Who do you think won the Super Talk debate?


  • Nina - 10 years ago

    Gary has been my favorite from the time he was a Saturday night temp until now. I think he and Dick Morris are great together, and I enjoyed listienting to both on the debate. Zeoli is great to hear during the elections, since he's been involved with politics. Thanks, Gary!

  • Bobby B - 10 years ago

    Dick Morris came across to me as the most knowledgeable, with the presentation of actual facts. I think Stigall may be feeling a bit embarrassed. Dom disappointed me. He could have bought more to the fight ( take off the kid gloves, Dom!) Dick was right with his stance on backing down Putin, nailing Obama, and taxing energy.

  • BrendanG - 10 years ago

    We all have our favorites on 1210, but if we are being honest and voting for who won the debate, then Zeoli clearly won the debate. He was entertaining and in your face. Gary did great too giving it right back to Zeoli. Dom was arrogant and just gave the talking points. Morris was the biggest surprise with his humor. Chris clearly didn't want to be there but that's OK, he's my favorite talk show host with Zeoli a close second. Now if we get to vote on a poll about who should be doing afternoon drive, it would be Zeoli & Gary hands down. Dick is terrific in small doses and I would much rather hear a Morris Report, similar to his radio free philly, about 30 minutes a day versus 3 hours.

  • Kym Gamble - 10 years ago

    I thought the concept was great. I'm a HUGE Dom fan but for the debate performance I would have to rate them as Zeoli, Giordano, Rnell, Morris and finally Stigall. As others have commented, Chris Stigall seemed like he wasn't even there for whatever reason. Zeoli was there and prepared for whatever questions came his way. He wasn't totally from the "Republican" platform, more from the "Libertarian" but since Rand Paul is running his race from the Republican National party, I figure Zeoli fits in the party too. Dom ran a solid second with his firm knowledge of the topics and strong Conservative Republican values. This was a great forum to see the talkers and their positions and I hope you do this again.

  • Mike K - 10 years ago

    I am SO tired of Morris bragging about his alleged Clinton experiences. ENOUGH!
    Of all of them, I relate the most to R'Nel & find him the most logical and down-to-earth.
    Dom is too repetitive, IMO. Stigall is another who is getting too repetitive.
    Stigall is good but doesn't allow enough callers through.
    Zeoli is a firecracker; I enjoy his shows a lot. However, he tends to talk over R'Nel when they're paired-up to get the last word in which annoys me.
    Zeoli & R'Nel are my favorites & I enjoy when they are paired-up!
    I'd give the WIN for the debate to Zeoli with R'Nel a close second.

  • William B - 10 years ago

    Gary R'nel is truly one of the few conservatives who understands the dilemma facing the future survivability of the party. I love that he is a principled conservative yet understands the importance of the brand and the message. Mr. R'nel comprehends the importance of winning elections and does not want discourse nor rhetoric to become an obstacle. Unfortunately, most of the other panel members are so ensconced in their ideology they are willing to sacrifice the future of the party.

  • Robert - 10 years ago

    I loved the debate and Gary was the clear winner.

    Rich Z was prepared, and the most aggressive, but that's much different from "winning" the debate. Rich is what is wrong with the Republican party. People like Rich and Sarin Palin and other hard party liners are the problem. Wake up people. Their message does not resonate with most voters.

    Gary's message about "changing demographics" was misunderstood to be some sort of wavering on conservative principals. That's sad. I would suggest to Gary and others that it's not about changing demographics, it is about evolving sensibilities. People don't think and act like they did in 1980. Yes the demographics have changed, and so has the world. It's unfortunate that Rich and others refuse to recognize this or adjust accordingly. Are you really that against gay marriage, for example? Are you really willing to fall on your sword for it and lose elections? That's what you're doing. The Democrats are mopping up on these issues. Let's be honest, no one is for abortion (another example)? It's wrong, duh. But why get into a choice debate? The Democrats phrase the questions and the Republicans are foolish enough to respond. Instead of losing on this topic, why not demonstrate support for pregnancy prevention? Why are we talking about (and losing) a discussion about what to do after the horse has run out of the barn? Our position is should be to close the barn door. That's not wavering on principal, that's common sense. That's smart messaging consistent with an objective.

    What Rich and others like him are say is, "If you don't think like me, you are a fool and we are adversaries. Now vote for me." That strategy will NEVER work. I'm suggesting the message should be, "Here is another way to look at XYZ issue, and here is why it makes sense for everyone." It's a mental shift, and Gary get's it. RIch does not.

  • Dov - 10 years ago

    I enjoyed the debate immensely.
    I love all these guys.
    In my opinion, the rankings were as follows in the debate:
    1.) Dick Morris (always brilliantly on-target, informed, articulate and pithy)
    2.) Tie: Rich Zeoli & Dom Giordano (huge fan of both these guys; Dom has the established creds and I agree with him on just about everything - and I think Rich is a rising superstar, brash, exciting and wise beyond his years)
    4.) Gary R'Nel (not as fiery, but always warm, engaging and refreshingly polite and civil - a "mensch"; bonds well with audience)
    5.) Chris Stigall (he almost sounded as if he wasn't that interested or engaged; maybe he was just tired from getting up so early for his morning shift.)
    I also really enjoy the pairing of Zeoli and R'Nel and wish that were a regular gig together. I love the (playfully) sarcastic sparring between them.
    I concur with some of the hosts that Larry Kane (whom I otherwise respect and admire) displayed a liberal bias. But through all the criticism he endured he was a good sport.
    But thanks for having this event. It was monumental - a keepsake! This was the best radio listening experience since Joey Reynolds came back to Philly briefly in the early '80s!
    Please do it again on a regular basis.

  • DaveC - 10 years ago

    Zeoli came ready for the fight. That's what we need. No backing down! I would vote for Dom as most improved. He's really coming around. Grimaldi and Mazz would have mixed it up a bit. I would like to see them on the stage with everyone else some day. Dick always makes me think.....because in one second I agree but the next, I disagree. Gary? Nice guy but he's wrong about everything. Chris is a nice guy an very intelligent and funny. Zeoli is the real fire cracker and he shares my passion so he gets my vote. Our country is dying and we better get it together soon or our kids won't grow up in a free and prosperous country like we did.

  • lisa - 10 years ago

    Gary R'nel is the winner of the debate! His comments and responses to the questions as well as his counterparts were spot on with what this country needs! Go R'nel!

  • kevin m - 10 years ago

    I loved the debate - many thanks to wpht & all sponsors - and voted for dick morris, primarily due to his comments on how Obama has and still is transforming our great country.

  • Frange - 10 years ago

    Stigall is my favorite, but Zeoli did the best in this debate. He was very aggressive, and certainly didn't hold back the digs, which is how a debate should be. Maybe Stigall was tired or needed a couple of bourbons, like he said at the start. Hope he's enjoying his cigar now. Nice to hear Zeoli and R'nel continue a little of the debate issues on their show afterward.
    Please do this again in the future. I'd love to witness it in person, because I like all of these guys. Thanks.

  • petie r - 10 years ago

    Rich Zeoli is a loud mouthed person who is rude, loud, and makes no sense. Dick makes sense!!

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