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Should children entering the United States illegally be deported? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 76

  • snowyowl43 - 10 years ago

    Love, charity, kindness . . . Oh, where's the Christianity? Where's the LOVE? Where's the CHARITY? Where's the KINDNESS? Certainly not inside the Far Right Christian Republicans.

  • Wayne Mueller - 10 years ago

    We can not take care of the legal people we got here now come on what is this country trying to do if the government would only put there priorits in place not help out every country that do not want help from the US.

  • Caryl - 10 years ago

    We can't take care of all the foster children and hungry children we have now! BUT they could be allowed to come from violent countries IF they have gainfully employed family here that want to take them and will add them on their health insurance, not Medicaid.

  • Jenny - 10 years ago

    hmmmmm I read the question as "should children that run away from home be returned" the answer is YES!!

  • Michael Jirka - 10 years ago

    But you can't just push little kids back across the border without assuring they will be fed and given water. Mexico has enough trouble feeding its own. I'm not sure I want to be a part of that. Bush signed into law that we would NOT deport kids until we found a relative to take them. That seems prudent although they are now taking advantage of our good intentions.

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