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Who WIll Win the GOP Primary in NY22? (Poll Closed)


  • Drew - 10 years ago

    The fact that Ms. Tenney is an elected assembly woman in this district and a hard working small business owener, lawyer and single mother of a U.S.M.C. officer; her stellar reputation as the most conservative person in the New York assembly is reason enough to listen what she has to say. Mr. Hanna on the other hand wouldn't even give her the courtesy of a fair and open debate. What is worse than that ( to me ) is despite her professionalism and many offers he (Mr. Hanna) openly refused to debate. Instead he took the high road and didn't say even one word to defend her and relied on super PAC's to spend MILLIONS running a smear campaign fought with outright lies. This gentleman stood on the backs of this regions Tea Party Patriots, and the minute he was elected began spitting in their face. He only answers to his handlers and his MILLIONAIR friends. His record is out there, one only has to look at it and see he has nothing to stand on. Any man with character would have stood up by now against these lies saying that enough is enough. Let the chips fall where they may.

  • Jackie Stutmann - 10 years ago

    I think despite (and maybe because of!) all the negative campaigning against her, Mr. Hanna may get the surprise of his life tomorrow. i think the tide is in Claudia's favor because of the low approval of what Congress has been like in the last four years, which Mr. Hanna has been a part of.

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