How often do you listen to fandom made pony music?


  • Ganondox - 10 years ago

    Something somewhere between "I listen to just about everything, from Spotlight to Music of the Day", "I used to listen to it a bunch, but not as much anymore", and "I rarely listen to songs from people I don't know", because none of them are really true, but all are partially true.

  • Dewy-Kitsune - 10 years ago

    Yeah... Vocaloid's been taking over my life XD

  • Cyclone Dusk - 10 years ago

    I chose "Other" because none of the other options quite said "I hardly listen to anything ELSE!!!" XD

  • TurnItUp - 10 years ago

    I really used to like eurobeat pony, silva hound, notacleverpony and voodoopony. I still do listen to voodoopony from time to time but much less the other artists.

  • firestone3553 - 10 years ago

    This question is not worded good. There is not really an option like "I listen to it a lot, but mainly the most popular songs only"

  • Zerx - 10 years ago

    I listen to NOTHING accept the fandom's music currently.

  • TheAccidentalBrony - 10 years ago

    Count me in the "I listen every day" crowd - and yes, it's all I listen to for music right now. I tend to just listen to "Best Pony Radio" through either TuneIn Radio or . For me, it strikes a good balance of techno/dubstep, pop, and some rockish stuff as well. I don't have any particular musicians that I follow, but generally like most of the big names. I'd agree that it IS irritating when there's no logical connection between a "brony" song and the show, either via pony references in the lyrics, or including samples/remixes from the show.

  • Jags - 10 years ago

    I mainly only listen to songs with original pony lyrics, like "Carnival Cat", "Song to the Princesses", or "Picture Perfect Pony". If I cannot envision such songs as being in the show, though, I lose interest.

    I don't like dubstep, and if there's no lyrics it better be a cool instrumental take on a song from the show - there's a "Discord" swing-style and an "Art of the Dress" with a steampunk/factory take.

  • Ellert0 - 10 years ago

    I used to listen to quite a bit of fan made pony music, but I stopped because of all of the dubstep and frankly music that didn't have anything to do with pony. The way I always looked at it for a piece of music to count as a "pony" related song it had to meet at least one of the three criteria; 1) Have lyrics about pony. 2) Have sound assets from the show. 3) Be recognizable as a remake of a song or piece of music from the show.

    Unfortunately a lot of bad dubstep started popping up and I started to dislike the genre of dubstep as a result, and thus started to avoid pony music. There needs to be a place where you can find pony music with absolutely zero dubstep influence.

  • SPITZtheGOD - 10 years ago

    Pony music is the only music i listen to. Right now my library is roughly 700 songs and that is all i listen to.

  • Ermgle - 10 years ago

    I just listen to the online radios that play pony stuff. I don't seek out certain things and don't care about individuals and their stuff. I just like a random variety.

  • EctoMaster - 10 years ago

    I just kind of discovered fandom music. I knew of it but never really listened to it. That being said, I love the metal versions of the songs (like the songs done by Bronyfied) and the reference/based off of but not entirely about the character songs by Mandopony.

    All in all, fun stuff.

  • HalflingPony - 10 years ago

    I had to go with "Other". I definitely don't listen to everything I come across, but I also don't stick to known artists and my listening has definitely not decreased.

    Mostly, I split my time between listening to old favourites in my collection and tuning into Everfree to find new stuff.

  • Peanut Crunch - 10 years ago

    If it comes to my attention I'll listen.

  • fenchiph - 10 years ago

    I listen to fan music every day. Don't have time to go through all of it, though. Making an RSS feed of MOTD and Spotlight Music with genera info might help me keep up.

    I'm looking forward to my next big cross country drive to do a marathon listening session.

