Dumping Larry Wachs


  • Tina kelly - 9 years ago

    Why could you not have left the regular guys alone what you have on now boring listen for 10 mins. Eric and Larry were the bomb. No longer do I listen to this rAdio show. Was a listener for over 10 years

  • David of Newnan - 9 years ago

    I no longer listen to the show anymore now that the regular guys are gone. They gone I'm gone C-YA

  • James Howell - 9 years ago

    Glad Larry is gone!!!! His mind numbing drivel was too much. No matter what came up, a news story, a skit, etc. Larry had to waste 2-3 minutes giving his idiotic interpretation, sharing his little girlish thoughts and feelings. If he was trying to be funny, he failed, if he was being serious, he's a moron. A good example was the skit Red Flags with Southside Steve where people called in for relationship advice. No matter who called in about whatever issue, Larry always gave his moronic advice over Steve's (even though it was FOR Steve to give the advice because he's the expert), which is probably why the cancelled the skit because people stopped calling.

    Since Eric Von Haessler left, the show has been a rudder-less boat. When Eric was there, he was always pushing the show in the forward direction due to Larry's constant getting off on one of his tangents. I could stand Larry if Eric was there because he was the only one who challenged Larry. Further, since Eric has left they focus more on entertainment news. Seriously!?!? If I want to hear this crap I'd tune into the Bert Show. Lastly, since Eric left, they've stopped doing homeless karaoke, someone's getting shot, and some of my other favorites.


  • Ben the Bunny Man - 9 years ago

    About time. I loved the show when it was Larry and Eric but when they canned Eric that left Larry without a counter balance so it just became all Larry, all the time.
    Besides, the whole spelling his last name schtick got old real fast and if he thought that was good branding that just proves he has no clue. Any guests that weren't regulars or local never knew what his deal was and that Peeteetong phrase also baffled them.
    Still love Tim, Steve and Sebas though so good luck to them. Now maybe we can hear a segment without Larry interjecting his innane comments.

  • Bub - 9 years ago

    KARMA Baby! Thats All You Can Say!! KARMA

  • KayDee - 9 years ago

    I stopped listening after they got rid of Eric. Tim Andrews is awesome but doesn't get enough air time. I don't understand how Brandi has a job there at all. Who is she sleeping with?

  • chad G - 9 years ago

    Bad move! Its hard to listen to someone that's scrabbling to find something funny to say. Larry is a natural..... This guy sux and is far from the talent that comes from Wachs..

  • Dorene - 9 years ago

    I'm glad Larry is gone. He just took over the show and never shut up. It really got worse when Eric left. It was hard to listen too so I didn't. SS Steve didn't have much to contribute either (does not come off as the brightest bulb in the lamp), but at least he could be funny. Larry was just obnoxious after awhile. While I agreed with many of things he said, it always came out high-handed.

  • steve - 9 years ago

    Great move!! I might have to come back now, he was the reason I left. That and the hole Eric thing was the too much.

  • Mark Davis - 9 years ago

    Larry had become almost an insufferable prick. The whole "Larry W-a-c-h-s" was really getting very o-l-d and I found myself turning the station after about 5 minutes of his ego. The show dropped about 100 notches when Von Haessler left the show.

  • joe roe - 9 years ago

    Loved Eric, loved Larry. Everyone else is solid, but Rickman is The Reason I listen very little anymore, if at all.

  • David Calhoun - 9 years ago

    Yes, unfortunately, when you work in the radio business like I did, you rarely know when it's your last day. But in the case of TRG and Rock 100.5, you could see that SOMETHING was going to happen. Something HAD to happen. Larry just tends to handle people the wrong way. Another change that NEEDS to take place is getting rid of Sebas doing news (or whatever they are calling it). He's OK doing his man-on-the-street interviews, but his voice doing the news is intolerable. It is so very hard to listen to. Whenever I'm in the car and his voice comes on, I have to change the station. If they need someone with a real news-reading voice-- I'm available.
    Good luck to everyone involved. Brandi-- try to be more than a giggle in the background. SS Steve-- I hope that you keep a paycheck somewhere. You have that trophy bride to support. Sebas-- You suck. Tim-- Your talent is immense. And Larry-- Just stop being a dickhead to people.

  • jerry lewis - 9 years ago

    Karma came back to bite him in the butt

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