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What do you think about Halloween? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 87

  • Jim Smith - 10 years ago

    Fire Eyes, your hypothesis about Passover Sunday being when Easter is scheduled is totally false. For instance . . . in 2008 Easter was on March 23rd and Passover was on April 20th. You are making things up to fit your ideas. Get the facts not what your minister tells you.

  • Jim Smith - 10 years ago

    Fire Eyes, The fact is that Ostara was a holiday long before the Jews came along. The Bible is the only book that records Jesus' life. All the rest are based on the Bible or, like the Bible, are fiction. No one can prove that Jesus ever lived, most probably his history is a combination of several men.

    Jesus was never a Christian. He was born a Jew, lived all his life as a Jew, then died a Jew. Christianity is an invention of Paul. All Jesus, as a group, was trying to do was reform the Jews, especially the Rabbis, of their time.

  • Fire Eyes - 10 years ago

    Jim, the timing of Easter is tied to the Jewish Passover because Jesus was the sacrifice on the cross, once for all. He was crucified on the Passover sabbath. Therefore, His sacrifice is remembered throughout Christianity at that time. Yes, the name has a pagan origin, thanks to the fallen church at Rome who mixed in paganism to get people into the church. The TIMING of the remembrance has nothing to do with paganism at all.

    As to most other "holidays", yes, they have pagan origins including timing and names. If you want to know the true history of each, I recommend Alexander Hislop's, "Two Bablylons." All of them stem from Nimrod's reign and his apostasies.

    Do I participate in them, no. Do I remember the death of the Christ who died for us, yes. His death on the cross and Resurrection from the grave are why He came and He commanded remembrance of that sacrifice. What the name is is not the issue; the remembrance is!

    Your interpretation of the roots of Christianity are blasphemy. Even secular history records His life. There is more empirical evidence He came, is who He claimed to be, and did what the Bible records than for most of the rest of the history of the ancient word. It takes more faith to reject the truths of Scripture than to accept them because if I'm wrong, I'll never know it. BUT, when you find out you're wrong, and I pray it's before you die, you will have quintillions of quintillions of quintillions of years to know it.

  • David - 10 years ago

    Cancel these holidays? Historical facts and logic are not used be Christians. Fact is, all these holidays are money-makers for industry and churches.

  • David - 10 years ago

    Cancel these holidays? Historical facts and logic are not used be Christians. Fact is, all these holidays are money-makers for industry and churches.

  • Jim Smith - 10 years ago

    But don't you know . . . all the Christian Holy Days were stolen from the Pagans. Take Easter, it is coming up soon. Ever notice that it is a different day every year? They way to figure Easter is that it is the First Sunday after the first full moon after the Vernal Equinox. That is the way Christians determine Easter. That is also the way the People of Ancient Wisdom determined one of their fertility Holy Days. The only way the Christians could convert the Pagans was to have their Holy Days incorporated into Christianity. Pagan Gods of various crops became Christian Saints of various jobs. Pagans had powerful women so Christianity developed Mary mother of Jesus. Ostara became Easter, Imbolc became Groundhog Day, Beltane became May Day, Samhain became All Hallow's Eve (Halloween), Yule became Christmas. So, if you want to cancel Halloween you must cancel Christmas, too. Why else do you think they confuse Yule for Christmas?

  • Andrea - 10 years ago

    Who comes up with these questions? Really?

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