  • Michael Strack - 10 years ago

    One of the biggest problems is the noise pollution. It's great that people want to share their WIPs and stupid stuff that's just messing around but it makes finding quality stuff pretty tricky. EQbeats would be a great platform for finding new quality pony music if you didn't have to wade through all the junk. I'm now starting to look for stuff on Soundcloud but people don't use the tagging system appropriately so you face the same problem of sorting the wheat from the chaff. Aggregation and distribution services like the Fimmusic tumblr and the EQD music posts are very helpful, but it'd be nice to be able to go exploring and find music ourselves more easily. I don't know what MLR and Brony Musician Directory are like, I'll be checking them out shortly.

    Personally, I think that platform proliferation is a problem - Soundcloud is a great, versatile, powerful service and a lot of problems would be solved if people just tagged stuff right. Tags-as-humour are particularly unhelpful.

  • ianhuerta - 10 years ago

    Brony music is quite terrible.

  • Blacklight - 10 years ago

    I'm not a fan of Brony music. It always tends to be either pop music, dubstep, or some other mainstream sounding music and I'm one of those people who prefer to listen to 80's dark industrial, gothic, punk, experimental, and noise music. You don't get any of that in the Brony fandom. The music usually has a positive, happy, feeling with the exception of maybe Microphone Mike's stuff, but his stuff is rap and I simply can't get into rap. So I haven't found any Brony music for me at all. The closest think I've found to the music I enjoy is probably "Rainbow Factory", but even that leans too mainstream for me compared to what I normally listen to.

  • icekatze - 10 years ago

    hi hi

    Something about these poll options makes me think that the poll is biased towards a certain outcome. Its a very poorly constructed poll, that is essentially asking three different questions, with incomplete answers. How about options for the following?

    • I used to listen to it a bunch, but not as much anymore.
    • I used to listen to it a bunch, and I still do.
    • I didn't used to listen to it a bunch, and I still don't.
    • I didn't used to listen to it a bunch, and now I do.

    • I rarely listen to songs from people I don't know.
    • I sometimes listen to songs from people I don't know.
    • I often listen to songs from people I don't know.

    • I listen to just about everything.
    • I listen to stuff in the spotlight.
    • I listen to stuff in music of the day.
    • I listen to stuff that my friends recommend.

    • Other

    I like to listen to various types of brony music, and though I prefer actual remixes from the show, since that's why I'm here, as long as its good, its good. However, the fandom is so prolific, that I have absolutely no hope of keeping up with everything. I've got about a 150 post long backlog of "Music of the Day," posts, and it only keeps getting longer, as I simply don't have enough time to listen to them all in a day.

    I've gotten to the point where I just skip over a piece of music if it doesn't have a free download link, because it helps me get through the posts faster, and I'm still losing ground. (If only more of the problems in my life were this trivial.)

  • oddoneout - 10 years ago

    I'm not really a fan of brony music, but I really love remixes/ covers of 'love is in bloom' and 'this day aria'.

  • Freewave - 10 years ago

    Well pony music certainly has changed in the last 3 years. In some ways i understand if people have began listening to less, getting more choosy, or following just their favorites. Then again we run the fimmusic.tumblr so we can keep musicians informed of what's going on in the community and talk about some of our favorite new and older musicians which may be overlooked. It's tougher to find the good stuff but still well worth the effort and there's certainly more genres of music attempted then ever before.

  • iSharingan - 10 years ago

    The way I see it, every song is worth giving a chance by listening to it, however several artists consistently churn out epic songs (imo), so I tend to favor checking theirs out over others. Unfortunately, my tastes seem to be random songs from random genres, with only mild consistency between techno, electronic, and soft-core dubstep.

  • ZanyZapper - 10 years ago

    I listen to quite a bit. Overall I mostly listen to "novelty" music (Weird Al, the Great Luke Ski, Devo Spice, etc.) and a lot of the fandom music fits right in. Even tho most of it isn't "novelty" in the sense that it's necessarily humorous, most of it is quite unique and that's what gets me. In fact the music is one of the main things that drew me into the fandom in the first place, and that's really only been in the last 3 or 4 months or so. I may be late to the party, but I'm enjoying the heck out of it!

