If you could bring a dead rock star back to life for one gig, who would it be?


  • Eda - 12 years ago

    Where's Michael Jackson??? He certainly had an unfinished concert to do. And it was gonne be amazing.

  • boo - 12 years ago

    Messed up list. No Duane Allman? He should be number 1.

  • The Healer - 12 years ago

    I vote for Brian Connolly!
    Leadsinger from The Sweet, the Godfather of Glamrock!

  • M Hall - 12 years ago

    How can you leave Duane and Lowell off this list??

  • Connor - 14 years ago

    I'm a fan of Jimmy not Jimi. I'm talking about Jimmy 'the rev' Sullivan. the greatest drummer for the greatest band.

  • Truth Seeker - 15 years ago

    Elvis was a bloated, constipated and overhyped crooner who relied on other people's songs. Get over it. He's dead and gone. Good riddance.

  • Brian Quinn - 15 years ago

    Elvis Presley gets my vote. The Greatest Singer/Performer of All-Time. Elvis was the complete package - he had the talent, the voice, the looks, the movements, the stage act, the charisma, could act when given a chance and was extremely humble with it. He also sang in virtually every musical genre available to him which makes him unique among all other candidates in this poll.

    We will never see his like again. Elvis was truly 'sui generis'.

  • chloe - 15 years ago


  • surf anonymous - 15 years ago


  • queen fans sound like a scratched vinyl - 15 years ago

    freddy captured something other than the audience *lol* queen btw weren't that big - Beatles, Rolling Stones, Iron Maiden, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC have all broken attendance records and sold more units - queen does not hold a single attendance record figure, many other bands have bettered them. You've become so deluded into believing your own mythology.

    "No group ever accomplished what Queen accomplished, all members writing hits individually and together"

    Wrong - The Beatles, both as a band and individually, hold more songwriting records than Queen. Again you've deluded yourself.

  • Murphycat - 15 years ago

    For sheer talent and charisma, Freddie is the King! No one, and I mean no one captured an audience, world wide like Freddie Mercury. No group ever accomplished what Queen accomplished, all members writing hits individually and together, no group ever held the world in the palm of their hand like Queen.

  • gregZ - 15 years ago

    I could see that Bonham would be an excellent choice since he might be the only person that could beat some sense into the band that touring without your lead singer (what the ?#%!*%!) is a bad idea.

  • Yet another sockpuppet starting with J - 15 years ago

    fred mercury is diseased. bringing it back will infect the audience with the virus from its spit and breath

  • Angela1979 - 16 years ago

    Buddy Holly!! I can't believe he's not on here!! The Day The Music died!!!

  • debjorgo - 16 years ago

    Yeah get Croce on here. Maybe he can stop this John Bonham landslide. John Bonham 27% (6,792 votes) Is this thing still rolling? (Smacks PC monitor.)

  • KS - 16 years ago

    No Jim Croce? Ridiculous...

  • Kieryn Leigh Reid - 16 years ago

    I just saw the Freddie Mercury figure jump up again. Something is queer. It was 5,284 two seconds ago and now it's 5,484 votes. That's physically impossible. Whoever scripts polldaddy.com must be a one-eyed queen fan or something.

  • debjorgo - 16 years ago

    I voted Lennon.
    Freddie winning, I could deal with that. But John Bonham?
    Lennon, Elvis, George, Freddie, that's my picks in order. I kind of lose interest after that. (Okay, Bonn Scott and Johnny Cash.) Alright, I'd like to see the Beatles and Queen together again, but short of that, these guys can get a good band together and give a great show.
    I can't really believe you're saying you would like to hear Bonham drumming again, no matter who the band is or who sings lead. This is a vote for Zeppelin.
    (Wow, Morrison. That would be cool.)

  • Sheriden - 16 years ago

    Terry Kath of Chicago

    A great guitarist who's death was so senseless.

  • Alex - 16 years ago

    What? No Dennis or Carl Wilson

  • K.C. Corcoran - 16 years ago

    My vote (other) would be for: Nick Drake

  • Susan - 16 years ago

    This poll is not representative at all. John Bonham being in a comanding position with people like elvis ( a deep breath on this one ), Jimmy Hendrix, Freddie Mercury, John Lennon behind...? That's going too far.

