Which is your favorite season based on it's normal, non finale or arc episodes?


  • Евгений. - 10 years ago

    Целый фандом говноедов. Понимаю второй сезон, но, блть, четвёртый?
    Просто русский комментарий, не обращайте внимания.

  • Tokensdorf - 10 years ago

    @Anonymous, spoiler alert: I learned by myself too, weeks passed by before I even knew that the show had a fandom dedicated to it, and to be honest, I do not see the big problem with the brony, there are the obvious trolls, people who do not know wha they're talking about, obnoxious people and so on, but I've never seen them doing anything that actually rocked the fandom in any direction, I do still find it to be qiute a good fandom, I'm not saying that you should stay or anything, or that the fandom is perfect for any person to be in, because it is not, and if you do not see the fandom as something to be a part, then that's fine, it is your opinion and noone should change, other than yourself if you so desire. You're entitled to your own opinion and beliefs and if you do not want to be a part of this fandom, then okay. The real problem I had with your original comment was that you put it like it was the only right thing to do, while it is not, everyone can choose for themselves. I do not find this fandom to be terrible, as I said in my previous comment, but it does have some problems, it has greatness from different sources but it does also some faults to it from different sources. As you can easily tell, I love this fandom and do not have any desire to leave any time soon, but it is not for me to choose wether or not others should stay or leave, the only thing I can say is that we should not be judging things too harshly based around our own point of view. I don't know what you plan or doing after you leave the fandom, I don't know what you did while you were in it, but I would wish you a joyful path ahead.

  • Anonymous - 10 years ago

    @Tokensdorf: Spoiler alert: I didn't discovered this show thanks to the fandom I've discovered it by myself and loved it, THEN I went in the fandom.... and now I regret to have done it. I'm not only a MLP fan, I'm even a Pokemon fan, and since the situation to this fandom has become similar to the Pokemon's fandom, I'll leave the MLP fandom like I've done with the Pokemon's one. It's simple as that.

  • Tokensdorf - 10 years ago

    Anonymous right below this comment. I really do think that your words hold some weight to them and be something to remember, there will always be those fans who think the beginning is the only good thing that were ever created of any given franchise. You then go over how many episodes you enjoyed which is strictly opinion based, as you put it so in your comment. The only thing where I really do disagree with you is in your ending. You put it like a fact instead of an opinion, which it does seem here, it may be that you do not find any worth in the fandom for your point of view anymore (if you ever did) but some of us still do. I'll been in this fandom for a little bit longer than two years now, always doing my best to keep track on what was going on at a given time. I'll seen quite a few things doing the time but I have never seen the fandom be anything even remotely close to "terrible". I do agree that it can get quite annoying when someone says that their opinion is the only right opinion and everyone else are just too blind to see it, I get that, and though it is a minority, it is still a loud minority, yes, but strictly calling the fandom terrible? It is okay if disagree with me, but I myself do find it to be a bit too much. II'm not saying everything in this fandom is great and wonderful, for it is not, but it isn't terrible either, I'll actually go as far as to say that it is a great fandom, but that may only be if you can find your place in it. It is a large fandom and the way people act and converse with eachother varies from place to place, it all depends on what kind of person you are and where you want to stay, for there are many different places and smaller communities in this fandom that people can fit into, we are all different afterall, we cannot all get along equally, just as long as we can tolerate eachother then things should be fine.

    As a sidenote, you mentioned that you loved 75 of the episodes, and it very much do seem like you say that as if it is only without the fandom, as if you couldn't enjoy them quite as much if you took the fandom and other people's opinion on the specific episodes into account. I can easily say and even though I do not enjoy every single episode equally, I still love every single one of them in their own right and I'm taking the words of other people into account.

  • Anonymous - 10 years ago

    To the anon that answered to Litigious: don't care about him and the others, even thought it's in a minor way, like for the people that believe the first generation of Pokemon is the only good one, there are also people for which only the first MLP season is good. They prefer to live with this "confirmation bias" and they will say anything to contradict other opinions even if they are in the extreme minority (like the poll shows). Even thought they are extremely annoying, the best thing to do is to ignore them.

    And it will be the thing I will do, after the S4 finale will air this saturday, I'll keep all the episodes I loved for me (75 to be precised) and I will leave this terrible fandom and I will re-enjoy all the episodes (old and future) without think what the mass thinks... you should do this too, if you really care for the show.

