What do you think the city should do with the Georgetown Municipal Airport?


  • Dick Gossen - 10 years ago

    The 'relocation' of Austin Mueller Airport was one of the worst city government decisions ever made. Look at Dallas Love Field and Houston Hobby - both major economic drivers to their respective cities. Both of them were slated for shutdown and "conversion" to low income housing, public parks and dog runs. Good sense prevailed there. Mueller, after all these years, still languishes as an economic sinkhole.
    As for me, I'm getting wound up about the noise from I-35. Sure, I moved here knowing it was there, but I never expected it would actually be used!..I even have nightmares about a black swarm of cars and trucks clouding the landscape!! I say we move I-35 to someone else's neighborhood.

  • PCD - 10 years ago

    Talk about relocating the airport for future economic benefit is likely a red herring. It's likely the real complaints are based in their beliefs that it is a disturbance to their peace and quiet or some unfounded safety issues.

    I'm not a pilot and have no dog in this hunt but I've no sympathy for those wanting it relocated. I've lived in Gtn for over 30 years and have not noticed any significant increase in airport traffic.

    The airport was there probably decades before they bought property. If they have a problem with airports/airplanes why locate close to one? Same deal as griping about noise/dust from Texas Crushed Stone. Don't buy property close to rock quarries, railroad tracks or airports if you are "sensitive" about occassional dust, train or airplane noise.

    No one is guaranteed peace and quiet and to demand relocating the airport because they failed to perform their own due diligence when locating in a community with an airport gets no sympathy.

  • Hugh Norris - 10 years ago

    Georgetown needs a vigorous regional reliever airport for its economic benefit. It does not need it in the middle of our future Akron, Ohio sized city and atop the Edwards Recharge Zone. It should be located in a safe, properly designed for the future, protected site outside the city providing unbounded economic benefits, quality jobs and an ever growing, perpetual sales and property taxes stream to the region. The City Council should fund a professional conducted engineering, political and financial study showing how a Mueller to Bergstom type transfer of airport operations to such a site can be done. Then allow the citizens of Georgetown to make a consensus political choice rather than leaving our future fate in the hands of a select, "all wise" , near-sighted few.

  • Avis O'Connell - 10 years ago

    The airport needs to relocate. It has outground the original intention of a small neighborhood airport. Homeowners were given the convience of a runway for their planes. It was not built for everyone to use.

  • John Jebens - 10 years ago

    If you could enforce your "fly friendly" program maybe you would get more support! Planes flying the same approach for hours on end is not flying friendly! The tower was supposed to give the airport better control, not less! If my car made as much noise as some of those small private planes I would get a ticket

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