  • retiredsphinx - 10 years ago

    I listen to a lot of electronic/dubstep/trance sorta stuff, because it keeps me awake. Nothing with words; if a song has words, it's out. If the song is repetitive or terrible, it's out. If a song is posted without a download link so I can get it RIGHT THEN, it's out. I got five new songs from the latest Music of the Day, which is more than normal. Unfortunately, it seems that a lot of Brony musicians are still in the learning process of how to make good music. While this is really good for them, I can kind of tell (Even though I'm far from musically-inclined myself), and can't bring myself to enjoy a lot of it. I have stumbled across some utterly amazing artists in the fandom who aren't well-known, however, so I really wish these incredibly talented people would get more spotlight, rather than the sometimes-mediocre artists who get on MotD. I suppose that's what the Music Spotlights are for, but to me those always seem to be fairly well-known artists, and the songs almost always have words.

  • Frith - 10 years ago

    Music made by MLP:FIM fans is about the only music I listen to. I've made CD's for the car and for various CD players at work. I have over 200 favorites to choose from.

  • Violet CLM - 10 years ago

    I chose the "never" option, though it's a bit of a simplification; I tried pony music a while back, but realized that the majority wasn't a style I was interested in, so I stopped.

  • HydrusBeta - 10 years ago

    Pony fan music is pretty much all I listen to these days; I could listen to non-pony music, but it's just so much more satisfying to hear the amazing songs produced by this fandom I love so much.

  • Swashbucklist - 10 years ago

    The top two are a little too specific. I listen to it sometimes, but only as much as I always have, and I don't know any of the artists.

  • physicspony - 10 years ago

    I wished that I could listen to songs as much as I used to, I just don't hacve the time now days.

  • Kiosfriend - 10 years ago

    Music from this fandom is the majority of the music I listen to. I don't listen to every song in the fandom..far from it. But I sleep with the Hoofsounds Chrome extension on (usually on Fractured Frequencies, but sometimes others), that extension is active a lot of the time when I'm just browsing the interwebs, and I have somewhere in the NEIGHborhood of 600 pony songs on my HDD. The old stuff doesn't get played as much as it used to, but the new stuff still gets played about as much as the old stuff used to...out with the old, in with the new, I guess.

  • OneOverTwo - 10 years ago

    This poll is missing the very important option of "I listen to Pony music all the time, but not necessarily every single thing that the Pony music scene has to offer."

    The poll really needs to have a more generic entry for people who listen to a lot of the fan music or to some of the fan music a lot, but not near all of the fan music & all genres.

    The poll is also missing the "Sometimes" option.

  • Gammer7 - 10 years ago

    I hate how they don't have an option for I listen to pony music a lot, but only certain genre's. I love listening to pony music, but I never click on the music roundups, and I certainly don't love all of it.

  • daisymare - 10 years ago

    I only listen to pony fan music now. That and mc chris and weird al. And Steve Conte. but that's it. Mostly Tarby.

  • marley - 10 years ago

    You missed one: I didn't used to listen to fan music and now I do. Just certain genres though.

  • lordelliott - 10 years ago

    I just don't have time for all the cool stuff I want to do, so listening to new pony music has fallen to the wayside. I would like to get back into, but don't see having time to anytime soon. If I could subscribe to a playlist of the ABSOLUTE BEST of the BEST songs (any genre), I would. That would save me the time of sifting through it all.

  • Rockpath5 - 10 years ago

    I used to listen to all of it. Then I got bored of all of the bad electronic music, so now I only listen to something if it has a promising genera or if I know and like the artist.

  • KeenBlade - 10 years ago

    I think the options on this poll are a bit too specific. I think it would be better if it focused on frequency of current listening, rather than what was listened to or comparisons with past habits.

  • RaincloudBoom - 10 years ago

    I listen to Everfree Radio all the time at work, there needs to be an option for those of us that listen more.

  • CapitalSpace - 10 years ago

    I listen to our fandom's music almost every day!

    that needs to be an option

  • sandal - 10 years ago

    more than anything else in the fandom, i listen to fan music all day every day never gonna stop

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