  • @Litigious - 10 years ago

    >Thinking that le memes and le quotes make a best season. Actually most people here joined in 2011-2012 so we all here also experienced season 2 live. Gee, why are you people always have to come up with some retarded bias excuses and not just accept that not all share your opinion.

  • Ryn Ken - 10 years ago

    If It weren't for the episode Rainbow Falls I probably would have chosen season four instead of two. I think its the worst episode in the entire series and I'm usually able to enjoy the episodes everyone else hates.

  • Mario - 10 years ago

    The douchebaggery level of the comments section is over 9000.

  • Litigious - 10 years ago

    I just don't understand the comments or the votes. I think season 4 has only garnered a large number of votes, because experiencing episodes live makes a huge difference, and many fans did not experience season 1 and 2, so they have a subconscious bias toward season 4 due to its larger number of episodes than season 3, and season 3 being weak by most standards.

    I myself did not experience season 1, but I still consider it almost as good as season 2, and far ahead of season 4. No episode since season 2 has received the types of reactions that The Last Roundup or The Wedding had. Those episodes made people explode twice. All the common quotes and memes spawned mostly from season 1, and some from season 2. The later seasons simply have not had that kind of effect. I think a large part of it was Bronycon summer 2012 and the long wait from season 2 to season 3 made season 1 and 2 the foundation for most everything in the fandom.

  • Skye - 10 years ago

    Why is everybody so butthurt? What's the issue with people making Applejack jokes anyway? I personally liked all the seasons but season two has to be my favourite. I became a brony just after season one finished and so I got to watch season two every week from the very beginning and it was exciting. I just didn't get that excited feeling for the other seasons. Not because they're bad or anything, but hey.

  • UJ - 10 years ago

    season 3 and the first half of season 4 were really for children. Animators showed natures of pony too much, they were like squid, crab and sponge after 6th season.

  • Titanium Dragon - 10 years ago

    A very tough choice between 1, 2, and 3, but 1 ends up barely taking it.

    Season 4 is quite bad. Shiny new ponies does not make up for its weakness.

    Hopefully season 5 will be up to the quality of the first three seasons.

  • Rush2201 - 10 years ago

    Season 2 is the most UNFAIR season, because people joked about my favorite cartoon horse and I left the fandom for a bit. ....Am I doing it right? I really need to get this right, because cartoon horses are serious business.

  • Mizetto - 10 years ago

    Don't think per season, that WILL make things unfair no matter what. Think about the series overall which is actually pretty fair after we got the fourth season because of Applejack and Rarity. From what I can see Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle has had pretty divided amount of episodes over the four seasons (which I hope they'll do with AJ and Rares too from now), season 1 and 4 was really good for Rarity while season 3 and 4 was really good for Applejack. Overall the series is pretty much fair, season 4 did a lot to make up for it. It was also a good season for all six ponies and that is a big plus. I voted for season 4 because not only does it have great episodes as always, but they had a good share. Applejack and Rarity shines this season compared to the others though, but it makes sense because of season 2 and 3. But I love all seasons, they all gave us something great. The only thing I hated during season 2 was how the fanbase treated Applejack and got the joke that was never funny, how it still goes on doesn't make it any better. I didn't watch for over a year after that, I returned late season 3. I admit it has made me inactive in the fandom, this is the first comment I make online since Christmas. It's the fanbase that makes things unfair, they make it feel worse than it actually is. So try do like me and view the series overall and ignore the fanbase for a moment, now is it really that unfair?

  • BronyPony - 10 years ago

    I can't believe some of u hate season 2 just because your fave character is not really in it......like srsly,if u're a real MLP fan,u should just appreciate anything there is,and not hate a SEASON which is not even alive.and btw,every season has something unique and different,so deal with it.GOSH,srsly guys,srsly,snap out of those nonsense u guys are thinking.

  • Tara K - 10 years ago

    Love season 4 and hate season 2 (unfair). Season 1 and season 3 is tied for me.

