Do your parents know about your interest in MLP?


  • Samantha - 10 years ago

    My Dad knows about it. Doesn't question it. Tends to buy me G3 related merch though. I don't mind. It's the thought that counts :D

  • AK Yearling - 10 years ago

    Should be a selection, over 30 - question irrelevant lol

  • Flourescent Trixie - 10 years ago

    Ironically, my mother is perfectly fine with it. I'm not anything close to a hardcore brony; I don't wear the shirts or anything as I feel no need for them. But she does know I watch the show. My sister, on the other hand, thinks I'm a fucking pedophile because I watch the show, thinking that it not only helps spur such behaviors, but also thinks that I'd start using the show to try and draw kids into my metaphorical shed (yes, she's gone THAT FUCKING FAR with it). It's caused an annoying rift between us...

  • Xdust5 - 10 years ago

    I wish I could remember my opinion of Bronies before I was one. My mom knows I have a shirt but thinks it was for revenge on a friend (which it was, real long story). She would probably think it was weird or lump it together with Sponge Bob or something and be fine with it, or she would think of it as a little girl thing her being a teacher and all. I have absolutely no idea how my dad would react. To add some perspective we are big time hunters, as in more than one elephant big time. I never saw it coming myself until somewhere through season 2. Some of my friends know and I converted one at least.

  • SollyBoo - 10 years ago

    God, this poll makes me feel that I'm telling my parents I'm gay or something.

  • Elizabeth - 10 years ago

    My mom's fine with it, sometimes she watches it with me. I remember as a little kid I watched that Rescue at Midnight Castle, but never really got into the whole pony thing. I liked boy things, like Pokémon 'n Yu Gi Oh 'n stuff. I was a tomboy. I still sort of am. My dad doesn't really understand it, but I think he's ok with it. My step-dad rolls his eyes when I watch it or talk about it, but is fine with it, saying "at least it's not drugs."

  • RainbowsAreMagic - 10 years ago

    My dad says Apple Bloom is best pony and has a Spitfire glued to the dashboard in his truck. Although now that I think of it, a Rainbow Dash would be more appropriate.

    My mom is somewhat confused by the whole thing, but simply accepts it as just something she doesn't understand and moves on.

  • Adwipe - 10 years ago

    Other, I've told my friends and they were fine with it but I haven't told my parents I'm a brony. My mom would probably accept it but my dad I don't think in the slightest. When I just started watching the show I think that he walked into my room without knowing and he laughed walking out of the room. I'm pretty sure that he already forgot but I don't feel like trying my luck.

  • Adwipe - 10 years ago

    Other, I've told my friends and they were fine with it but I haven't told my parents I'm a brony. My mom would probably accept it but my dad I don't think in the slightest. When I just started watching the show I think that he walked into my room without knowing and he laughed walking out of the room. I'm pretty sure that he already forgot but I don't feel like trying my luck.

  • Ghost606 - 10 years ago

    I told my parents that I was a watching My Little Pony about 2 years ago, at first they were confused but when I told them about the Brony community and explained how many of people within it were artists and musicians like myself they were okay with it.

  • Jason5126 - 10 years ago

    My mom is really cool about it, my little cousin gives me crap about it from time to time. Though I would bet that's because shes a little jealous that I have more pony stuff than she does.

  • whoofian - 10 years ago

    I haven't told them, because to be honest, I'm slightly afraid of how they'd respond. I live in the Deep South, so... yeah. Doubt it would go over well.

  • Page Turner - 10 years ago

    Why do these 'Have you told your parents' polls never inclde an option for 'I've told one but not the other'? is that really such an uncommon situation?

  • TheAccidentalBrony - 10 years ago

    As with a few others that have commented, I'm a "middle-aged" brony. So my parents don't know; but that's fairly irrelevant. What's more relevant is that MY family (wife and kids) don't know either, though my kids have caught things a time or two and it's been...awkward.

