago

    Karin Klassen is falling for the garbage the Redford Government is spewing. I voted for a Party to lead the Alberta Government, not an individual. If the PC's choose a female leader, that is their perogative... but if any staff members, cabinet ministers, back-benchers or MLA's (male or female) want to bring "familiy or friends" along on a business trip, then the PC party or the individual should pay for it... not shareholders of the Alberta advantage. Would the Herald pay for Klassen's trips? When Klassen submits expenses for mileage, can she add in the portion where she picked up her kids from daycare? Wake up!!! The Alberta Redford government is ripping us off and WE ARE DONE taking it.

  • Markus - 10 years ago

    This is the most ridiculous piece of partisan garbage I have ever read. What happened to the Calgary Herald? When did it become so left-wing and PC-supporting? The video at the top of the article only adds fuel to the fire, commending Doug Horner for "balancing the budget" ("a few might quibble" they say...).

  • Artist & Mom - 10 years ago

    This is about Redford misusing public funds. Making it into a working mom issue is ridiculous. I am a working mom too, and my employer would NEVER pay for plane tickets for my daughter to go anywhere. Nor should they be expected to - my desire to travel with my daughter is not an employment issue, and I make a LOT less money than Ms. Redford. Expecting her daughter's travel costs to be covered does NOT come with the job. She made a decision to be Premier, travel is part of the job. Being away from family for extended periods is part of the job, and she is well-paid. Sure, if she were practising law she'd be making more money. Still anything over $ 100,000 is a darn good paycheque, and she should feel blessed that she gets it, and gets to do something that matters to her.

  • Lynne - 10 years ago

    Karen Klassen's column is ridiculous and I don't agree with any of the point's or remarks she made. Making apologies and explanations for Redford is a waste of her time. I am a professional woman and I will not be voting for Allison Redford again.

  • Zarthustra - 10 years ago

    I think people are disillusioned with Redford because at first she was the nanny with the .05 drinking issue, then she braodcasted outloud her sense of entitlment. Personally I could less whether she was a zebra. The very concept that people are picking on her because she is a woman is completely insensitive to the concerns of Albertam taxpayers. The issue is a non-starter. I suppose if she did things right we could blame it on her being a woman too.
    The article itself is a low blow to everyone. It's an old issue that get's revived when people want to hide behind their ineptitude.

  • FREDERICK PEITZSCHE - 10 years ago

    Where is our heritage fund? If Alberta politicians care so much about the citizens of Alberta ,why do we not have a real heritage fund owned and administered by the people of Alberta?
    If the despots in power had of committed just 25% of non renewable resource revenue into such a fund our fund balance would be over $50 billion today. We are being cheated every day by our elected politicians.
    Face up to it we are unthinking dupes and deserve what is doled out to us.

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