  • autumn - 16 years ago

    Cannon: A fricken life to the Elvis fans? Maybe you should think about your own attitude first!

  • tarin - 16 years ago

    JIMI HENDRIX MAN -- THE GOD, THE LEGEND. What I'd give to see those long, strong legs smeared in crushed red velvet and those luscious lips and deadly sensual eyes. I'd give almost anything to see him play "All Along The Watchtower" and "Hey Joe." Now that is a classic piece of music borne out of the south. Too HOT.

  • cannon - 16 years ago

    THIS IS A GREAT POLL! It seems like there's a few dictators on this site trying to dictate "what the polls should read." Forget about it. Not everyone loves Elvis. Maybe they like him but maybe they like someone else better. Don't rant and rave about this poll being bull**it! O.K. It's not. How would you like it if someone said "Your opinions are bull*hit? Think about that and quit dictating what the outcome should be. Now go and get a fricken life and leave the pollsters alone with all your misery because something doesn't turn out the way you want it.

  • Piemur - 16 years ago

    My first thought was Nick Drake, But as he was extremely uncomfortable playing live in the few gigs he did, it would be cruel to bring him back.
    So I voted for Freddie Mercury. I saw Queen live in 83 and would love to see the full line up playing again.

  • ULRICH VETTER - 16 years ago

    JIMI HENDRIX its my IDOL and my GOD!
    Jimi live all time and every day!

  • ULRICH VETTER - 16 years ago

    JIMI HENDRIX its for alltime my IDOL and my GOD !
    JIMI live every day and every time!

  • Harry - 16 years ago

    Warren Zevon?

    Kirsty MacColl?

    Grant McLennon?

    Three terrific songwriters, and the first two died with such courage.

  • Rusty Trombone - 16 years ago

    When does this bloody thing end???

  • RAM - 16 years ago

    Amen to that, Scott! Although, you shouldn't forget the Rolling Stones, U2 and Led Zeppelin.
    (Still think that Elvis should get more votes!)

  • Scott - 16 years ago

    There is no doubt Elvis is a huge world-wide musical icon - but so is Freddie Mercury.

    A couple of facts to remember:

    1) Freddie Mercury statue in Montreaux, Switzerland which is visited by tens of thousands every year.

    2) Wembley stadium 1992 - 80,000(+) crowd and a world record audience of 1.5 Biliion people watch a concert held in his memory.

    3) Front man for arguably the only band that can compare to 'The Beatles' in terms of fame/popularity/sales.

    I know that last point is going to cause a stir, but 'Queen' have been voted the greatest band of all time, on numerous occasions.

  • Mary - 16 years ago

    Hi Courtney-Maree.

    I appreciate that there are many that would vote for Freddie Mercury, however, Elvis rocks and always will, why else would he be voted Entertainer of the Century. I don't know of anyone filing past Mercury's grave year in and year out, 31 years later! Therefore, I cannot understand how he or anyone else for that matter, would have more votes that Elvis.

    I'm not American, don't live anywhere near there, and I think Elvis rocks and always will. Long live the King!

  • Brian Duffy - 16 years ago

    I don't think this poll is rigged. The numbers right now look okay:

    18:42 - John Bonham 5,189 votes, Freddie Mercury 4,780 votes.

    John Bonham has been pretty much in the lead for most of this poll since Day 1.

  • Elz - 16 years ago

    Where o' where is Joe Strummer on that list?!
    I'm sorry but The Clash are one of the best bands ever!

  • Winagaoka - 16 years ago

    Yes debjorgo ... You are right ... I know that have some programs that invade the sites and put in less than 30 seconds very votes for a candidate ... but we are not so ... we want our idols due honestly. There is a radio here in Brazil (Kiss FM - The Classic Rock) where the Freedie is winning with many votes and Roger Taylor is in 3rd place as best drummer. And the poll is not over. One of them will end on November 30 date the show 46664 in Rio..... For you see how they are loved here in Brazil................................... Ted: You, I and many people think that Freddie is the best ;) we know this.............. good luck to all.