  • Aaron - 10 years ago

    I'm new here, and from the UK. Bare with me a second as this might be a bit long. My parents seem OK with it but also find it a bit strange. I'm a completely blind fan, so I listen to a show's voice acting and soundtracks, and it turns out that mlp really resonated with me even though I've got no idea what the characters look like. Nice morals, really cool acting, and Daniel Ingram's songs really make the show worthwhile. The nice thing is I really like the soundtrack, and they're totally cool with that. I purchased the sogns from Ponyvill soundtrack on iTunes, and am hoping for a third soundtrack soon.
    As a side note... I don't really know the best way to take part in discussions on this site. Is there a forum of sorts or should I just comment on the various blog posts? I've got thoughts on various episodes, and also questions, yet the season is over and I don't really know where to post them because discussions have moved to fanfic and such, which is also cool as it's all in text, so I can still imagine the world! Of course, the draw friend stuff posts are a bit useless for me but that's OK, because there are many other things to enjoy, the music, the fanfic, the radio dramas, and of course, the official soundtracks, and the show itself.
    I think my favorite character is Rainbow Dash, possibly Applejack, but I say Pinky has best voice. Applejack for best singer. Rainbow Dash for best sound design. I also love the fact that the actors play multiple characters. I'd love to hear what they normally sound like/them switching to their voice roles.

  • BoomBoom - 10 years ago


    What are parents?

  • Cutie Honey - 10 years ago

    I am the parent.

  • richfiles - 10 years ago

    My mother is awesome. I actually got her into the show. Of course, she also has more hours of Final Fantasy 1-6 played than I do. She watches anime and scifi, and is a huge Doctor Who fan... She was an easy sell...

    My dad... I have never told him, and I don't plan to. I have no expectation of him understanding the concept. I'd like him to, but he is the type that is not gonna let it go if he can't accept it... So he doesn't get let in on it.

  • miniapplejack - 10 years ago

    I'm another of those "older" bronies, my parents passed 24 and 6 years ago respectively. Perhaps being raised in a military family, we were always taught to respect others regardless of their beliefs or way of life. I would like to think that my parents would have been OK with me still enjoying cartoons after all these years, and passing that love onto my children.

  • fluffy - 10 years ago


  • Railphotos - 10 years ago

    My parents know darn well i'm a brony. My mom always want's to buy me stuff and my dad actually went with me to BronyCon '13 and is going with me again this year. In fact he said he enjoyed the convention last year and looks forward to this years. My dad was worried at first though b/c he thought i'd get bullied at my school, but i proved him wrong when no one said anything negative and actually complimented me on my MLP lanyard (We have to ware ID badges at my school) and everything else.

  • Antares67 - 10 years ago

    I'm one of those rare middle aged bronies. Neither of my parents are around anymore but I think my mother would have been cool with me being a brony.. Dad on the other hand would have had a cow!

  • The Other Guy - 10 years ago

    I have black parents...I don't think that's a good idea.

  • ncfanboy1 - 10 years ago

    So far I only told my Mom.

  • Richard - 10 years ago

    As I write fanfiction, I had considered showing them my work occasionally, but when Red Eye (a show my father watches) did a quite negative segment on MLP(equestria girls), and my father started bad mouthing it without ever having seen it at all, I decided nope -- never bringing that one up. He is 68 years old anyway and I am 45 so there is just no good reason for me to do such.

  • lunaflaire - 10 years ago

    I use to keep it a secret, until I finally told my family they did not like it because the only knew about the inappropriate side of the fandom. When the Michael Morones thing came up, I told them and they began to accept the fandom and are actually taking me to Bronycon this year! :D

  • frederik - 10 years ago

    Well why should I? its a show of my interest and i dont see why i should walk up to them and announce that i watch cartoons ponies. It would not change the way my mother would think of me in any way, so why bother.

  • Beautiful Truth - 10 years ago

    They even love the show. My parents go as far as to entering the dark side of the brony fandom >~>

  • Kanrabat - 10 years ago

    Where is the option "Yes, I told them, but they don't give a single fawk"?