  • Kat - 10 years ago

    Season 4 wins for me thanks to Bats!, Rarity Takes Manehattan, Simple Ways, Three's a Crowd (Twilight and Cadance hanging-out time), and BIG MACINTOSH SINGING (TWICE!!). While I suppose the argument could be made that Rarity Takes Manehattan is an "arc" episode because she gets the Rainbow Power thread at the end (at least, that's what I assume the fancy glow effect means). This is not to say the other seasons were particularly lacking (except you, Season Three -- I enjoyed you alright but you're at a major disadvantage with only half the episode count!) but rather that more of my personal favorites have gotten a pile of screentime and the music took a major upswing in my opinion.

  • Anonymous - 10 years ago

    Wow, people have no* taste.

    *differing from mine

    I enjoyed S1 the most because it relied less on heavily focused episodes and had more subtlety. Its episodes had a slice of life feel, character interaction, and character personality expression that felt less cartoony and in-your-face, more pleasant and gentle.

    Now with S4 confirming the DBZ-ification of the series (at least in terms of major events - remember how the S1 finale didn't need combat to be interesting?) it's painful to watch S1 because I can't help but dwell on how the show hasn't been as good since.

  • 0280 - 10 years ago

    Season 1 is the best cause it was free from all the brony garbage the plagued the rest of the show after it.

  • Cassie - 10 years ago

    There's a retard that keeps saying season 2 was "UNFAIR" with multiple identities. You make me ashamed of being an Applejack fan.

  • AlmightySpoonman - 10 years ago

    Picking a choice in this poll is like picking your favorite pet. Each one has something to love! But eventually I picked Season 1. But I didn't pick it because it was the only one Lauren Faust wrote or because Twilight was made into a princess in later seasons. But I picked it because without these first episodes, I would have missed out on this fandom, and would have never even stuck around for the seasons that would follow. Friendship is Magic parts 1 and 2 gripped me in a way no story had before, and they remain some of my favorite episodes of the series.

  • fix - 10 years ago

    Season 4 is the worst because princess twilight sparkle and season 3 is the second worst because princess twilight sparkle.

  • Tipp - 10 years ago

    I went into Season 4 with such incredibly low expectations. I had assumed the series jumped the shark by making Twilight a princess. I'm certain the fact that the season hasn't sucked completely, and my low expectations combined to allow me to enjoy season 4 a lot more than it deserves. (not that that's a bad thing) The advancements in graphic presentation (ie: lighting effects, animation complexity, scene transitions...) also have been progressing in a linear fashion since the first episode as well. All in all, the whole show is great. However, I am having more fun the current season than I remember having with previous ones.

  • DCO - 10 years ago

    I love all of them except season 2, because it caused problems to me and I felt like I was kicked out of the fandom by either being offended or left out. It was also unfair how Applejack was treated in the show and fandom during season 2, it brings bad memories I want to avoid. So I have season 1 and 3 on DVD, but not interested in buying the second.

  • Niklas - 10 years ago

    Season 6 was of cause the best followed by season 1...

    1. Season 1.
    2. All the other seasons.

  • Derpylicious - 10 years ago

    I like them all.

  • Somepony - 10 years ago


  • Optimal - 10 years ago

    Also, what the hell do people mean "S2 is unfair"? If anything, S3 AND S4 are the only unfair ones. S3 is half the length of the others and S4 inst even finished yet.

  • FluttershyIsMoe - 10 years ago

    Season 4 is STILL my favorite season even without the opening and soon-to-come ending arcs included. I mean, it this season alone we've had a musical episode with Pinkie and Weird Al, Fluttershy being transformed in Flutterhulk, Flutterbat, and Flutterbreezie, Pinkie's awesome sister Maud FINALLY showing up, Discord's hilarity AND song... Need I go on?!!

  • epicdude - 10 years ago

    i hate season 2 the most because it was the most UNFAIR season

  • ErCicogno - 10 years ago

    I vote for the S4

  • Anonymous - 10 years ago

    So, "I love only the first season because Lauren Faust and other ones are bad" guys what do you think now that your precious only good season is REALLY losing to the S2 and the S4 and is only BARELY winning on the S3 and only because this one is shorten?

  • pepperpunk - 10 years ago

    Season 2 would win if its opener and finale counted, as 2-parters I'm assuming they don't.. It's very close between them, and "Return of Harmony" vs. "Princess Twilight" would have swung it.

    So, Season 4 ftw!

  • Raeonn - 10 years ago

    Season 2 because John De Lancie/Discord.