  • Ted - 16 years ago

    Freddie Mercury is the best.

  • debjorgo - 16 years ago

    Some Zep fans must have gotten wind of the poll, Winagaoka. How often can you vote in this? I just voted for Lennon the second time. Must be how Bush won.

  • Winagaoka - 16 years ago

    To: Cameron Thompson and everybody

    Truth ... I do your words are my words, "This poll is manipulated... Impossible if this was a real poll". Look this:

    12:42 hs - SP/Brazil
    Freddie Mercury 23% (4649 votes)
    John Bonham 21% (4288 votes)
    Freddie was winning by: 361 votes

    16:48 hs - SP/Brazil
    Freddie Mercury 23% (4676 votes)
    John Bonham 21% (4288 votes)
    Freddie was winning by: 388 votos

    19:00hs - SP/Brazil
    Freddie Mercury 23% (4,690 votes)
    John Bonham 21% (4289 votes)
    Freddie was winning by: 401 votos

    21:09 hs - SP/Brazil
    Freddie Mercury 23% (4702 votes)
    John Bonham 23% (4712 votes)
    Freddie is losing by: 10 votes

    I am so sorry but I do not understand...???!!!

  • AnotherEuropeanElvisFan - 16 years ago

    Oh I wish I was in the land of cotton
    Old things they are not forgotten:

    O beautiful for spacious skies
    For amber waves of grain
    For purple mountain majesties
    Above thy fruited plain

    America, America
    God shed His grace on thee
    And crown thy good with brotherhood
    From sea to shining sea

    For beautiful for spacious skies
    For amber waves of grain
    For purple mountain majesties
    Above the fruited plain
    America, America!
    God shed His grace on thee
    And crowned thy good, with brotherhood
    From sea to shining sea

    America, America!
    God shed his grace on thee
    And crown thy good with brotherhood
    From sea to shining sea


  • Montreux - 16 years ago

    Hello Lole: I agree with you that Elvis is popular all over the world, not only in America. And he surely still is an example for lot's of artists.
    Not for Freddie though. His was influenced by Jimi Hendrix, Aretha Franklin en The Beatles.
    Both artists were great and uncomparable. Of course, Elvis broke some 'musicbarriers' and that may never be forgotten! Freddie Mercury was only about 10 years old when Elvis scored his first hits. You can't blaim him for the fact that he didn't break those barriers.
    But with Queen he broke much others! He partly made classic music accessible for rock music, he broke grounds in South America (Brazil, Argentina) and the eastern of Europe and even wrote some operasongs. And his performance at Live Aid (1985 when he stole the show) is even concidered as the best rockperformance ever!
    I'm not saying that Freddie was greater than Elvis. But Elvis also wasn't greater than Freddie. The both belong to the elite of music, along with Lennon and Sinatra.
    Indeed, most artist only may follow Elvis in his footsteps. Only few may walk aside of him (certainly not in frond of him!) and Freddie is one of them.
    Greetings to all you music fans (Freddie, Elvis, Lennon, Hendrix, Bonham etc.). They were all great!

  • Lole - 16 years ago

    As a response to NotanElvisFan: Every year in August hundret thousands of people from ALL OVER THE WORLD are travelling to Memphis TN to remember a man and his music!!! Not only americans are obsessd with this guy! I am from Europe, so do not tell me anything about my " little american bubbles "!!!!!!!! As a reaction to your name, NotanElvisFan, it is not our problem that you have such a bad taste of music!!! Nothing against Freddie Mercury, he was good (and probably Elvis Fan himself ), but he and all the others only really followed in his footsteps!! Much love to ELVIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Allison - 16 years ago

    Where is Elliott Smith on this list. I wrote him in. Otherwise I would have voted Jeff Buckley

  • Cameron Thompson - 16 years ago

    This poll is rigged. The total for Freddie just jumped 200 votes exactly in 3 seconds. Impossible if this was a real poll.

  • NotanElvisFan - 16 years ago

    Why should everybody automatically vote for Elvis? It's only Americans that are obsessed with the guy.

