Diet and Multiple Sclerosis - Are you on a special diet for your MS?


  • Stacy Price - 10 years ago

    I gave up gluten and it has made a big difference in my fatigue and energy levels

  • Michelle - 10 years ago

    I was diagnosed with MS in 1985 and I still have the same doc. today he has always tried to get me to be a vegan and I finally tried it and yep it works for me I am healthier now than I ever have been! So I agree with Marilyn it works!

  • Marilyn - 10 years ago

    I was diag'd over 20 years ago. I have found that to make the relapsing episodes to SHUT UP was through diet! (You are what you eat) Therefore for the past 5+ years I haven't eaten anything that had a central nervous system. Now I'm vegan so no meat. no fish, no milk, no eggs. Seems to work for me!

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