  • anonymous fan - 10 years ago

    why does season 3 have the least votes?While it wasn't the best,was a little underrated here.(voted for s4)

  • RePoisn - 10 years ago

    Oh, yes, definitely. It's not like people have different tastes and opinions. Nosirreeee. While I didn't vote for S4 (voted S2), S4 is my 2nd fav PERSONALLY. See that keyword over there? PERSONALLY.

  • silvadel - 10 years ago

    So in the view of the viewership it is the opposite of windows where the odd releases are good and the even ones bad.

  • Altherix - 10 years ago

    Since season 4 isn't concluded yet, this poll is too early.

  • Optimal - 10 years ago

    I'm surprised of how many people are voting for S4 as well. Are they just buttering it up because it's new? What if the finale is garbage?

  • Pony not a Brony - 10 years ago

    I'm genuinely surprised by how many people legitimately like Season 4? I voted for season 1, but that's because I miss the days where they didn't beat us over the head with expositing "world building". Don't get me wrong, I love adventure and world building, but unless Lauren Faust or M.A. Larson have a hand in it, I usually end up cringing :x

  • Kicks_McGee - 10 years ago

    Came here to lol @ the dumb comments. Found the comment by "Averrage EQD comment" and nodded mah head.

    Anyway I'm lovin' all the seasons for many different reasons. But I voted S4 just to keep it on top and annoy the "wah wah the show is going downhill" crowd.

  • Rockpath5 - 10 years ago

    How can a season be unfair? That's a nonsense idea. Is it because your favorite pony wasn't in it much? Suck it up infant!

  • Eloise - 10 years ago

    I don't really have a favorite season since I love them all equally, but I voted for season 4 mainly because I enjoyed the introduction of some new characters (Maud Pie and Cheese Sandwich FTW!) It's also been fun watching the character development deepen.

  • GameFlash - 10 years ago

    It was a toss up between 2 and 4 for me as well. 2 because the stories opened up for the CMCs and they were able to develop into something more than just looking for their cutie marks, and 2 brought us the first Flim Flam Bros. and Daring Do appearance and Twi's amazingly glorious freak out in Lesson Zero.
    Season 4 was a very close second for the expansion into the history of equestria, pony families, Weird Al, and rapping Pinkie Pie.

  • warlord487 - 10 years ago

    Yeah, for me it was a tough choice between 2 and 4.

  • PinkieMaudPie415 - 10 years ago

    Definitely going with...

    Season 4.

    Mainly because it sure as hell introduced a bunch of new details. For instance, on the graphic side of things, they have improved on the overall detail of Ponyville and added some pretty impressive bloom and DOF (Depth of Field) effects. Now I am not saying that the previous seasons were not "great", but when Twilight got her wings and promotion to a princess, it was a true season changing experience.

    Now if I were to choose between two seasons, I would choose 2 and 4 because they are the longest and have a bit more "work" put into them. Can't wait to see what the season finale episodes bring and what season 5 will introduce... after all, it seems every season has something new to introduce.

  • Just Me - 10 years ago

    S4, S1 and S3 are equal to me but I went for 4 in the end, although now I wish I voted 3 instead seeing how little votes it gets. I absolutely despise S2 overall, even though some of the episodes are among favorites it was still very very veryyy UNFAIR generally.

  • Somebrony - 10 years ago

    S1 was generally good. Most of my favorite episodes are in S2. S3 had more episodes that felt rushed or forced than all three other seasons so far combined, making me feel like it needs a do-over. S4 is about on par with S1 and S2.

  • Baree - 10 years ago

    Season one is were it all started, and as far as I'm concerned where the best Slice of Life episodes still are. I love Slice of Life, so it has to be season one.

  • Tokensdorf - 10 years ago

    Different people have different opinions. We even started watching this show for different reasons so it is not surprising that some people enjoy a specific season more than what you or I would find to be the best as of now. I would also like to say that polls like the one above varies over time, mostly because we have a new season but also because we remember season 2 as the season where a lot of us joined the fandom, it has a nostalgic feel to it and therefor we think mre about the good than the bad when we talk about, though I see that there are still people with the same opinion about it as it first aired (it is unbalanced). I'm not going to say that the best season is the one I enjoyed the most, for that would be a lie. All of the seasons are different from eachother, they even feel different, which is something I very much enjoy, I do not want to see the same thing over and over again but would rather have some variation in it. It does mean that people would find different seasons more enjoyable than what others may see as the best season, which isn't a bad thing, it is kinda great in my opinion, the only real thing that annoys me is that some people can't get over themselves. I would just ask you to atleast try. We do all watch this colourful show of equines, so let us atleast try to get along and not bash the opinions of others just because it is different than what we may think.