    If you would come outside your little 'American bubbles', you'd see that Queen were as highly rated as The Beatles; something I know is unthinkable for most yanks.

    Freddie for the win!!

  • Leonardo - 16 years ago

    O grande Freddie Mercury Vai ganhar
    vai la Freddie eu acredito

  • FOREVERELVIS - 16 years ago


  • RAM - 16 years ago

    To Avril: are you the same Avril who wrote "I'm out" (Aug 13, 2008 2:29pm ET)? You couldn't stay away, could you?! Well, you're right. And you're also right with your opinion that The King doesn't get enough vote's.
    However, you shouldn't underestimate some other artists like Freddie! He maybe a bit less polular in the USA (being gay and not American) but in the rest of the world he still is extremely popular.
    I think that is why this Forum is mostly going about Elvis, Lennon and Freddie. The're the absolute top of the bill. Again, I agree that Elvis (and Lennon) should get more vote's. But Freddie Mercury certainly deserves alle the votes he gets.

  • Avril - 16 years ago

    This day 31 years ago,my world felt like it had endend when i turned on the raidio and learned of the death of the grearest entertainer this world ever had. 31 years on and he is still worshiped and missed by millions so how the hell can you lot voting Freddy wotsis name to come back from the grave,what else(other than sream and prance around the stage like a fairy)did he give the world. Ask any kid in the street who Elvis is and they'll know but ask any kid who Freddy wotsis name and they'll say "Dono!" long live the king. xxx

  • Add Joe - 16 years ago

    I really think Joe Strummer should be up there.

  • Laura - 16 years ago

    Freddie Mercury the first, and the second for me Elvis!!

  • debjorgo - 16 years ago

    I like Freddy. I have the 3 disc best of set but there's a little filler in it. Killer Queen is in my top 5 of all time greatest songs. Bohemian Rapsody is up there too. One last preformance of him at his prime, I don't know. I'd want him alive long enough to record an album.

    Lennon, I want to hear him talk about today. How screwed up is it. What can we do to change it. That would be the gig. That would be great.

    If it were just to come out and perform, in his prime, Elvis.

  • Dee - 16 years ago

    It has to be the late Stuart Adamson. Great performer, gifted musician and songwriter and sadly underrated. RIP, miss you every day.

  • Izzie - 16 years ago

    For me, it had to be Freddie Mercury.
    Although John Lennon was a close second.
    And some 'other's' I would have voted for?
    Marc Bolan, Klaus Nomi...

  • debjorgo - 16 years ago

    Too bad we can't have John Lennon and George Harrison. George, without John, would probably just want to work in his garden all day. John would have quite a bit to say, no doubt.
    Elvis would be my third choice. Didn't he die for real in the '90s?

  • ELVIS - 16 years ago

    "When I was a child, ladies and gentleman, I was a dreamer. I read comic books, and I was the hero of a co,ic book. Then I saw movies
    and I was a hero in the movie. So every dream that I ever dreamed has came true a hundred times. I learned very early in life that without a song, the day would never end; without a song, a man ain't got a friend; without a song, the road would never bend; without a song. So I keep singing a song. And there is room for everybody in the music field. Goodnight, Thank

  • Kathy - 16 years ago

    I would like to see this poll listed by rank in votes. I don't understand the gray box that shows up after voting. What does that mean?
    I don't remember Freddie Mercury and am certainly old enough to remember almost all artists. John Bonham was a drummer? Never heard of him. It's a shame there are not more votes for Elvis as he gave rock and roll the kick in the pants it needed and he could sing anything in any range.

  • Andrew - 16 years ago

    Thanks for adding those names, and I'd also like to nominate a couple of others - Arthur Lee (rock star in Los Angeles and Britain, ingeniously talented cult hero elsewhere), and Klaus Dinger (rock star in Germany for a few years with La Dusseldorf, also ingeniously talented Neu! drummer/guitarist).

    They may not be household names, but they were certainly larger-than-life, charismatic and talented fuigures who deserved a more universal audience than they received in their lifetime.