  • Qbe Root - 10 years ago

    My parents know (as does pretty much everybody: I have a Pinkie Pie charm on a bag I take everywhere I go). My dad isn’t really okay with it, he finds it ridiculous that there were pony-related cocktails at my 18th birthday party. My mom is fine with it, but she tends to assume that everything I do is about ponies… Still, I can sit next to either and start watching an episode or two on my laptop.

  • brandon - 10 years ago

    um no my parents dont know just yesterday morning i had faLL out equestria playing cuz i forgot to change it over to music and mom mom came in a told me that i was scaring her

  • Santana Chalais - 10 years ago

    my mother loved it she even made an oc and in our last alone time together she requested i put on her favorite episode ( last roundup) :)

  • Beatfox - 10 years ago

    I'm in my 30s and my parents are in their 60s - we live not too far from each other. I showed them an episode a few years ago and they didn't really take to it themselves, but they're fine with my interest in it and are amused by the existence of the brony fandom. The show and fandom still come up briefly every now and then in our keep-in-touch conversations when we meet up.

  • hugo - 10 years ago

    They don't give a damn and neither do I.

  • Billy Yes - 10 years ago

    I tried to keep it a secret at first, but my parents eventually found out. When they did, they were cool with it. My mom's favorite pony is Applejack

  • superMarioKingdom - 10 years ago

    Yes, my parents know I'm a brony and they are totally cool with it, but I still try to hide pony stuff from them anyways. I don't know why, but I feel guilty when my parents see me doing brony stuff.

  • Foxvolt - 10 years ago

    I'm a clopper, (going to just be blunt about that, appreciate leaving out the flaming for it, thanks;) and my mother actually figured it out when I lent her my phone to call a friend. Unlocked it, Bam, there it is.

    Insert 5 minutes of awkward explaining, and my new nickname of the house is PP (Pony P**n)

    >>>I do avidly watch the show. Despite the general consensus, not every clopper is in it for the... Shall we say, darker side of the fandom.

  • Gokudomatic - 10 years ago

    This poll lack some very common answers like "No, but I'm not trying to hide it".
    I tried once to tell my brother, who's kind of open-minded for tv stuff (he likes anime too), but he's stuck with the memory of 1st generation of mlp ( =lame and boring ). So I didn't bother to insist or to tell the others members of my family. We don't have to tell others we're bronies, you know?

  • SgtFrog - 10 years ago

    Told my father, he thought it was kinda weird. I managed to convince him it was fine once I showed him the copy of "My Little Sweetheart" I ordered.

  • HalflingPony - 10 years ago

    They were confused but totally fine with it. Then they managed to confuse *me* when they actually decided to join me on a road trip across three states to go see Equestria Girls.

  • Nesagi - 10 years ago

    Other - Parents don't care, my kids on the other hand...

  • Invader TAK - 10 years ago

    My mom and my stepfather both know and are fine with it. My biological father doesn't know since I hardly keep in contact with him but I doubt he'd have any problems with it.

  • Schmelle - 10 years ago

    Other, because I told my family and friends about it, and they reacted with strongly mixed feelings. My dad doesn't understand it and is ok with it as long as I don't bother him (which means no pony music in the car, sadly), my mom doesn't understand it but is ok with it since everyone has their own taste, and my sister doesn't understand it because she the show is too stereotype-directed towards young girls (pink and fluffy, as it is in its looks), and my friends either ignore it or also watch it. So I'm fine. xD

  • Kay-Ohhs! - 10 years ago

    Other. I do not know if they know, i do not make any form of effort to keep it quiet, but then i do not buy merch like a lot of people do... When the show is in season i watch it with the sound coming from the speakers for all the house to hear, my older sister popped her head in my room once, she was all. "What the hell are you watching MLP for o.O" After explaining how i had been lured in to see why others liked it, and ended up enjoying it myself, she didn't seem to give a damn. Haha, My friends on the other hand.... I am sure they would be a lot more vocal :P

  • DarkSword - 10 years ago

    I tend to hide my power level as i dont know how my parents feel about the show but i think they know as i blast mlp remixes and everyday and night when im not at work and ive told most of my friends and coworkers some think its weird i have converted 2 people to watch the show lol. Not to mention my oldest brother saw me at comic con wearing a brony shirt so i think he may know but who knows

  • Shutterfly - 10 years ago

    I just can't confess my likings with the show. I would feel a bit queesy inside if I were to straight up tell them about my interests in the show. The only person in my family that knows I am a brony is my little brother who is 14 while I am 19 going on 20...

