Has The State's Tree-Trimming Program To Protect Power Lines Gone Too Far?


  • frank - 10 years ago

    This is a no brainer. Simply have the land/home owners sign off on a waiver stating that they will be held fully responsible for any costs incurred should their precious trees cause any damage. End of story.

  • Capt. Obvious - 10 years ago

    I suggest some people who think yes check out many countries in Europe...they actually keep trees clear of lines, especially major lines. I love how people think we're losing to many trees because of development. The state of CT has prob. 10 times the tree cover it did 60 years ago. Go look up aerial photos from the 30's, the amount of forest we have no is crazy in comparison. There is no need for trees to be right up on roads. Its a hazard to people and the electrical lines.

    I bet the family of the mailman who was crushed under a tree limb that fell would like to see trees cleared off the edges of roads.

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