  • Cody - 16 years ago

    What about Randy Rhodes

  • Tristan - 16 years ago

    The lack of votes for Keith Moon makes me sad :(

  • Trish - 16 years ago

    Please, can someone explain this to me? What's so great about Freddy Mercury??I don't understand why people are voting for anyone other than ELVIS. Those of you who voted for someone other than Elvis, please educate yourselves. You'll find that life is better when you know, love, and listen to Elvis. I mean constantly.

    Cheers! :)

  • jeanette - 16 years ago

    This is not a poll for disrespecting other artists. Elvis, hendrix, bonham, bolan
    and many many more hold a special place in many peoples past, future, and
    hearts. for me it would have to be Mr Mercury to see the mercury strut one more time, would be a kind of magic.

  • Ana Kaya - 16 years ago

    My vote goes to Freddie Mercury, the best singer in the world, not that i do not love all the others, but Freddie was special, had a light inside him that iluminated all his fans until today.
    Nevermind how he died, everybody will die one day, but i miss him a lot.
    The world lost one of the best singers that already appeared in Earth.
    My love also to John Lenon, love him too. and John Bohan once i love Led Zeppelin and lots of others like Boby Marley (great lion). but my vote is for sure for FREDDIE MERCURY.
    And don´t come anyone to tell me stupid things about it. Each one has a choice, let´s respect everybody here.
    Greetings from Brasil to all of you.

  • Col B - 16 years ago

    Very interesting site. Bon Scott and the great Phil Lynott def. deserve to be up there but I was listening to some recent Hanio Rocks live stuff the other day and I wondered just how much better they would be now if Razzle was still on drums. How do you get additional people on to your list?

  • Helen Sharp - 16 years ago

    yadda.. yadda.. yadda... If you saw Freddie the months before he died you will understand why he stopped making public appearances. He was in no fit condition to go on stage and he did not want the public to see him that way, and to resurrect him like that would be very demeaning and terrible to Queen fans and to the memory of Freddie.

  • Avril - 16 years ago

    Right that does it! You have totaly p....d me of.This bloody poll is a huge sham and dont try and tell me differant!.
    Elvis has been gone from this earth for 31 years and he is still selling millions of records. Elvis is the richest dead celebrity of any of these guys mentioned in your stupid poll. So as they say in the Dragons den mate "i'm out.
    stuff your poll where the sun dont shine!!!!
    PS anyone like to second that,be my guest!!.

  • Winagaoka - 16 years ago

    *Helen Sharp:*
    I am not here to discuss, but would like to tell you that Brian May and Roger Taylor still respect and hv Freddie Mercury as a heroe and told that Freddie never prejudiced the band in any way. They did not change the volcal of the band, but just integrated Paul Rodgers toghether with Queen mark (QUEEN & PAUL RODGERS). A comment like yours here in Brasil is considered like a crime because here we cannot desciminate another person or you go to jail and you did it. Know that simply he gave all his possessions to AIDS reserarch institutions? And that few Queen shows actually are to get money to help many institutions and this way saving lives? I feel sorry you think this way, but HE, for thousands people, is still the Best of the World.

    Jujuzinha is my nefhew and i noticed that you understood what he meant with her words. She feel frustraded because she could not know him as we, because she is just a 14, and did not experiment the happiness to have an idol, put picture of him together, albums, posters, etc as we did in the past.

    I went on Queen show at Morumbi in 1981 and i know what i felt. The band charism, the tenderness of Freddie with his fans and all the public and the emotion showed when we were there singing with him in an unique voice.Nevertheless they would never imagine that the INDIANS (the image the world have of Brasill) were go in mass to an stadium with 251000 peop-le singing in English. We are not indians, we are civilized.

    Without discriminate nobody even why i love Elvis Presley, John Lenon and Led Zeppelin (John Bohan) besides other groups and bands that make part of this topic. My vote went to Freddie because simply he is day by day becoming an imortal singer because of the strenght and determinantion Brian and Roger are giving to continue HIS work. They understood Freddie wish when he bagged "/The Show Must Go On". /

    Queen is simply giving to these yound people the chance to have idols that worth that.

