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Should smoking be banned at VFW, American Legion posts? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 250

  • Michael Edwards - 10 years ago

    Smoking should be banned in private clubs only if the majority of the membership votes for it. Many of the Moose Clubs have gone tobacco free-and have experienced an increase in memberships. It's unfortunate that employees who are non-smokers have to put up with the stench and cancer-causing contaminants in the air, but if they want to keep their job it's a hard choice. Non-smoking members have to put up with it as well-but can decided to drop their membership. It would seem that any private club that calls itself a "Brotherhood" would be concerned with their brother's health.

  • Patti Snover - 10 years ago

    Hi Folks, I am a non-smoker. HOWEVER, people who smoke should be allowed to go some place relax and have a beer. The ventilation systems need to be cleaned and upgraded, undoubtedly; but, with all the 'no smoking' restaurants, etc these days, private clubs and the VFWs, Legions, etc...give people the chance to socialize and have a nice dinner, too! A few clubs have tried it, and lost members. Fundraising activities have ceased in a few places when they made no smoking rules for them in these buildings.
    Think before you change....

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