    I dunno, I guess I don't want them to think that I am something that I am not. Luckily I am able to watch every episode straight on my tablet without any person concerned, I do sometimes watch some episodes on The Hub Network, but the commercials kinda get irritating.

  • Nettingman - 10 years ago

    Yeah, basicly the same as Kawalorn. :D

  • Nettingman - 10 years ago

    Actually, I never talked about it to my parents., My mom knows it, beacuse she saw me watching it, and I mentioned it to her, but she already knew that I'm watching all sort of things like anime and Adventure Time. I think my dad doesn't know it, but I'm sure he wouldn't have any problem with it either.

  • Kawalorn - 10 years ago

    Picked other cause they don't know but I don't bother to hide it, really. They did walk on me when I was watching some episodes with mym sister and didn't really mention it.

  • starlightsong96 - 10 years ago

    I picked other, because they know and they aren't just "fine with it"--they both love it too! :D

  • U_Flame - 10 years ago

    Not only does my mom know, she's a brony as well! I'm totally public about it.

  • rainbow blitz - 10 years ago

    my parents know but my dad is suck a dik about it he too k away my first mlp merch

  • Shadow Wind47 - 10 years ago

    I put other because my mom knows and she's completely fine with it, but my dad doesn't know. He has seen the merchandise in my room but because of all the other stuff in my room he hardly notices them. If he ever finds out i watch My Little Pony FIM i have a feeling their would be a long talk about it and or a complete freak out hard to say.

  • blahblub - 10 years ago

    Yes and they don't give a shit. Just how it should be

  • Lance Omikron - 10 years ago

    My parents are totally cool with me being a fan. I've shown them several episodes, but I don't think that they really see the appeal of the show.

    My mom has it the worst. She's an elementary school teacher, but every time I suggest that it'd be cool to show it to her class, she responds with "Hm, no, I don't like that show. All the characters ever do is argue."


  • dbfan4life - 10 years ago

    yep they know and probably a lot more people than my parents know. I live in belgium and we had a brony meet there. There was a reporter from a kinda big selling magazine (p-magazine) there. He took my interview and took some pictures and before I knew it I was on the cover of that magazine with mlp :p. I had mixed responses. Most were appreciative but of course there had to be haters. I shrugged those guys off xD

  • Bluelatios - 10 years ago

    Mine don't know and are light years from ever understanding the brony fandom, MLP, and how wonderful it is (or any pop culture fandom for that matter). This is coming from a Pokemon fan of over a decade, which they still see as a waste of time. I'm forced to remain a closet fan and its SO frustrating. I need to tell them because I NEED to make changes in my life and embrace my "nerdiness", make friends, etc., I just don't see how that will be possible :(

  • Awesomes - 10 years ago

    My parents are fellow bronies now :P

  • TP_Night - 10 years ago

    My mother knows, and is more than fine, she thinks the ponies are cute and even considered letting me make her an OC...

    My sister is a brony/pegasister (thanks to me, I converted her)

    My dad does NOT know, because I lost contact with him about a year ago, and became a brony AFTER that happened.

    All my friends know, and they all accept it. some of them like it, some of them are just "meh, whatever?",
    but nobody I know is against me being a brony.. :)

  • The Fish King - 10 years ago

    I guess I have to choose "Other." Much like Applejack, I am an orphan. So no, I haven't told my parents...

  • mewkayla - 10 years ago

    Actually, when I told my Mom and sister that I was watching My Little Pony, and that I thought it was pretty cool, they decided to give it a try. They are now both avid fans. Gotta love the support there!

  • Capitalspace - 10 years ago

    They're fine with it, although they find it a bit strange(mostly my dad, my mom is more ok with it, prob cuz I liked ponies when I was younger too, or just cuz its a girl thing)

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