Will Firing VA Head General Eric Shinseki Bring About Changes In The Beleaguered Agency?


  • Chase - 10 years ago

    The VA is an established bureaucracy. Bureaucracies ALWAYS put their interests above all else. I'm not surprised at all at the self-serving actions that have gone on for decades. Now, it is CYA-time for the bureaucrats! The IRS debacle is another example of a thoroughly politicized bureaucracy gone amok.

  • frank - 10 years ago

    Shinseki really needs to be shown the door, period, but it has to go farther than just his replacement. I watched the oversight hearings last night on C-span and was completely shocked at the people who are in charge of the VA. The answer given to most of the questions asked of these people, especially Ms. Mooney was to ask their council. In other words, they're hiding behind the skirts of some lawyers rather that own up to their mistakes. It was disgusting to watch and I can only imagine how other veterans must feel at this point. No wonder other nations trust in the US has gone by the wayside. None of these sorry SOB's will own up to anything. To all US Veterans, THANK YOU. To the bums in charge, KISS MY YOU KNOW WHAT!

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