  • lole - 16 years ago

    There are so many roses that bloom along the way, but my heart's in Memphis and that's where it will stay.

  • RJL - 16 years ago

    I enjoy the music of a lot of these musicians (Kurt Cobain, Freddy Mercury, and George Harrison included), but I'd really want to see Stuart Adamson (from Big Country) at a gig. He'd be incredible, and then I'd want to just have one talk with him after the show. I'd tell him that even I can't understand the ways in which the music he created with Tony, Mark, and Bruce has affected my life. Of course, I'd thank him, too.

  • Ram - 16 years ago

    Helen Sharp: You know as well as everybody does, the meaning of this poll. So don't be so pethatic (or Jealous?)!

    But to the point: the're lots of great artists in the list who I want to sea alive again (healthy of course). The great Lennon with his amazing songs (what a chock that he was shut), The King of Rock 'n Roll himself (Elvis of course; great voice and devine charisma), Jimi Hendrix, the best guitarplayer ever, Bob Marleys relaxed and beautifull music and of course also Freddie Mercury. Just like Elvis Presley he had an amazing voice and great charisma. And he wrote some beautifull songs.
    If I had to choose one of them: it will be a choice between Elvis and Freddie. I think it's gonna be Freddie Mercury (perhaps he's more my generation, or maybe because he was as great as a performer, but also wrote lots of asome songs). But in the end: THEY WERE ALL GREAT, AND STILL ARE!

  • Lale - 16 years ago

    Come on everybody and snap your fingers now
    Come on everybody clap your hands real loud
    Come on everybody take a real deep breath
    And repeat after me
    I love my baby
    I love my baby
    Hey, hey, hey and my baby loves me

    Come on everybody and whistle this tune right now
    Come on everybody and stomp your feet real loud
    Come on everybody take a real deep breath
    And repeat after me
    I love my baby
    I love my baby
    Hey, hey, hey and my baby loves me

    Well there ain't nothing wrong with the long-haired music
    Like Bonham, Mercury and Co
    Well ELVIS was raised with a guitar in his hand
    And he was born to rock
    Well, come on everybody and turn your head to the left
    Come on everybody and turn your head to the right
    Come on everybody take a real deep breath
    And repeat after me
    I love my baby
    I love my baby
    Hey, hey, hey and my baby loves me...


  • Helen Sharp - 16 years ago

    Thank goodness you cannot turn back time. Leave Freddie Mercury to rest in peace. He was very underweight, understrengthed and sickly when he died. Having him appear onstage pushed in a wheelchair with his full blown AIDS in public view will do the memory of Queen a disservice.

  • Jujuzynha - 16 years ago

    Freddie! Please bring it back! Just one more day...
    I love Queen! Love My dear Brian, Roger and the sweet John...
    God Save the Queen!
    Juliana, from Brazil

  • Winagaoka - 16 years ago

    I Love Queen, I Love Freddie Mercury, Brian May and Roger Taylor
    God save the Queen!!!
    From Brazil

  • Courtney-Maree - 16 years ago

    I think this is a big joke.Everyone knows Elvis will always be the king of all music. Hi auntie Ree! xxxxxxxx

  • Lei - 16 years ago

    Aguante Elvis!!

  • Leila Arrondo Deliens - 16 years ago

    Hola a todos
    Me encanta Freddy Mercury como Queen, y espero que a la mayoría de ustedes también!!!
    Quisiera que pasaran por mis fotolog: http://www.fotolo.com/amor_a__queen y http://www.fotolog.com/iiwantobreakfree :)


  • Editor - 16 years ago

    Its on 2726. You have to take into account time zones, when the link appears on a site it can be the other end of the day to GMT.

  • Joanne Robin Minogue - 16 years ago

    I don't believe you because the Mercury vote almost stopped as soon as I made the last email complaint above. It's been 9 hours now and the vote is now only 2660.

  • Editor - 16 years ago

    The poll isn't being fixed in anyway. Brianmay.com posted a link to the poll last week, this has resulted in 100's of Queen fans voting for Freddie and other links appearing on various Queen sites. Its a free poll for a bit of fun.

