What diets have you used in the past to lose weight?

1 Comment

  • Chelsea - 10 years ago

    Diets don't work because most are looking for a 'quick fix' and that's all you're going to get.
    Unless the lifestyle has changed, you're going to revert back to old eating habits because food is actually an addiction. It's used for emotions, celebrations, rewards, punishment - all sorts of things.
    I have been on diets since I was 10 (by the doctor because I was 20 lbs too heavy for my age). Since the doctor said it was okay, I have cycled through most diets - some by choice, others forced upon me. I can't make a decision about a meal because I'm so conflicted that I usually just skip the meal until I am so hungry that I just grab whatever is closest.... not the best thing, but better than being anorexic (which I was for almost a decade).
    The buddy-system is the best way for any change because you have someone going through it with you, not a skinny know-it-all telling you what you should/shouldn't do, but someone who is also struggling.
    Exercise is the most difficult - things at rest stay at rest, things in motion stay in motion.... but it's difficult to get the thing at rest (me) back into being the thing in motion (the old me).

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