For the next U2 tour, how would you feel about buying tickets from a ticket broker?


  • U2FANATIC - 16 years ago

    I have no problem using ticket brokers, in fact, I always use brokers so I can choose exactly where I get to sit. I paid over $1000 for a pair of AMAZING seats in Toronto last tour, and they were WORTH EVERY PENNY! Ticketmaster is ripping us all off with 'service charges' and 'convenience fees' and we all sit back and take it, so whats the big deal about brokers charging a premium for premium seats. SEE YOU ALL AT THE SHOW!

  • vhuskey - 16 years ago

    i will get tickets to see u2 live, in concert BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!

  • deena ostoich - 16 years ago

    for me I would use who ever...and whatever to see BONO(I myself call him god) 2006 ARGENtina Buenas Aries.....they are the most incredible people ever u see how and what they live on it made me feel like a pig AMERICANS have so much we are PIGS take take and take more we spend 200 a week on food and they live on 200 a MONTH didnt matter the age kids to 80 year old women love u2 and knew who and what they do for the world It forever changed me ....I will never forget u2 in ARGENTINA Im the luckiest girl in the world my boyfriend built the 3d cameras with his co I can remember the heat comming of the crowds of people singing and dancing and for me...... giving them bottles of fresh clean water and the look in their eyes when they drank it and shared with others PRICELESS never happen in AMERICA. or maybe on such a huge scale people respecting others and helping I think when u see u2 in that inviroment in a struggling country its powerful and emotionaly moving I cried so to me BONO is god and they belive and love everything about U2...... SO DO I ELEVATION ........Bullit the blue sky into the arms of AMERICA Its so true is it any easier on you ? since u have someone to blame? Im waiting for god to send down his angles.......well he has!!!!! only 4 so far that u can see and making changes so some day we might all coexist

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