Do you support the idea of unannounced school inspections?


  • Raymonda McNeil - 10 years ago

    'Unannounced school inspections' - Ofsted is deteriorating into a farce. The college in which I teach does not follow the Ofsted guidelines when doing internal 'Ofsted' inspections, they follow their own rules which is geared to the 'In Crowd' and the 'Out Crowd'. If you are 'In' you'll get a grade 1 or 2, if you are 'Out' it is a grade 3 or 4. simple as that.

    I believe the original intentions by Ofsted were based on sound investigation, but now it's like a party for the bad guys i.e. what trivial faults can be found. I witnessed a very hard-working, conscientious teacher in floods of tears after an internal investigation where she had previously always been on grade 1 or 2 but was now no longer part of the 'In crowd' and was given a grade 3. It does not make sense that you are regularly doing well, achieving what is asked for then all of a sudden you get worse ?!?

    Ofsted has continued to change the standards, again is this to encourage people to fail ?!?

    Ofsted are now a quango that need to take more responsibility for these inspections, internal as well as external, that appear to be getting worse.

    Instead of monitoring and testing teachers it would be better to have consistent, regular training only. This would be uplifting and something to look forward to, instead of wondering whether to give up teaching because Ofsted have got it wrong.

    NOTE: The word 'quango' means a quasi nongovernmental organisation; an organisation that is financed by the government yet acts independently of the government (Do you agree?)

  • Paul - 10 years ago

    Thanks Anand. I think your comment will have many supporters.

  • mehtamatics - 10 years ago

    Yes, but only by a competent organisation and, in the UK, I am not convinced that OFSTED is one. Incidentally, I am a governor at a three-time "Outstanding" school (chair during the last inspection), so this comment is not sour grapes!

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