  • Joanne Robin Minogue - 16 years ago

    No sooner had I posted, the Freddie Mercury tally has now jumped up another 100 votes in the last 30 minutes. Please stop tampering with the poll.

  • Joanne Robin Minogue - 16 years ago

    Over the past 6 hours, the Freddie Mercury vote has jumped from approx. 700 to now 2600. Considering the number of weeks this poll has been running this is highly unlikely to be a group of fans suddenly discovering this site and voting at once. Can someone please tell the Mercury idiot to stop tampering with the votes. It makes this poll look like a joke.

  • Nik - 16 years ago

    Sheesh.. Some people are taking this poll a little too seriously I think.
    They're not really going to be brought back from the dead you know!
    It's a bit of fun!

  • Phyllis A. Petty - 16 years ago

    Elvis will always be number one. Elvis is the greatest Entertainer/Man of all time and no one will ever take his place or even come close.
    Elvis can sing anything and everything and always sound great and so convincing. His voice is So Great. Long Live the King

  • Daniel - 16 years ago

    Nick Drake.

    Firstly he'd be heartened at the success his records have achieved posthumously, and secondly he never performed a gig, so I'd like to see it.

  • summer - 16 years ago

    Elvis Presley. That's someone you never forget!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Gegenschein - 16 years ago

    It's a shame Steve Marriott hasn't been included. Brilliant voice, very much under appreciated. RIP the best mod singer in history!

  • Olesya - 16 years ago

    Probably i'd like to go back in time of 80's and be with Freddie
    Mercury more than I'd want him to come back to life again.Coz now he's a LEGENT but look at the old Roger and Brian...I just can't imagine Freddie's old - full of energy and fire....no,no,no...He wouldn't be the King of the Queen.He 's the best one.And I love him so much.When I watch "Live At The Wimbley" I wish he'd stay alive but would he be the same...? I've voted for Freddie becouse if I had a chance to bring him back to life, I'd definitely use it...!

  • Editor - 16 years ago

    Its a world-wide poll, This Day in Music is based in the UK - we have users from all over the world. The poll is not fixed in any way, you can only vote once from your computer and every vote is counted.

  • Joan - 16 years ago

    Who the heck is John Bonham?

  • Aaron - 16 years ago

    I would have rather that none of them died. Isn't it interesting that a lot of them died at 27. moderation can be hard at times.

  • Chris - 16 years ago

    It't obvious that this poll is for the USA and from the USA.I wonder how could
    anybody ask ''who the heck is John Bonham?''Although Led Zeppelin had huge
    succes in America,Elvis is still in all the hearts.(??!!)
    Personally,I vote for Freddie Mercury.He is and will always be THE BEST for me and I figure,for all Europeans.I suppose this site/poll is not so wellknown in Europe,unfortunately(Am I wrong??)

  • Joan - 16 years ago

    I checked the poll before I voted and even logged off then checked again and the numbers did NOT change. I think poll daddy is someones figment of imagination. Oh well "True love travels on a gravel road." We have been over some rough spots with Elvis before. He will always be #1

  • Maree - 16 years ago

    Elvis is the only true Legend. He wasn't voted Entertainer of the Century for nothing!

    Elvis rocks and so does my little Sis Avril above.

    Please check poll Elvis % has not moved for 2 days!

  • Caleb - 16 years ago

    The lack of Hillel Slovak on this list makes me sad....

  • avril - 16 years ago

    Well its gotta be the King! Elvis presley tops them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • avril - 16 years ago

    Well its gotta be the King! Elvis presley tops them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • shell - 16 years ago

    who the heck is John Bonham?

  • Kathy Schuler - 16 years ago

    I vote at Rockintown Hall of Fame every day and Elvis is more than 2600 votes ahead of LZ. For some reason, when I vote here, the numbers don't change. It seems somethin is strange at PollDaddy.

  • Steve - 16 years ago

    How soon we forget. I you listen to about anything from Aretha Franklin to Derek and the Dominos during the mid sixties to 1971 you will hear the incredible guitar of Duane Allman. Gone since 10-29-71. It's shame he didn't make the list. He wouldn't come back without Berry Oakley anyway.

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