Would you support the use of nuclear power in Saskatchewan?


  • char - 10 years ago

    How many people voted? How about balanced reporting? The public only seems to get the opinions of people that benefit, or get their information from the highly government subsidized nuclear industry! If you can't publish a balanced piece of journalism, then why bother?

  • Rigmor Clarke - 10 years ago

    NO NO NO listen to us.
    We love our land to much to have it polluted any more then what you are at present doing
    Why are you not telling all of us the truth about the pollution the uranium already is doing to our north country the land with the most fresh water in the world
    Leave the uranium in the ground until you know how to handle it.

  • Rene Blom - 10 years ago

    After FUKUSHIMA disaster, which is still not under control, who do the nuclear promoters think they are. Can you imagine all of saskatchewan and alberta agricultural lands contaminated by radiation.

  • Debbie Mihalicz - 10 years ago

    Where do people think nuclear waste comes from? Nuclear power = nuclear waste. Supporting nuclear power while opposing nuclear waste is like feeding the bull more hay and expecting less bullcrap. If the results of this survey show anything, it's that there's a serious lack of education on the impacts of the nuclear fuel chain (just the way Cameco likes it).

  • Zack - 10 years ago

    After Fukushima, get real !

  • FEB - 10 years ago

    YOU CAN NOT USE NUCLEAR WITHOUT HAVING MILLIONS OF YEARS OF TOXICITY!!!! How can people say they are okay with using nuclear while CLEARLY recognizing that the waste is going to be around for many generations to come:"At the same time, when it comes to managing nuclear waste, 56 per cent of those surveyed oppose storage in the province and 70 per cent oppose it being stored near their community." These are the highest and most significant findings, because if people would STOP and THINK THIS THROUGH....you will have to recognize that this more ACCURATELY reflects the REAL PICTURE!

  • ingrid - 10 years ago

    You should publish how many people have voted. Otherwise your poll is misleading! Why are you not doing responsible journalism and letting people know the risks and who benefits is. the U of S physics department/nuclear science. Sylvia Fedoruk was a nuclear physicist who profited from the nuclear industry. Tell the truth.

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