    If you want to know which season I enjoyed the most then it is season 4 and 2. I enjoy these seasons for different things and different stories, so I do find it rather hard to choose which one of them I do enjoy the most.

  • Cheese Obsessor - 10 years ago

    Do the "key episodes" count as arc episodes? They're basically just normal episodes with somepony giving something to the Mane 6 that (probably) holds a special meaning later. In any case I choose season 4.

  • Silver Glow - 10 years ago

    Season 4 because Applejack finally gets some attention. And season 1 because Twilight was a unicorn. Season 3 is close up there. Season 2 sucks, brings back bad memories and reminds me of the fact idiots still call Applejack background pony, which was never true or funny to begin with.

  • Chad - 10 years ago

    2 > 1 > 4 > 3. That really looks worse than it is. 4 has been really good, but it's best episodes still pale in comparison to my favorites from 1 & 2. Season 3 only had a few episodes I really liked, and will likely (hopefully) end up as the series lowest point. I feel I should mention that my dislike of Season 3 has nothing to do with our newest Alicorn Princess, as I was in the neutral-to-interested party about her ascension.

  • Alex I. - 10 years ago

    Everyone voting for season four, though it is a pretty great season, also has the most episodes pertaining to a season arc which the poll says to not consider.
    I'm not saying that season four isn't still good without considering the arc episodes. I say it just in case people like the episodes that have arc elements in them and to check out the other seasons which have little to no arc in them.

  • Blue - 10 years ago

    I still would have to go with season 2. Many of my favourite episodes of the entire series spawned fro that season.

  • terry - 10 years ago

    @NorelationstoJFK You have no idea how right you are, I also voted for season 2 cause it was AWESOME.

  • viva - 10 years ago

    @Kaylee Jerks, you have no idea my friend.

  • zain - 10 years ago

    @CobaltPegasus I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who dislikes that alicorn bullshit, she was my second favorite, and now she's my least.

  • liam - 10 years ago

    Unfair........?, really..........?, season 3 didn't have a single rarity episode, and yet you call season 2 unfair. Hhhhh.....................................................

  • daniel - 10 years ago

    Dirge They're just whining because their favorite characters didn't get a lot of episodes, just ignore them.

  • ncfanboy1 - 10 years ago

    I would normally say voting for season 4 would be a cheap shot since it is still new, but I'm still voting for it because it is hitting so many bullseyes it makes season 2 bumpy road by comparison! Season 4 has some of the best episodes I've seen in a while.

  • hugo - 10 years ago

    @NLKB Nope, It's the exact opposite of what you said.

  • Dirge - 10 years ago

    What do people mean by season 2 was "unfair"?

  • Angela - 10 years ago

    4>3>1>2 Love 4 and 3, like 1 and despise 2.

  • DrMechano - 10 years ago

    Season 4 is my favorite so far, but season 2 trails closely behind! Both seasons had really strong episodes, as well as some of my favorite writing on the show.

  • Mariko - 10 years ago

    @TheCrazybunny56: I'm a girl, Mariko is a general girl name here in Japan. I only heard of one boy named this and he was bullied, still kind of teased. Anyway, I'm not talking about Derpy but the stupid background pony joke for Applejack.

  • Averrage EQD comment - 10 years ago

    Istert here a retarded statement claiming that people voting for season X are stupid and tasteless, and season Y is obviously the best because insert here apparently objective reasons I just made up.

  • NorelationstoJFK - 10 years ago

    Is this serious? This comes to show bronies will eat up anything DHX throws at them. Go on, keep praising the poor writing and poor story pacing. Obviously that's what makes Season 4 so epic, right?

    At least I'm part of the secondary majority and prefer season 2.

  • TheCrazybunny56 - 10 years ago

    Really wish they're line-breaks on these poll comments.
    Makes my comment all kinds of messy haha! Oh well, I wish everypony a lot of fun when voting the polls!

  • TheCrazybunny56 - 10 years ago

    Odd...I notice some new comments with different names saying that Season 2 is unfair, the worse, etc.
    One of them may be legit opinions but looking at them closely...I find it odd, like the same person under different names made them.

    But oh well hehe! I wish I can reply to Mariko because to me, he's the most
    uninformed out of everypony on that Derpy Hoove's is not offensive but loved by both
    bronies and people who are disabled as well.

    Strange that he thinks it's a cruel joke when it isn't suppose to be as it represents everyone who makes mistakes in life as we all do, a character that shows that she's not the only pony who makes mistakes as we all do. But she's still cheerful, happy, silly and fun to be around and that goes to everyone else who are as well.

    I'll leave this argument here haha. Focus mode engaged!
    ...I love all the seasons well including Season 2 but if I had to choose...I choose Season 4 as it had
    all kinds of interesting, fun and awesome episodes hehe! The finale has me excited as well and I only
    know about the first parter and not the second parter of the finale! (By know I mean just the short synopsis of it, nothing beyond that.)

    I can't wait to see it and I hope y'all enjoy it as well!
    Well anyways that is all I gotta say, thanks to you Sethisto for this poll and to everypony else
    reading this comment and voting, remember to have fun and pony on happily hehe!

    Brohoofs /) to y'all and see ya! ^_^
    Feel free to contact me through the links on my IntenseDebate profile as well! (or make
    a reply to one of my comments! =D)


  • Rockpath5 - 10 years ago

    Season 1 has the highest median. Season 4 has the highest mean. Season 2 is between season 1 and season 4 on both scores. All I can say is that season 3 was the worst.

  • Reuska - 10 years ago

    For me Season 3 rules above all. With the darkest pilot episodes, Wonderbolt academy, RD&Scoots, Babs (twice!), Trixie's return, Discord and stuff. Plus the ending gave me the most promising vibes for future - though it was a mistake to make it single-episode, it was still pretty awesome and like I said, promising.

    Did S4 fulfill this promise? I'm not sure. I hope the S4 finalle will save the image.

  • Mariko - 10 years ago

    I've only seen season 1 and almost all of season 2. The whole show was killed to me when the f**ing offensive background pony joke about Applejack started and since it hasn't stopped I have no interest watching season 3 and 4 at all. Applejack is my favorite so this is depressing, I have no idea why this fanbase are such jerks.

  • Kaylee - 10 years ago

    Season 2 is terrible and the start of idiots offending me and making me really sad, the freaking joke still goes on and Twilight who pretty much fits the joke in season 4 more than Applejack did in season 2 never got this joke. Sure it's a good thing it didn't happen to Twilight, but it's still so freaking unfair. It's the only fandom I rarely take part in the fanbase because most of the fellow fans I come across are jerks.

  • aibr - 10 years ago

    For me Season 4 > 3 > 2 > 1

  • CobaltPegasus - 10 years ago

    Season 4 is the best because it's the most fair and season 2 is the worst because it's the most UNfair. Only problem with season 4 is the lack of good Twilight episodes (I miss her unicorn self, it made better episodes for her), but since she had a lot in previous seasons it makes up for the others. I look forward for more seasons, the only thing I'm worried about is if Twilight will ever have good episodes again. Personally I think making her an alicorn was the biggest mistake ever in MLP, even though she IS my third fave. Well sort of, if she keeps being alicorn she might drop to least because she was second until the S4 premiere. *worries*

  • NLKB - 10 years ago

    @hugo: Season 3 doesn't suck, season 2 does.

  • Sanna - 10 years ago

    Ignoring alicorn Twilight, season 4 is best. Paying attention to alicorn Twilight, season 3 (excluding MMC) and 1 is best. Seasons 2 is awful, it's the most unfair one of them all.

  • gary - 10 years ago


  • hugo - 10 years ago

    Here's the proof that season 3 SUCKS.

  • gabu - 10 years ago

    Definitely season 2.

  • Frith - 10 years ago

    Mine was the 5th vote! Season Four was leading Season One 3 votes to 2, no vote whatsoever for the other two seasons. Fifteen seconds later and Season Three is still at zero but Season Two has garnered 2 votes and the total votes = 9. 8^D Season Four now has 5 votes. Go go Season One, I choose youuuuu!

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